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fall into the same category and are, in fact, often difficult to distinguish from customs.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, international conferences have played an important part in the development of the international system and the law.

At the end of World War I the League of Nations was established by the covenant signed in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles. Pursuant to provisions in this covenant, the permanent Court of Inte5 rnational Justice was established in 1921. The League of Nations was created as a permanent organization of independent states for the purpose of maintaining peace and preventing war. During its existence 63 countries were members of the League at one time or another.

The League of Nations was the forerunner of the United Nations. The UN began its life with a membership of 50 nations. There are 191 Member States in the UN now. The aims and purposes of the orga5 nization encompass the maintenance of peace and security and the suppression of acts of aggression.

International law regulates intercourse among nations in peacetime and provides methods for the settlement of disputes by means other than war. Apart from procedures made available by the UN, these methods include direct negotiation between disputants under the established rules of diplomacy, the rendering of good offices by a disinterested third party, and recourse to the Internati5 onal Court of Justice. Other peacetime aspects of international law involve the treatment of foreigners and of foreign investments; the acquisition and loss of citizenship; and status of stateless persons; the extradition of fugitives; and the privileges and duties of diplomatic personnel.




2. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1.What does international law contain?

2.What were the first rules and treaties developed in early human history?


Module 10. Unit 3

3.What problems did first international law concern?

4.What is ‘jus gentium’ developed by the Romans?

5.What are the three main sources that international law stems from?

6.How were first modern international treaties restricted?

7.When was the Court of International Justice established? What is its function?

8.What do the aspects of international law involve?

3. Continue the list of the words that are close in meaning:

Treaty, convention, …

Law, rule, regulation, …

Warfare, war, …

Tribunal, court, …

4.PREPOSITIONS. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (for, in, from, to).

1.When does the need … principles and rules of conduct between states arise?

2.The Romans developed the idea of treatment aliens subject … Roman rule.

3.It is within the will of each state to participate … negotiations.

4.At first, treaties were restricted … their effect to those countries that ratified them.

5.It is rather difficult to distinguish «generally accepted principles of law and justice» … customs.


5.Give the word families of the following words. Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text:


a rule or set of rules, enforceable by the courts, regulating the government of a state, the relationship between the organs of go5 vernment and the subjects of the state, and the relationship or conduct of subjects towards each other



a rule or body of rules made by the legislature. See statute law

a rule or body of rules made by a municipal or other authority. See by law

the condition and control enforced by such rules(in com5 bination): law court

a rule of conduct: a law of etiquette

one of a set of rules governing a particular field of activity: the laws of tennis


an area of ground wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings

a tribunal having power to adjudicate in civil, criminal, military, or ecclesiastical matters

the regular sitting of such a judicial tribunal

the room or building in which such a tribunal sits

marked outdoor or enclosed area used for any of various ball games, such as tennis, squash, etc.

a marked section of such an area: the service court


a formal agreement or contract between two or more states, such as an alliance or trade arrangement

the document in which such a contract is written

an agreement between two parties concerning the purchase of property at a price privately agreed between them

various forms of aid (as modifier): treaty Indians; treaty money


the principle of fairness that like cases should be treated alike

the principle that punishment should be proportionate to the offence

the administration of law according to prescribed and accepted principles

conformity to the law; legal validity

a judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature

short for justice of the peace

6.Substitute the active vocabulary of the unit for the italicized parts:

1.The ancient Romans developed the idea of governing the treatment of foreigners.


Module 10. Unit 3

2.During the 2nd millennium BC the Jews, Greeks and Romans developed rules of international law.

3.International law regulates relations among states.

4.Rules that govern dealing with foreign traders, travelers and am5 bassadors were the first in human history.

5.Jewish law contained forbidding against the killing of women and children.

6.One of the basic sources for international law is the principle of law and fairness.

7.It is within the will of each state to sign any international treaty.

8.One of the methods of settlement disputes is applying to the Inter5 national Court of Justice.

