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Desktop Publishing vs. Graphic Design

Graphic design and desktop publishing share so many similarities that people often use the terms interchangeably. There's not really anything terribly wrong with that but it is helpful to know and understand how they differ and how some people use and confuse the terms. Graphic design jobs involve the creative process of coming up with the concepts and ideas and arrangements for visually communicating a specific message. Desktop publishing is the mechanical process that the designer and the non-designer use to turn their ideas for newsletters, brochures, ads, posters, greeting cards, and other projects into digital files for desktop or commercial printing. While desktop publishing does require a certain amount of creativity, it is more production-oriented than design-oriented.

Graphic designers use desktop publishing software and techniques to create the print materials they envision. The computer and desktop publishing software also aids in the creative process by allowing the designer to easily try out various page layouts, fonts, colors, and other elements.

Non-designers also use desktop publishing software and techniques to create print projects for business or pleasure. The amount of creative design that goes into these projects varies greatly. The computer and desktop publishing software, along with professionally-designed templates, allow consumers to construct and print the same type of projects as graphic designers although the overall product may not be as well-thought out, carefully crafted, or polished as the work of a professional designer.

Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Desktop publishing is the process of using the computer and specific types of software to combine text and graphics to produce documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, etc.

Graphic design and desktop publishing are often used interchangeably but, in part because it is an activity also used by non-designers, desktop publishing is often considered a lesser activity than graphic design. In truth, the two are separate but interrelated disciplines. Not everyone who does desktop publishing does graphic design, but most graphic designers are involved in desktop publishing - the production side of design. The term desktop publisher can refer to a designer or a non-designer but it often carries negative connotations of an amateur.

Some graphic designers are quite vocal about their distaste for desktop publishing, which is somewhat amusing since much of what they do does involve desktop publishing. What they are really upset about is not desktop publishing itself - it's an invaluable part of the entire graphic design process - but rather the misuse (real or perceived) of desktop publishing software by non-designers.

a) File Preparation Phase: after the document looks the way the desktop publisher wants it to look, it's time to make sure that it will print the way it is supposed to print. This phase is also known as the prepress phase. Prepress or file preparation may include some or all of these tasks: proofing, font embedding, trapping, color specs verification, imposition, packaging of digital file.

b) Text Phase: the text can take many forms. It may be supplied to the desktop publisher by a client or supervisor or the desktop publisher may create their own text. Text can be created in a word processor or directly in the desktop publishing application. Text-related tasks of desktop publishing fall into two categories:

  • Text acquisition: text acquisition is the method by which text is created (such as typing in a word processor) and imported into a desktop publishing application.

  • Text composition: text composition consists of many individual tasks regarding where and how text is arranged on the page and how the text is formatted, including spacing, hyphenation, and type styles. Composing type is one of the most involved steps in learning how to do desktop publishing.

c) Design Phase: prior to the actual creation of the document is the design phase. This is an on-going process but initially it involves determining the basic form of the document. The design phase of desktop publishing can involve: document format decisions, conceptualization, color selection, font selection, image selection.

d) Printing & Finishing Phase: after the document is designed and the file prepared for printing, the last step in desktop publishing is the actual printing, along with any finishing touches required. These tasks could be part of the printing and finishing phase: printing to desktop printer or delivery of digital file to service bureau or printer, finishing (varnish, trim, fold...), distribution of finished document.

e) Document Setup Phase: this is where the desktop publishing really begins. Document setup tasks could include: template selection, page size and margins setup, columns or grid setup, master pages setup, color palette customization, paragraph styles setup.

f) Images Phase: image selection and preparation may occur at any point during document creation. Working with images in desktop publishing can involve: image acquisition - may be traditional photography, digital photography, scanning, creation of original illustrations, and manipulation of images in graphics software; image creation & editing; image conversion; image placement - refers to the method of bringing images into a desktop publishing application.

Task 3. Complete the table with the information from the text.



Desktop publishing

Graphic design

Task 4. Correct the statements.

1. Modern systems, which simulate many of the functions of professional text-editing systems, consist of a personal computer and a scanner.

2. Typographical characteristics give you more control over desktop publishing applications and provide more support for monochrome output.

3. Desktop publishing systems don’t enable to see on the display screen exactly how the document will appear when printed.

4. Desktop publishing involves the creative process of coming up with the concepts and ideas and arrangements for virtually communicating a specific message.

5. The text phase may include some or all of these tasks: proofing, font embedding, trapping, etc.

6. The design phase initially involves delivery of digital file to service bureau or printer.

7. Graphic design and desktop publishing have no similarities and people never use the terms interchangeably.

8. The computer and desktop publishing software prevent the designer from trying out various page layouts, fonts, colors, and other elements.

Task 4. Match words to make phrases.

desktop printing

template embedding

digital customization

laser publishing system

to format processor

color palette selection

offset design

font text

word photography

graphic printer

Task 5. Answer the questions.

1. What is desktop publishing used for?

2. Why was desktop publishing impractical?

3. What are the stages of desktop publishing?

4. What tasks does each stage involve?

5. What is the difference between desktop publishing and graphic design?

Використана література


Професійно-орієнтовані тексти з екстенсивного читання

з навчальної дисципліни «Англійська мова»

для студентів ІІ курсу напрямів підготовки

«Комп’ютерні науки» та «Видавничо-поліграфічна справа»

усіх форм навчання

Укладач: Уразова Світлана Вікторівна

Відповідальний за випуск: Борова Т.А.



План 2009 р. Поз. №

Підп. до друку Формат 60 × 90 1/16. Папір MultiCopy. Друк Riso.

Ум. -друк. арк. 1,5. Обл. -вид. арк. 1,5. Тираж 100 прим. Зам. № .

Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реєстру суб’єктів видавничої справи

Дк №481 від 13.06.2001 р.


Видавець і виготівник – видавництво ХНЕУ, 61001, м. Харків, пр. Леніна, 9а

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