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English для юристов. Гончар

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6.assumption of obligations

7.to authorize

8.to be impartial

4.PREPOSITIONS. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (into, on, of, for, to).

1.What is the party entitled…if the other fails to keep the promise?

2.In precommercial societies there was an economy based … barter.

3.In primitive societies they pawned an individual … «debt slavery».

4.What was the claim … payment based on in primitive societies?

5.What does modern commercial practice rely …?

6.There are several reasons … the growing use of arbitration.

7.What are the advantages … arbitration?


5.Match the verbal combinations with the word ‘contract’ with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1)to sign a contract

2)to conclude a contract

3)to draw up a contract

4)to execute (to perform) a contract

5)to break a contract

6)to cancel a contract

a) порушувати контракт б) виконувати контракт в) складати контракт г) підписувати контракт

ґ) заключати контракт д) розривати контракт

6. Substitute the active vocabulary of the lesson for the italicized parts:

1.Early societies worked with notions of property rather than of promise.

2.The making of a contract requires the mutual agreement.

3.If a contract is broken, compensation is to be paid to the suffered party.

4.All problems connected with damaging the property were handled through property law.

5.The proceedings are private that is convenient.


Module 9. Unit 3

7.Explain the difference in meanings of the following words in pairs below. Point out the parts of speech of the words; make up your own sentences with them.

1.commitment and obligation

2.to handle disputes and to settle disputes

3.to pledge and to pawn

4.to guard and to secure

5.agreement and treaty

6.wages and salary

7.process and procedure

8.to authorize and to entrust

8.Find all ing forms in the text above, translate the sentences into Ukrainian and define Prticiples I and Gerunds. State their functions in the sentences.

Post reading tasks

1.Write down the plan for this text in the form of questions. Ask your partners to answer them.

2.There are many types of legal contracts which create a legal rela tionship between individuals and between companies and individuals. Look at the following types and link each to its description.

1. Contract of employment

a. This contract comes into


existence as soon as a job offer, oral


or written, is accepted.

2. Shareholders agreement

b. This agreement is used where


one party buys goods from the


manufacture and re5cells them on


his own account.

3. Consultancy agreement

c. This agreement sets out the terms


and conditions on which a business


supplies goods.



4. Distribution agreement

d. This agreement is used where


one party grants to another the


right to run a business in the name


of the first party. Examples include


Body Shop and McDonalds.

5. Franchise agreement

e. This agreement is used where one


party provides services as an


independent advisor to a company.

6.Manufacturing licence agreement

7.Terms and conditions of sale agreement

f.This is intended to govern the relationship between a number of shareholders in a company.

g.This agreement should be used where one party (the licensor) owns intellectual property rights in respect of a product it has developed and wishes to license the manufacture to a third party.

3.Legal English is marked by the more formal use of shall in legal documents. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of shall or will, and rewrite each sentence in a simpler style.

1.The Company … promptly destroy all materials if so requested.

2.What do you think he … say when he hears the news?

3.The Company … not make any reference to the materials without the permission of the firm.

4.Nothing in this document … be considered as granting any rights to the Company.

5.‘Confidential information’ … means all information disclosed.

4.Have you ever seen a marriage contract or a contract of employment? Who signs them and what happens if the contracts are broken? Try to draw up a simple, clear and easy to understand contract.


Module 9. Unit 3


If you have ever deal with contracts, you notice such navigation w ords as hereby, hereinafter, therefore, hereto, herewith, hereof. Use an appropriate word to complete each sentence. Try to explain the meaning of these words. The first is done for you:

1.Now it is hereby agreed… (meaning: by means of this document).

2.The two firms, Black and White, … referred to as the Holder and the Receiver, agree the following.

3.I … promise that I will not release any further details about the matter.

4.Please find … three more pages that belong to the brief.

5.Please study the list of prices attached … and reply immediately to my clerk.

6.This is an urgent matter and … I ask you to sign and return these papers as soon as possible.

7.The first installment is becoming due one month from the date hereof.


Module 10 Unit 1

Text: The Notary

Vocabulary in use

Pre reading tasks

1.1. What legal documents provide the range of duties and powers of the Notary in Ukraine? Have you read them?

2. Have you ever gone to the notary? When and what reason?

2.Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:


notarial seal


користувач права


ecclesiastical offices


правова визначеність


law user


завірений документ




належним чином


to be admissible


автентичність, достовірність


in a proper manner


печатка нотаріуса


certified deed


бути допустимим


legal certainty


церковний посадовець

Reading tasks

1.Read the text to understand what information is of primary importa nce of new for you.


The notary is a public official who by state delegation attributes public certification to the documents (contracts, deeds, etc.) he draws up by an appropriate certificate with a notarial seal. These documents are admissible without further proof of their authenticity. In order to allow him independence, the notary has recognised professional status in the way he performs his functions.


Module 10. Unit 1

In Roman law the notarius was originally a slave or freedman who took notes of judicial proceedings. The work of the modern notary, however, corresponds more to that of the Roman tabularius, who took and preserved evidence. In medieval times the notary was an ecclesiastical officer who preserved evidence, but his duties were mainly secular.

In the United States, qualifications for the position vary little from state to state, and, in general, a notary must be a citizen of legal age and a r5 esident of the area in which he desires appointment. The jurisdiction of the notary’s office is limited to the state or, in some states, only the county in which he resides. In countries such as France and Italy, however, and in the Canadian province of Quebec, which follow the civil5law tradition, there are educational requirements for notaries similar to those for lawyers.

