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From the Cradle to the Grave.doc
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XX. Suggest a picture to illustrate the story. Do not draw the picture but say in 25-30 words what should be in it.

Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat

by Roald Dahl

I. Expressions under study:мало

without a hitch to take a peek

to be flabbergasted coyly

fatuous deceitful

clean-living spouse

cunning to console

out of the blue to encumber

magnanimously finicky

II. Study the words and word combinations above mentioned. Use them in the situations from the story. Make up sentences of your own to illustrate their usage.

III. Give corresponding words or word combinations from the active vocabulary:

too concerned with unimportant details and small things that you like or dislike;

telling lies;

to make it difficult for someone to move easily or for something to happen in the usual way;

to make someone feel better when they are feeling sad or disappointed;

a husband or wife;

kindly and generously;


pretending to be shy; adj adv

extremely surprised or shocked; to be?

without problems that delay something for a short time;

to have a look at something, especially something that you are not supposed to see;

very silly or stupid;

good at deceiving people; able to get what you want in a clever way, esp. by tricking or cheating sb

living in a manner above moral reproach, esp., obtaining abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse and excessive drunkenness.

IV. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

  1. Никто не мог ее утешить лучше, чем ее верный супруг.

  1. Я бы не назвала ее целомудренной. Она скорее хитрая.

  2. Несмотря на его глупые комментарии все прошло гладко.

  3. Я был очень удивлен тем, что она его великодушно простила.

  4. Мне было слишком тяжело бежать с чемоданами.

  5. Она улыбнулась ему застенчиво.

V. Find the English equivalents of:

доходный мучать

затягивать широко раскрытые глаза

преждевременный пряжка

распутный выкупать

союз запястье

козни, плутни снять телефонную трубку

рогоносец протез

восхитительный высокое давление

чувственный снять крышку

блоха помощь, обслуживание

одуванчик хитрый, коварный, лукавый

пломба суетиться

запонки аккуратно сложить газету

упасть в обморок поправить галстук

вечный хлопнуть дверью

полюбуйся! сморщенный

шуршать глазницы

отказать в удовольствии место работы

сделать глубокий вдох и задержать дыхание

VI. Match the following:

tissue flowers

parting generations

bony jaw

self-fertilizing countenance

lucrative beaker

satisfactory gift

succeeding rewards

prognathous paper

calibrated process

VII. Transcribe the following words and pronounce them:

subtle, rear, fascinating, prognathous, masquerade, manouevre, bicuspid, alliance, beads, voluptuous, vermouth, caricature, mangy.

VIII. In the text find the words that have the following meanings:

to increase the value of something that you have, especially your abilities, previous success, or money, by using all your opportunities well;

to make someone decide not to do something or continue doing something, especially by making them understand all the difficulties;

the belief that something that you want to happen is happening or will happen, although this is actually not true or very unlikely;

to move suddenly forwards in order to attack or catch something;

having no money;

very excited or upset about something;

without a clear outline, not clear;

a very slight smell of something.

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