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XVI. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVII. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части (устно):

  1. This fertilizer mixture is believed a) unless a mixed fertilizer containing too high dose of nitro­gen were applied.

  1. There exist b) may be injured by highly

concentrated fertilizers.

3. Young plants c) are usually given top dressing

in spring.

4. This crop would develop d) different ways of fertilization, normally

5. Winter cereals e) to contain not enough nitrogen.

6. Both top dressing and side g) the former being usually used dressing are methods of with winter cereals, fertilization

XVIII. Определите, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста А. Приведите их в соответствие с текстом (устно):

  1. Only nitrogenous, phosphoric, and potassic fertilizers should be applied for soil fertility improvement.

  2. Too much nitrogen in the soil may increase plant susceptibility to certain diseases.

  3. Too little phosphorus in the soil may cause lodging of the


4. Mixed fertilizers should contain not more than two fertilizer elements.

5. Perennial crops often receive fertilizers several times

during the season.


  1. Corn is usually given top dressing in early spring.

  2. Soil acidity can be corrected by lime used at any time of the year.

XIX. Назовите по-английски все известные вам способы внесения удобрений.

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите значение выделенных слов по контексту и по их сходству с соответствующими словами в русском языке.

Text В


То grow well, plants, like animals and people, need a balanced diet of several specific minerals.

The minerals required by plants may be divided into two groups: macronutrients needed in relatively large amounts, and micronutrients needed in much smaller amounts.

Among macronutrients, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are known to be primary plant feeds. They are most often applied as commercial fertilizers. But to be absorbed and used by plants each of them must be combined with some other elements. For example, nitrogen is believed to be more available to plants when it is combined with oxygen as a nitrate or with hydrogen, making ammonia.

Among the other macronutrients, calcium is an important plant food, being the main constituent of lime. If a soil is very acid, with a PH value less than 5.0, lime can be added to correct acidity. All plants are affected by the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil, high acidity making some elements unavailable to plants. The presence of lime is found to make essential plant food elements more easily available.


Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are more easily available in a well limed soil than in an acid soil.

There are seven micronutrients — iron (железо), manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper, and chlorine. They are not often applied as fertilizers. But they are also essential for plant growth and may play some role in respiration or photosynthesis.

  1. Исходя из содержания текста В, скажите (по-русски), в каком виде основные минеральные вещества лучше усваиваются растениями.

  2. Сформулируйте (по-русски) как можно короче основ­ное содержание текста В.


ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное подлежащее со

сказуемым в действи­тельном залоге.

  1. Функции инфинитива (повторение).

  2. Значение глагола to result.

Задание на дом № 1

I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» § 20.

II. Переведите следующие предложения со сложным подлежащим при сказуемых seem, is likely, is sure (устно):

1. This method of maintaining soil fertility seems to be rather effective. 2. Top dressing is likely to be the most desirable method of applying fertilizers to winter cereals. 3. This wheat variety is unlikely to grow well under such


climatic and soil conditions. 4. Soil low in organic matter is sure to produce poor potato crop. 5. This crop does not seem to require much potash. 6. Good stands of wheat are likely to be obtained on our farm this year. 7. Soils of this area appear to be well supplied with nitrogen. 111 ^Найдите в тексте A: '

  1. все предложения, в которых имеется сложное подле­жащее (2-й абзац);

  2. инфинитив в функции определения (последний абзац).

IV. Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов. Обратите внимание на суффиксы и префиксы:

selective, periodic, periodically, limit, unlimited, result, fixation, fixer, limited, vitamin, resource, economic, situation, effective, balance, unbalanced, organic, inorganic.

V. Переведите текст А (устно).

Text A


Crop rotation is known to be a system of growing different kinds of crops one after another on the same land. A rotation may be considered good or bad depending on its effect on soil productivity. It should also be measured by its economic returns.

Continuous growth of the same crop has been found to result in the loss of organic matter from the soil, which is sure to have a bad effect on its tilth. The growth of grass pasture and deep-rooted legume crops in rotation is likely to correct this situation through maintenance of organic matter. Besides, the alternation of deep-rooted and shallow-


rooted crops prevents continuous absorption of plant nutrients from the same root zone year after year. As to nitrogen for non-leguminous crops, it may be provided by legumes included in the rotation. However, it should be mentioned that rotations are unlikely to supply other plant nutrients in which the soil may be deficient.

Legumes are more efficient in fixation of nitrogen on soils with low rather than high nitrogen content. For this reason, a legume is considered to be a better nitrogen fixer when two or more crops come between applications of barnyard manure. Naturally, legume crops are usually grown previous to crops that require large amounts of nitrogen. Thus, increased yields of crops that follow alfalfa seem to result from the addition of nitrogen to the soil contributed by alfalfa crop.

The preceding crop has an important influence on crop yields. So, in case deep-rooted legumes are followed by corn, the latter may yield more as a result of better root penetration as well as due to nitrogen residues.

Crop sequences arc very important under dryland conditions because of the difference in residual soil moisture left by various preceding crops. Thus, small grains yield more after corn than after small grains or sorghum, because corn leaves more moisture in the soil.

Though the proper rotation is of great importance in farming, this practice alone is unlikely to produce maximum yields. For the highest yields to be obtained both crop rotation and fertilization are to be used.


to result - происходить в результате; to result in — приводить к; to result from — происходить от; as a result — в результате.


Лексический минимум к тексту А

crop rotation, tilth, continuous, efficient, penetration, previous, to leave (left, left), as to, besides, to result, to result in, to result from, as a result, to seem, to be likely, to be sure, though, thus.


