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Ex.4. Read sentences and find synonymous word groups

  1. The blood plasma is a straw-coloured liquid media, 92 per cent water. It is the true fluid of the blood, and in it the formed elements float.

  2. Plasma is the yellow fluid portion of the blood in which the blood-cells are suspended.

Ex.5. Choose the right definition to the following words

  1. arterial blood a) blood that has given up oxygen

  2. venous blood b) blood in the systemic circulation

  3. central blood c) blood that carries oxygen to tissue

  4. peripheral blood d) blood in the pulmonary venous system

Ex.6. Continue the sentences choosing the right ending

  1. Blood rich in oxygen is called ...

  2. Blood taken to be transfused and stored is called ...

  3. When blood loses oxygen it becomes ...

4. Blood coursing through the vessels is called ...

circulating blood, oxygenated blood, banked blood, deoxygenated blood Ex. 7. Practice reading the numerals

  1. An average human body contains about 5 litres of blood, or 7% by volume

  2. Of the average 5 litres of blood, only 2.25 L, or 45%, consists of cells.

  3. Plasma consists of 93% water and 7% solids.

  4. Of the 2.25 L of cells, only 0.037 L(l .6%) are leucocytes. The total circulating platelet volume is about 0.0065 L.

  5. The normal temperature of blood is 37 C°

  6. During its life span of about 120 days, the red blood cell travels 175 miles in its task of delivering oxygen to tissues

  7. The total volume of blood constitutes about 1/12 of the total body weight

Ex.8. Read the text

Blood is a red sticky fluid which circulates through the heart and blood vessels. An average adult has about five litres of blood. Men are bloodier than women. Blood is composed of 55% liquid plasma and 45% formed elements. The formed elements, also known as blood corpuscles, include the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma is a light-coloured blood component in which the blood cells are suspended.

The blood is the fluid of life, transporting oxygen from lungs to body tissue and carbon dioxide from body tissue to the lungs. Blood is the fluid of growth, transporting nourishment from digestion and hormones from glands throughout the body. Blood is the fluid of health, transporting disease fighting substances to the tissue and waste to the kidneys. The blood cells have a definite life cycle, just as living organisms do.

Because it contains living cells, blood is alive. Erythrocytes and leucocytes are responsible for nourishing and cleansing the body. The liquid plasma carries the solid cells and thrombocytes. Without blood platelets, you would bleed to death. Platelets cause the blood to clot so that the bleeding stops.

Таsk1. Find word combinations with the word "blood".

2. Find synonyms to the following

blood cells to coagulate

life span viscous

blood loss

  1. Stale blood composition

  2. Continue the sentences

  • Blood is. . .

  • Blood is composed of

• Blood transports ...

5. Basing on the text explain the following

  • blood is the fluid of life

  • blood is the fluid of growth

  • blood is the fluid of health

Ex. 9. Read the definition of blood and answer the questions following

Blood is a highly specialized tissue which maintains communication between different parts of the body. It is a fluid connective tissue composed of formed elements(cells and platelets) and plasma which can be separated by centrifugation.

  1. What is blood?

  2. What is its function?

  3. What is its composition?

  4. What physical properties of blood are mentioned?

Ex.10. Insert verbs to complete the text

Blood ,.. through the vascular system. It... of a liquid portion, or plasma, in which various blood cells and platelets are.... Blood ... oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and ... away carbon dioxide and other waste products.

verbs to be used:

to transport, to circulate, to consist of, to bring, to be suspended.

Ex.11. Read the sentences the state physical properties of blood

1. The most important ions in blood are sodium ion

and chloride ion. This gives the blood its salty taste

  1. When blood is shed it loses its fluidity in few minutes

  2. Viscosity of blood is an important factor.

  3. Blood is bright red when fully saturated with oxygen, and becomes dark bluish-red when it loses oxygen

  4. Normal range of specific gravity (sp.gr)of blood is 1.05 to 1.06

6. Blood volume means the total amount of blood in circulation

7. Thermal conductivity helps quick distribution of heat . . . .

Ex. 12. Read the text and answer the question

What are thе true cells of blood?

In its liquid state blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopically visible cellular elements- 1) erythrocytes - mature erythocytes have no nuclei; 2)leucocytes leucocytes have nuclei; 3)thrombocytes, which are small fragments of protoplasm containing nuclear material.

Ex.13 .Read sentences and mind the way how absence of the nucleus in erythrocytes is described

1. Circulating erythrocytes do not possess a nucleus

2. Erythrocytes are bi-concave non-nucleated discs

  1. Erythrocytes when mature, are anucleate bi-concave discs

  2. Erythrocytes have no nucleus

Ex. 14. Read sentences and fill in the table



life span







  1. The life span of a red cell is 3 to 4 months

  2. Thrombocytes are manufactured in the bone marrow

  3. White blood cells have the primary function of fighting disease in the body

  4. Erythrocytes are shaped as bi-concave discs.

  1. There are 6,000-8,000 white blood corpuscles in the blood per cubic millimeter

  1. Platelets are disc-shapeti

  2. Leucocytes are formed in the bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes

  3. Erythrocytes are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues and C(h away

  4. Thrombocytes play an important role in the clotting of blood

  1. There are about 4 8 and 5.5 million erythrocytes per cubic millimeter of blood in the normal :V..;<:ie and normal male respectively.

