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III. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Nobody knew what he meant. 2. I wrote that I must see him. 3. They said that they were late and they were sorry. 4. She knew that George would be waiting for her. 5. I thought you were joking. 6. Galileo proved that the earth moves round the sun. 7. He said that Mary had told him that she was writing a new play. 8. She wasn’t sure that they would arrive in the evening. 9. He told his mother he was going away the next day. 10. She said that she would answer the phone.

IV. Complete the sentences in your own way:

1. One of the students remarked that ... . 2. My father often told me that ... . 3. We discussed the fact that ... . 4. Ann changed her mind when she learnt that ... . 5. I was sure that ... . 6. They said that ... . 7. We knew that ... . 8. He stressed in his report that ... .

V. Translate into English:

1. Я знав, що вона живе в Харкові. Я знав, що вона жила в Харкові. 2. Вона сказала, що скоро повернеться. 3. Він сказав, що знає дві іно­земні мови. 4. Він сказав мені, що бачив їх напередодні. 5. Я відчував, що вона на мене сердиться. 6. Ми не знали, що він хворий. 7. Ми хотіли довідатись, о котрій годині прибуває поїзд. 8. Ми знаємо, що він удома. Ми не знали, що він удома. 9. Ми всі знали, що Т.Г.Шевченко наро­дився в 1814 році. 10. Я сказав, що прочитаю цю книжку після того, як складу іспити. 11. Він каже, що вже спав, коли батьки повернулися до­дому. Він сказав, що вже спав, коли батьки повернулися додому. 12. Ніхто не розумів, чому він відмовився від такої цікавої пропозиції.

Reported Questions

VI. Change the following sentences as in the patterns:

Pattern A: Are you hungry?

He (She) asked me if (whether) I was hungry.

1. Are you listening to me? 2. Do you need any help? 3. Are you going to call me tonight? 4. Does the semester end in December? 5. Have you ever been to Paris? 6. Did you enjoy your vacation? 7. Will you be at home tonight? 8. Is what you said really true? 9. Do you think it’s going to rain?

Pattern B: Where is your friend?

He (She) asked me where my friend was.

1. What time is it? 2. What are you doing? 3. How do you know that it is true? 4. Where will you be tomorrow around three o’clock? 5. Whose briefcase is that? 6. Where should I meet you after class? 7. Who do you think will win the game? 8. When does the semester end? 9. What are you going to do during vacation?

VII. Use Indirect Speech:

1. «Who put salt in my coffee?» he asked. 2. «What is your new house like?» I asked them. 3. «Where were you last night?» she asked. 4. «How far is it and how long will it take me to get there?» asked the man. 5. «Are you busy now?» he asked. 6. «Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?» asked the secretary. 7. «Are you sorry for what you did?» the mother asked the little son. 8. «Shall I open the window?» the student asked. 9. «Do you know why he is absent?» the teacher asked. 10. «Do you understand what I mean?» he asked.

VIII. Translate into English:

1. Він запитав мене, де працює мій брат. 2. Я запитав її, чи йде дощ. Вона відповіла, що йде. 3. Я запитав секретаря, чи є директор. Він відповів, що є. 4. Я запитав його, чи можу з ним поговорити. Він відпо­вів, що можу. 5. Він запитав мене, чому я прийшла так пізно. 6. Він щойно запитав мене, о котрій годині почнеться лекція. 7. Він запитав мене, хто власник цього автомобіля. 8. Вони запитали мене, коли відчиняють крамниці. 9. Ми запитали її, чи знає вона професора, який читає лекцію.

IX. Complete the sentences in your own way:

1. I couldn’t understand why ... . 2. I wasn’t sure whose ... . 3. We didn’t know where ... . 4. My boss angrily asked me ... . 5. Ann wondered whether they ... . 6. She asked me if the weather ... . 7. No one knew who ... .

X. Translate into English:

1. Вона попросила сестру розбудити її о сьомій годині ранку. 2. Він наказав мені йти туди негайно. 3. Лікар сказав їй, що вона по­винна лежати в ліжку два тижні. 4. Вона попросила мене пояснити, як це сталося. 5. Вона попросила його прийти додому трохи раніше. 6. Мені наказали зробити цю роботу якнайшвидше. 7. Вона попросила своїх друзів не перебивати її, коли вона говорить. 8. Джон попросив мене нікому не говорити про це.

Indefinite Pronouns: Each and Every

XI. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. I could hear every word they said. 2. The buses go every 10 minutes. 3. We all write to each other regularly. 4. He enjoyed every minute of his stay. 5. Each of them phoned me to thank. 6. The police questioned everybody in the room. 7. Everyone was tired and irritable. 8. He gave each boy a present. 9. They visit us every other week.

XII. Translate into English:

1. Кожний студент знає це правило. 2. Усі вже прийшли. 3. Кожний з нас одержав запрошення на концерт. 4. Кожна людина повинна ви­конувати свої обов’язки. 5. Я розповім вам усе, що знаю. 6. Кожний студент у нашій групі зробив доповідь. 7. Він приходить сюди щове­чора. 8. Перед кожним будинком було багато квітів. 9. Кожний з вас повинен уважно прочитати цю статтю. 10. Я шукав цієї книжки скрізь.

XIII. Memorize the following proverbs. Pay attention to the pronouns each and every:

1. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 2. Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour. 3. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 4. Every medal has its reverse. 5. Every man to his taste. 6. Everything is good in its season. 7. Every day is not Sunday. 8. Every man has his faults.

EXERCISES for individual work

I. Complete the sentences with «said», «told» or «talked» and

translate them into Ukrainian:

1. John ... me that he was enjoying his new job. 2. The doctor ... that I would have to rest for at least a week. 3. Mary ... him that she was going away the next day. 4. At the meeting the chairman ... about the problems facing the company. 5. Father ... it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much. 6. Jill ... us all about her holiday in Australia. 7. Mother ... us to make a list of what we wanted. 8. The advertisement ... that if we answered all the questions correctly we might win $50. 9. She ... of applying for another job.

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