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Образцы устных тем meet my family

Our family is not large: father, mother, my wife and me. I'll start with myself. My name is Victor Petrov. I was born2 in Novgorod. When I was 16 years old, our family moved to St. Petersburg. At the age3 of 18 after leaving school, I served in the army for two years. When I returned from the army, I started to work. I'm married.4 My wife's name is Helen. She studies at a medical college, she is going to5 become a medical nurse in two years.

My father's name is Andrew. He is an architect. He is 45. He is a very good specialist in his line.6 My mother's name is Julia. She is about 40 years old, but looks much younger. She's tall and slender. With her dark hair and brown eyes she looks very attractive, besides she is always well-dressed. She wears glasses because she is short-sighted. She works as a teacher at a technical college. My parents are very busy people, but they find time for theatre, exhibitions and of course for their friends.

We live in a modern block of flats. There are three rooms in our flat: a dining room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. Our flat has all modem conveniences – gas, central heating, cold and hot running water and a telephone.

We are a friendly family.

Notes on the Text

1. to meet v1. встречать; 2. знакомиться. Meet my family — Познакомьтесь с моей семьей.

2. to be born – родиться

3. at the age of ... – в возрасте ...

4. to be married – быть женатым, быть замужем; get married – жениться, выйти замуж;

to be single – быть холостым (незамужней)

5. to be going to + глаголсобираться, намереваться что-либо делать

6. in his line – в своей области

Words to Be Learnt

start v – начинать

leave v – уезжать, покидать;

зд. закончить (школу)

serve v – служить

for prep. ­ 1. для; 2. за; 3. в течение

plant n1. завод; 2. растение

study v – учиться, изучать

become v – стать, становиться

look v – 1. смотреть; 2. выглядеть

besides adv – кроме того

because conj – так как

busy а – занятый

find v – найти, находить

of course adv – конечно

block of flats n – многоквартирный дом

flat n – квартира

dining room n – столовая

bedroom n – спальня

kitchen n – кухня

bathroom n – ванная комната

convenience n – удобство

central heating n – центральное отопление

running water n – водопровод

Members of the Family and Other Relatives (Члены семьи и другие родственники)

parents – родители

mother – мать

father – отец

wife – жена

husband – муж

son – сын

daughter – дочь

brother – брат

sister – сестра

grandmother – бабушка

grandfather – дедушка

grandson – внук

granddaughter – внучка

aunt – тетя

uncle – дядя

nephew – племянник

niece – племянница

cousin – двоюродный брат или сестра