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Антонов О И Английский язык для бизнесменов.doc
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Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Use the structure of the model to respond the following sentences.

Model: Is it basically a Japanese corporation? (Yes) It's basically a Japanese corporation, isn't it? Is the overseas branch open? (No) The overseas branch isn't open, is it?

1. Are many businessmen piling up capital surpluses? (Yes)

2. Is USSR the part of the Common Market? (No)

3. Is the New York bank accepting Russian roubles? (No)

4. Is Britain one of the Common Market countries? (No)

5. Is the company starting a branch in China? (Yes)

6. Is internationalism a modern trend?, (Yes)

7. Is the subject .clear? (No) .

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model

Model: Why would you sell automobiles to a company in Japan?

(Tell me, please)

Tell me, please, why you would sell automobiles to a company in Japan.


6. Чистая прибыль от продажи этого товара будет очень высокой.

7. Нам необходимо накопить капитал для реконструкции производства.

8. Британская сторона отвечает за пересылку.



Lesson 1. Types of Proprietorship. 3

Lesson 2. Partnerships 10

Lesson 3. Corporations 17

Lesson 4. The functions of Executive 24

Lesson 5. Line and Staff Positions 32

Lesson 6. Accounting 39

Lesson 7. Corporate Finance. 45

Lesson 8. Banks and Business. 52

Lesson 9. Product Development and Planning 58

Lesson 10.Marketing. 6З

Lesson 11. Wholesaling. 69

Lesson 12.Retailing. 75

Lesson 13.Pricing. 81

Lesson 14. Computers. 88

Lesson 15. International Business. 94

Active vocabulary. 100