  1. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

  2. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие слож­ное подлежащее (устно).

1. Proper crop rotation is sure to help in maintaining soil fertility and producing higher yields. 2. Crop rotation alone is unlikely to increase fertility of this soil. 3. Such rotation does not seem to be suitable for the temperate zone. 4. The alternation of grasses and legumes is likely to increase the organic matter content of the soil. 5. Continuous growth of the same crop is certain to cause the loss of organic matter from the soil. 6. Good development of this crop seems to be the result of growing it after a legume crop.

VIII. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении (устно):

1. То find the optimum system of crop rotation will be of the greatest importance for increasing crop production. 2. The system of crop rotation to be used depends on different agronomic factors. 3. To find the optimum system of crop rotation one should know the agronomic and economic situation on the farm. 4. The system of crop rotation we have chosen is likely to produce good results. 5. This system of crop rotation is considered to be suitable for soil and climate conditions of the area. 6. In order to obtain good results with this system of crop rotation we must also apply


proper fertilizers. 7. The system of crop rotation chosen has been found to be the best for our region. 8. This system of crop rotation combined with the proper fertilization system is sure to produce good results.

IX. Переведите следующие сочетания слов (устно):

proper crop rotation system; green manure crops; small grains; deep-rooted legume crop; plant nutrient deficiency; nitrogen-fixing crop; under improper conditions; barnyard manure application; proper soil fertility maintenance; plant nutrient balance; much higher soil productivity.

X. Найдите место в тексте А, где говорится, какое влияние

оказывают бобовые на последующую культуру.

XI. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.

Задание на дом № 2

XII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения слова result.

1. If there is too much nitrogen in the soil lodging of the crop may result. 2. Soil improvement has resulted from using the proper system of crop rotation. 3. Growing the same crop on the same area for many years usually results in lower productivity of the soil. 4. We have improved the fertility of this poor soil as a result of continuous growing different legume crops. 5. Having used the minimum tillage practice on our farm, we obtained good results.

XIII. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Севооборот это поочередное выращивание различ­ных культур на одной и той же земле. 2. Цель севообо­рота состоит в том, чтобы повысить почвенное плодо­родие. 3. Бобовые часто включаются в севооборот, так как они, как известно, могут повысить содержание азота


в почве. 4. Правильная система севооборота безусловно улучшает плодородие почвы. 5. Однако одно только че­редование культур вряд ли сильно повысит урожай. 6. Для получения максимальных урожаев нужно соче­тать чередование культур и правильную систему приме­нения удобрений.

б) 1. Чередование культур, как известно, важный способ повышения плодородия почвы. 2. Длительное выращи­вание одной и той же культуры на одной и той же земле приводит к понижению плодородия. 3. Вид применяе­мого севооборота зависит от ряда агрономических и экономических факторов. 4. Бобовые часто включаются в севооборот благодаря их способности фиксировать азот из воздуха. 5. На урожай оказывает сильное влия­ние предшествующая культура. 6. Так, урожай кукурузы, которая следует за бобовыми в севообороте, обычно бы­вает выше. 7. Однако для получения максимальных урожаев чередование культур должно сочетаться с пра­вильной системой применения удобрений.

XIV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.


V. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVI. В следующих русских предложениях найдите эквиваленты английских слов и сочетаний слов: in result in, to result from, as a result, due to, to be due to, Ни latter, under conditions.


  1. В севообороте злаковые выращиваются после бобо­вых, так как последние увеличивают содержание азо­та в почве.

  2. В результате правильной системы чередования куль­тур плодородие почвы повысилось.

  3. Эта культура не может развиваться в условиях повы­шенной влажности.

  4. Использование механизации привело к повышению урожаев основных культур.

  5. Плохой рост этой культуры объясняется недостатком минеральных веществ в почве.

  6. Структура почвы была улучшена благодаря использо­ванию сидеральных культур.

  7. Заболоченность почвы возникла в результате большо­го количества осадков.

XVII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А.

  1. What is crop rotaton?

  2. What is crop rotation used for?

  3. Why are legumes included in the rotation?

  4. What examples of crop rotations can you give?

  5. Can the proper rotation alone provide the highest yield?

XVIII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите по контексту значение выделенных слов.

Text В


Proper crop rotation is one of the essential factors of good farm management.


Continuous growing of a crop is likely to produce good effect for a few years, but well-planned rotations are best over a long period of time because they conserve and improve the soil.

The physical condition of the soil is known to be unfavourably affected by growing cultivated crops for many years. However, if sod-forming grasses and legumes are included in the rotation, the tilth is considerably improved. Legumes are also valuable because they add organic matter to the soil. Besides, they are able to fix nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that can be used by all growing crops.

Various crops differ in the kind and amount of nutrients they take from the soil, that is why crop rotation helps to maintain the proper nutritional balance in the soil.

Most weeds and pests are believed to be controlled by crop rotation. Diseases and insects usually attack certain crops, and they cannot develop during the periods when resistant crops are grown.

With crop rotation labour is distributed more uniformly, as peak work periods on farms growing different crops come not at the same time.

Finally, the risk of poor production is usually greater with one crop than when several crops are grown.

XIX. Прокомментируйте роль бобовых в севообороте культур.

XX. Перечислите (по-русски), какие преимущества при выращивании сельскохозяйственных культур дает использование системы севооборота.



ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное дополнение.

2. Значение слова number.

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