  2. The life span of platelets is 5-8 days

  1. Thrombocytes are small colourless discs of oval or irregular shape

  2. One cubic millimeter of blood has 180-320,000 platelets.

  3. The life span of white blood cells differ from several days to several years.

  4. Leucocytes are spherical corpuscles.

Ex, 15. Basing on the information of the above table answer the questions:

  1. What are the blood forming organs?

  2. What formed elements have the longest life time?

  3. What blood elements have the largest count?

Ex. 16. Read information on plasma miM $е.г if you can find answers to the questions below ■

  1. Plasma is a clear, straw-4X)!ourcd iim id making up 55% of blood and in which red and white cells and platelets are suspended. It contains proteins, inorganic salts, gases, nutria ts, waste mattei i om the body, enzymes and hormones

  2. Most of the plasma consists of water ft sei v ;s as the solvent for variety of solutes including proteins, dissolved gases, electrolytes, nutrients, waste materials, and regulatory substances

'3. Plasma is a sticky, pale amber щ\М with a' feint sickly smell. It is a solution in water of protems(7%)3 sa!t(0.9%), glucoseCUl^o), end various substances in transit from one part of the body to another.

4. Maii;' of blood transport fui ctions are carried out by the fluid part of the blood, known as the plasma

/, What is plasma composition?

  1. What or/ it ;fo ictians?

  2. What an physicai ;:^erties of plasma?

Ex.17, Eeadtki information on the topic "Blood" and state a)tke similar

information that is mentioned in both pieces;b) the information that is different

1. Blood is a suspension of red blood celis(02 corpuscles] mailed erythrocytes, white bio.4::- eeils{!eUcocytes):;:and <platelets(smafl disc-shaped cells involved in blood clot1":;:% in a liquid medium called plasma. The circulation of blood through the body p nvides a mechanism for transporting substances. Its functions include:

  • carrying«г-;-/, n&ted blood from the heart to all tissues via the arteries while veins retux-i deoxygenated blood to the heart

  • carrying essential nutrients eg glucose fats and amino acids to all pats of the body

  • removing the waste products of metabolism t > the liver

  • carrying important molecules, eVg hormones, to their target cells.

The red blood cells, produced in the bone marrow, are hemoglobm^xmtaining discs while the wnitc varieties vary in shape and are >roduced b the marrow and lymphoid tissue." rhe'plasma comprises water, proteins and electrolytes and forms approximately half the blood volume.

  1. Blood is a red sticky fluid whici circulates through the heart and blood vessels, carrying nutrient materials and oxygen to all body tissues and waste products and carbon dioxide away from the tissues. There are millions of corpuscles(blood cells) floating in blood plasma. The red cells^erythrocytes) contain hemoglobin which gives the blood its red color. They carry oxygenated blood together with an antigen known as the rhesus fac t r. Erythrocytes ai e i ;rmed in the bone marrow of children and certain long bones in adults. The life of an erythrocyte is normally 4 months, after which it к destroyed in the liver or spleen, its kon content being saved for further use. ■ The white ceUsfieueocytes), which arc far fewer in number, are concerned with 0*6 body defences against invading inieroorganisms. Their number increases considerably in the presence of infection. Blood platelets(thrombocytes) are concerned with the blood clotting mechanism

  2. Ex.18. ReMikz text on М#ч?л m Russian en^feifeftif mformation mentioned

КРОВЬ Это жидхая соединительная ткань, так как её клетки(эритроциты, лейкоциты, громбодиты) разделены жидким г*еж,.леточным веществом(плазмой). Кровь на 55-60% состой* из п назмы и на 40-45% - из форменных элементов.

Плазма крови - полупрозрачный, водный раствор органических(белки, жиры, углеводы, аминокислоты, витамины, гормоны) и неорганических(минеральные соли) соединений. Концентрация различных солей в плазме относительно постоянна- Белки плазмы придают крови необходимую вязкость.

Эритрои'.и.:, или красш г кровят ■-, клетк -. - гго мелкие бе; *->:.;.тзные клетки, которые имеют форму циска. Отсутствие ядра позволяет эритроциту вмещать большое количество гемоглобина. В 1 мм3 kj >ви имеется 4-5 млн эритроцитов. Количество эритроцитов в крови непостоянно. Длительность жизни эритроцитов человека составляет около 120 дней.

Лейкоциты - бесцветные клетки крови, имеющие ядро, разнообразны по фуикцйй и способны к активному движению. Количество лейкоцитов в 1 мм крови взрослого человека колеблется в пределах 4000 - 9000. Главная функция лейкоцитов состоит в их способности защищать организм от инфекции. Каждый вид лейкоцитов выполняет определенные функции.

Тромбоциты - это безъядерные кровяные образования круглой или овальной формы. Они образуются в костном мозге и живут 8-11 дней. В 1 мм3 крови взрослого человека содержится 180—320 тые.тромбоцитов

Ex.19. Read the text, and state the types of blood tests and their importance

Blood examination is the morphological, chemical, physical, bacteriological, or

serological studies of blood.

What is the examiner looks for?

The number and character of red blood cells; the percentage of hemoglobin; the

coagulation time; the number and character oi white blood cells; the presence

of parasites; also in chemk.. •„ its, the a no* at of sugar, urea, urea-nitrogen, etc.

Immunological and serological tests may determine various infections.

Јx 20 Read the text and 1) state the normal values of blood elements

  1. Platelets(tlirombocytes) are the smallest of the formed elements of blood, they are disc-shaped. The platelet count ranges normally from 150,000 to 400,000 per uL of blood and they occupy about 0.5% of the volume of blood. Their life-time in the blood is 8-14 days. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow. They are mainly concerned with hemostasis. A low platelet count(<l 50,000) is termed thrombo­cytopenia. An increase of platelets, thrombocytosis, occurs transiently after injury and surgical operations.

  2. The normal mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated cells. In shape normal human erythrocytes are biconcave discs. The average number of erythrocytes in blood are 5.5 million/ u, L in men and 4.9 million/p L in women. The erythrocytes constitute a

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