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22 Phonetic & graphical expressive means.

Expressive means and stylistic devices.

There are 3 main styles of speech: neutral, colloquial, literary. They possess certain layers of the voc. Un the act of communication people may employ them to express their thoughts: ▲ Neutral – My father went away. Colloquial – My dad go out. Literary – My beloved parent retired. In linguistics different terms used to denote particular means of foregrounding of utterances were accepted: expressive of stylistic means, stylistic devices, stylistic markers, tropes, figures of speech. All of them are set against neutral once, because they carry some additional information. Purpose: logical and emotional intensification of the utterance (emotional coloring). Phonetic expressive means refer pitch of the voice, stress, melody, intonation, and manner of speech (most powerful as the human voice can indicate a lot of nuances). Morphological: derogatory (-er) and diminutive (-y) suffixes. ▲ Gangster. Syntactical: inversion, broken sentences, elliptical. Lexical: slang, vulgarisms, poetic words.

Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance).

A phoneme has a strong associative and sound-instrumenting power. Due to its articulatory and acoustic properties certain ideas, feelings, images are awaken. It’s vivid in poetry. Onomatopoeia (sound imitation) is a combination of speech sounds which imitate sounds produced in nature (wind) by things (tools), by people (laughing), by animals (barking). ▲ plink, plink, fizz.

Direct onomatopoeia: words which imitate natural sounds. ▲ buzz. Indirect: combination of sounds which makes the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense. ▲ Камыши шуршат в тиши. Alliteration: repetition of similar consonant sounds in close succession. ▲ Functional, fashionable, formidable. Assonance: repetition of similar vowel sounds, usually in stressed syllables. ▲ Grace, space,pace.

Phonetic expressive means and stylistic devices (euphony, rhyme, rhythm).

A phoneme has a strong associative and sound-instrumenting power. Due to its articulatory and acoustic properties certain ideas, feelings, images are awaken. It’s vivid in poetry. Euphony: produced by alliteration or assonance. Sense of ease and comfort in producing or hearing. ▲ Favors unused are favors abused. Euphony is created by the assonance of the vowels [ei, u:] and alliteration [zd] frequent in proverbs. Rhyme: repetition of identical or similar terminal sounds or sound combinations in words. ▲ One, two, three, four, five. I caught a fish alive. Assonance of vowel [ai]. Rhythm: complex unit defined as a regular recurrence of stressed and unstressed syllables (strong and weak elements) which determine the meter in poetry or the measured flow of words in prose.

▲ One, two, three, four. Mary at the cottage door.

Graphical expressive means and stylistic devices (marks of punctuation, kinds of type).

They include the use of punctuation, graphical arrangement of phrases, violation of type and spelling. Marks of punctuation: hyphen, dash, comma, period (full-stop), colon, semicolon, exclamation, interrogation, series of dots. They are used not only for the division of speech into its logical parts, but also for emphatic purposes which suggest a definite semantic interpretation of the utterance. ▲ Казнить, нельзя, помиловать. Another group of graphical means is based on the violation of type: italics, bold type, capitalization. Not only words but separate syllables, morphemes may be emphasized by italics (курсив). Spaced type is also included into this group of graphical means though it is not so frequent as italics. ▲ N o w! spaced letters are used for…

Graphical expressive means and stylistic devices (graphon, its stylistic function).

Graphical expressive means include the use of punctuation, graphical arrangement of phrases, violation of type and spelling. Graphon: the intentional violation of the generally accepted spelling used to reflect peculiarities of pronunciation or emotional state of the speaker. Types of graphon: multiplication, hyphenation, capitalization, apostrophe. Functions: - to give the reader an idea about smth (level of education, emotional state, origin). – to attract attention. – to make smb memorize it. – to show smth, explain. Graphical means are popular with advertisers. They individualize speech of the character or advertising slogan. ▲ A better stain getter.▲ How do you spell relief? R-O-L-I-P-S – to make reader / listener to remember it.

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