In the civil5law countries of western Europe, and in Latin American and French areas of North America, the office of notary is a much more important position than in the United States and England. The civil5law notary may be roughly described as a lawyer who specializes in the law relating to real estate, sales, mortgages, and the settlement of estates but who is not allowed to appear in court. Documents prepared by him or authenticated in the proper manner are, in these countries, admissible in court without further proof of their authen5 ticity; the notary guarantees the identity of the parties.

The services offered by a notary, whether in the form of advice, which is provided to the parties in an impartial but active manner, or of a certified deed, gives the Law user the legal certainty he seeks. Such legal certainty is ensured by two conditions: on the one hand, notaries are required to have the high educational qualifications which are similar to those required for lawyers (since access to the profession is allowed only after special training), and on the other, the strict disciplinary rules they are subject to in the exercise of their functions.

The notary is qualified as a public official because the Sate delegates to him the powers of public certification, so the documents drawn up by a notary are considered to be authentic, which means that the deed or contract is valid.

The notary draws up a document after hearing the will of the parties, he adjusts such will to the legal system through his advice and at the same time he exercises control to ensure it is licit by virtue of the powers c5 onferred upon him by the State. The notary is the author of the document and therefore he is responsible for its consistency with the law.

Consulting services are provided to private individuals in an active, personalised an unbiased manner. The duty of being unbiased compels the



notary to inform and provide special assistance to both parties and in p5 articular to the party which were to be in a condition of inferiority with respect to the other in order to reach the necessary balance that will make sure that the contract is entered into in conditions of equality.

The notary as a public official, exercises his functions within a prof5 essional setting and within the field of private law where there is no conflict, i.e. only in the sphere of private legal relationships that are established, mo5 dified or terminated without disagreement between the parties.

In summary, the function of a notary is preventive in nature, and is thus opposed to the function of a judge, in that the notary has the role of reducing the risk of litigation; a notary provides legal support to the agreements between citizens; thus he protects the legitimate interests of the users of law.




2. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1.What is a notary?

2.How do notary’s responsibilities vary?

3.What countries is the office of notary more important than in England? Why?

4.Is there any differences in duties and responsibilities of notaries from different countries?

5.How can the civil5law notary roughly described?

6.What kind of documents does the notary deal with?

7.What kind of advice can the notary provide?

8.What is the notary responsible for as a public official?

3.WORD STUDY. Find in the text the words that correspond to the following definitions:

(There are several definitions of the legal terms used in the text. Read and translate each of them and guess the term)

written documents that explain each side’s case and tell why the country should decide in its favour;

an interest in property created as a form of security for loan or payment of a debt and terminated on payment of the loan or debt;


Module 10. Unit 1

a lawyer or legal practitioner who attests or certifies deeds and other documents or protests dishonored bills of exchange.;

a document by which a person appoints executors to administer his estate after his death, and directs the manager in which it is to be distributed to the beneficiaries;

a written document that is signed, sealed and delivered; if it is a contractual document, it is referred to as a contract under seal.;

a contract involving the sale of goods or a similar contract of transfer;

a gratuitous transfer or grant of property. A legally valid gift must normally be effected by deed, by physical delivery in the case of chatteles.

4.PREPOSITIONS. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (in, of, with, for, to, up, from):

Note! Pay attention to the differences between «adverbial particles»

and «prepositions».

1.Mens rea, the certain state of mind, varies … crime to crime; they may be recklessness, negligence, intention to bring about a par5 ticular consequence.

2.Which field of law does your brother specialize …?

3.Liability is responsibility … one’s actions together with an obli5 gation to repair any injury caused.

4.What are his requirements … you?

5.Bribery and corruption are offences relating … the improper influencing of people in certain position of trust.

6.Notary is a legal practitioner who draws … legal documents, attests deeds, etc.

7.The room became dark and the thief’s eyes a moment adjust … the situation because he had to look … his knife quickly and then escape.

8.Examples include the immunity of members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords from proceedings … respect …words spoken in debate.


5.WORD FAMILIES. Give the chain of derivatives for the words below: Example: effect5effective5effectiveness5ineffectiveness;

to certify, to require, office, mortgage, authentic, bias, to agree, to reside



6. Match the verbs in column A with the nouns in column B.



to authenticate


to draw up

legal advice

to attest

legal assistance

to give


to provide


to certify


to verify

judicial proceeding

to adjust (to smth.)


to take notes of


to exercise


7.Match the following synonyms and try to guess the differences in their meanings. Compose your sentences to illustrate the usage of these words.


Synonym from the text



to verify


by means of



to authenticate



to perform

by virtue of

to attest

judicial proceeding






to certify


to exercise



8.Study the following text containing the following «connectors» — words (suggested phrases: «therefore, in general, however, on the one/other hand, in summary, thus, i.e., etc»). Copy and complete the table, illustrating with your own examples. If difficult you may complete the table in your native language and then give an example.






Module 10. Unit 1








Your example



In what part of the






1. Therefore

For that reason,

To give a logical
















Post reading tasks


1.A. Read and translate Article 41 of the Ukrainian Constitution:

Everyone has the right to own, use and dispose of his or her property, and the results of his or her intellectual and creative activity.

The right of private property is acquired by the procedure determined by law.

In order to satisfy their needs, citizens may use the objects of the right of state and communal property in accordance with the law.

No one shall be unlawfully deprived of the right of property. The right of private property is inviolable.

The expropriation of objects of the right of private property may be applied only as an exception for reasons of social necessity, on the grounds of and by the procedure established by law, and on the condition of advance and complete compensation of their value. The expropriation of such objects with subsequent complete compensation of their value is permitted only under conditions of martial law or a state of emergency.

B. Translate the sentence; be sure that you know the words in italics:

1.Найбільш поширеними способами набуття власності є ку* півля, отримання в дар (дарування), у спадок за заповітом (право спадкування) та ін.


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