7. Look through the text and find the definitions of the key words:

1) convention

a) to give formal approval to something in


order that it


can become law

2) sovereign

b) self5governing and not ruled by another state

3) conclude

c) rule

4) binding

d) legally required

5) treaty

e) legally binding agreement between states


sponsored by an international organisation

6) custom

f) legally binding agreement between two


or more states

7) regulation

g) a formal legal document

8) ratify

h) a long established tradition or usage that




customary law if it is regularly observed and




that they must follow

9) instrument

i) to make a formal agreement complete and


fixed, especially after long discussions and



Post reading tasks

1.International Law (Public International Law) consists of rules and principles which govern the relations and dealings of nations with



each other. It concerns itself only with questions of rights between several nations or nations and the citizens or subjects of other nations. In contrast, Private International Law deals with contro versies between private citizens, natural or juridical, arising out of situations having significant relations to more than one nation.

Look at the following legal areas and classify them into Public or Private International Law.

adoption arms control contractual relations divorce environmental issues human rights immigration international crime

maritime law

piracy war crimes

PUBLIC International Law


PRIVATE International Law



environmental issues




2.The INTERNATIONAL COURT of JUSTICE is the principle judicial body of the United Nations. Its seat is in the Hague (the Netherlands). It began work in 1946, when it replaced the Permanent Court of International Justice which had functioned in the Hague since 1922.

Below there is some information about the court and its activities. Match the information to the following headings:

Functions of the Court


The Parties in Cases between States

Jurisdiction in Cases between States

Procedures in Cases between States

1.One of the roles of the Court is to settle in accordance with international law the legal disputes submitted to it by States.

2.The Members of the Court do not represent their governments but are independent magistrates.

3.The Court is competent to entertain a dispute only if the States concerned have accepted its jurisdiction.

4.The other role is to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized international organs and agencies.

5.The Court is composed of 15 judges elected to 95year terms of office by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.


Module 10. Unit 3

6.After the oral proceedings, the Court deliberates in camera and then delivers its judgement at a public sitting.

7.If one of the States involved fails to comply with it, the other party may have recourse to the Security Council of the United Nations.

8.The Court may not include more than one judge of any nationality.

9.The judgement is final and without appeal.

3.Speak on the International Law, its notion and functions.


1.A. Read the following speech of Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General. Make up four questions, ask your partner to answer them.

Rome Statute of the


‘In the prospect of an international criminal court lies the promise of universal justice. That is the simple hope of the vision. We are close to its realization. We will do our part to see it through till the end. We ask you…to do yours in our struggle to ensure that no ruler, no State, no junta and no army anywhere can abuse human rights with impunity (без покарання). Only then we will the innocents of distant wars and conflicts know that they may sleep under the cover of justice; that they have rights, and that those who violate those rights will be punished.’

Kofi Annan

B.Here are the objectives of the International Criminal Court. Answer the questions below.

1.to achieve justice for all

2.to end impunity for abuse of human rights

3.to help end wars and conflicts



4.to assume control when national criminal justice institutions are unwilling or unable to act

5.to deter future war criminals

Which objective means the following?

a)The International Criminal Court aims to discourage war criminals through the possibility of trial.

b)Those who commit murder are often not punished.

c)Not everyone receives a fair trial.

d)Local courts may not always be able to deliver justice.

e)The International Criminal Court will try to stop wars.


Part III




Module 11 Unit 1

1.1.Business correspondence

1.2.Business email Vocabulary in use


Pre reading tasks

1.Divide into groups of two or three and make up a list of about 10 reasons of writing letters.

2.Brainstorm the reasons of writing in business world.

Reading tasks

1. Read the text to understand the role of business correspondence.

1.1. Business Letters

Definition of a Business Letter

The business letter is the basic means of communication between two companies. It is estimated that close to 100 million business letters are written each workday. It is a document typically sent externally to those outside a company but is also sent internally to those within a company.

Most business letters have a formal tone. You should write a business letter whenever you need a permanent record that you sent the information enclosed. Because you generally send business letters to other professionals, always include a formal salutation and closing.

Purpose of a Business Letter

You will write business letters to inform readers of specific infor5 mation. However, you might also write a business letter to persuade others to take action or to propose your ideas. Business letters even function as advertisements at times. Consider the letters long5distance phone companies send to those not signed up for their services or the cover letter to your resume. Both of these serve to promote or advertise.


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