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5.What is the matter with Joseph? Did he get out on the wrong side of the bed? 6.We learned that Nancy was a grass widow.

7.He is head and shoulders above the other students. 8.A great ship asks deep waters.

9.Better a lean peace than a fat victory.

10. 1 can't go out in broad daylight wearing an evening gown.

В. Используя фразеологические аналоги, переведите письменно следующие предложения:

1.Не tried to kill two birds with one stone.

2.Unfortunately as he knows only too well - it never rains but it pours. 3.He lies like a gas-meter. Don't believe him.

4.The little boys were swimming in their birthday suits. 5.I want to talk cold turkey to you.

6.When Ted was hit on the head by the ball, he saw stars.

7.John said: "My father personally knows the President of the United States." Dick answered: "Tell it to the marines."

Задание № 4

Сравните английские версии фразеологизмов, имеющих библейское происхождение, с русскими. Переведите предложения.

1.But I refuse to condemn others for the mote in their eye when there is a beam in my own.

2.В чужом-то глазу и соломинка бревном глядится.

3.They condemned her unanimously, and each and every crowded forward to cast the first stone, lest it might be thought that there was even one among them not without sin.

4.Я не знаю, все бросают в меня каменьями. Пусть! Я бы все-таки не променяла своего несчастия на их счастие, нет!

5.Ah, Robbie, you asked them for bread, and they have given you a stone.

6.Ваша помощь для меня -- что камень вместо хлеба.

7.The teacher searched his heart trying to decide if he had been unfair in failing Tom.

8.Лишь стало поспокойнее и лучше, какой-то скорбный, мучительный голос звал меня заглянуть в свое сердце, и я не узнал себя.

9.But to worship the molten calf for eighteen shillings a week? Oh, pitiful, pitiful!

10.Слабые люди ноне пошли, нет поборников, нет подвижников! Забыв Бога, златому тельцу поклоняются.


• Бабушка надвое сказала, Поживем – увидим/ We shall see what we shall see

Беда не приходит одна/ Misfortunes never come alone, It never rains but it pours

Бедному вору все впору\Beggars cannot be choosers

Бедность не порок- \Poverty is no sin

Без труда не вынуть и рыбку из пруда\А cat in gloves catches no mice , No pains no gains, No sweet without sweat

Биться как рыба об лед-То pull the devil by its tail

Битая посуда два века живет\А creaking door hands long on its hinges

Большому кораблю - большое плаванье\А great ship asks deep waters

Будет и на нашей улице праздник\ Everу dog has his day

Буря в стакане\А storm in a tea-cup

Быть по уши в долгах\То be head over the ears in debts

В здоровом теле - здоровый дух \А sound mind in a sound body

В каждой шутке есть доля правды \Маnу a true word is spoken in jest

В костюме Адама (Евы), В чем мать родила \То be in one's birthday suit

В тихом омуте черти водятся \ Beware of a silent dog and still waters, Still waters run deep

Видна птица по полету\А bird may be known by its song

Вот где собака зарыта!\That's where the shoe pinches

Всяк кулик в своем болоте велик – Every dog is a lion at home

Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит\ Еvеrу bird likes its nest

Голь на выдумки хитра\Necessity is the mother of invention

Делать из мухи слона \То make a mountain out of a molehill

Деньги все двери открывают \То angle with a silver hook

Держать нос no ветру Wait for the cat to jump

Дуракам закон не писан\Fools run in where angels fear to tread

Если бы, да кабы\if the skies fall we shall catch larks

За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь \Grasp all lose all

Завтраками сыт не будешь \ Тomorrow comes never

И на старуху бывает npopyxa\ Every man has a fool in his sleeve

И хочется, да колется \Ноnеу is sweet but the bee stings

И швец, и жнец и на дуде игрец \Head cook and bottle washer

Клин клином вышибают\Наbit cures habit, Like cures like

Краткость - сестра таланта \Вrеvitу is the soul of wit

Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает \the early bird catches the worm

Курам на смех\It is enough to make a cat laugh

Лучше синица в руке, чем журавль в небе\ А bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

He вешай носаNever say die

He все коту масленица\Еvеrу day is not Sunday

He дели шкуру неубитого медведя /Catch the bear before you sell his skin, First catch your hare, Never fry a fish till it's caught

Нет дыму без огня\There is no smoke without fire

Ничто не вечно под луной \А morning sun never lasts a day

Ни то, ни ce \Betwixt and between

Нужен, как собаке пятая нога\As welcome as water in one's shoes

Один в поле не воин \Оnе man, no man

От добра добра не ищут\Enough is as good as a feast

От судьбы не уйдешь оf flying from fate

Отложить про черный день\ То lay by for a rainy day

Победителей не судят\Success is never blamed

Под лежачий камень вода не течет \No song, no supper

Пойти на попятный\ То draw (pull) in one's horns

Попасть пальцем в небо\ То find a mare's nest

После нас хоть noтon\After us the deluge

После драки кулаками не машут\То lock the stable door after the horse is stolen

Поспешишь - людей насмешишь\Haste makes waste

Пристать как банный лист\То stick to somebody like a leech

Проливать крокодиловы слезы \ То weep over an onion

Твердый орешек\А hard nut to crack

У голодного брюха нет yxa \ Hungry bellies have no ears

Устами младенца глаголит истина\ Тruth comes out of the mouths of babies and sucklings

Учиться на собственном опыте\experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly

Этот номер не пройдет \That cock won't fight

Это из другой оперы\That's a horse of another colour

Задание № 4 Переведите следующие фразеологизмы, укажите и обоснуйте способ перевода.

1.To assume an air of injured innocence.

2.A little bird told me.

3.In Rome, do as the Romans do.

4.Peeping Tom.

5.To throw sands in the wheels.

6.To kill two birds with one stone.

7.A drowning man will catch at a straw.

8.Whom the gods love die young.

9.A stitch in time saves nine.

10.Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 11.A clever tongue will take you anywhere. 12.To gild the pill.

13.Ceasar’s wife is above suspicion.

14.To be afraid of one’s own shadow.

15.To fish in troubled waters.

16.To make the best of a bad bargain.

17.Least said soonest mended.

18. To bite the hand that feeds you.

19.To dance to somebody’s pipe.

20.To add fuel to the fire.

Задание №5 . What is the nature of the phraseological units in the sentences below? Translate the sentences.

1.We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen.

2.We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt.

3.The new truck meets our needs.

4.You only want to sell the land... That's the long and short of it, Ian.

5."Hello, Prendy, ...How are things with you?"

6.I told her that I'd never written a story for anybody, but that it seem ed like exactly the right time to get down to it.

7.She let go Charlie's sleeve.

8."Dear me, you seem to think about killing a good deal." "I do. It's my mission, you see."

9."Old boy," said Grimes, "you're in love." "Nonsense". "A sweet despair?"


"Nothing of the sort".

10.This new book will be of interest to policemen and prison officers; and, for that matter, to anyone who has to deal with criminals.

Задание №6 . Define the nature of the following phraseological units. Translate them

a) preserving the imagery of the original

1.I wash my hands of this job.

2.To kill time before the train left, we went to a movie.

3.My uncle Henry ... was on these occasions in the habit of saying that the devil could always quote scripture to his purpose...

4....I don't care what you say about my race, creed, or religion, ...but don't tell me I'm not sensitive to beauty. That's my Achilles' heel, and don't you forget it.

5."Money, John," said Mr. Pecksniff, "is the root of all evil." (

6.One swallow does not make a spring.

7. to shed crocodile tears.

b) changing the imagery of the original partially

1.That's past. There's no use looking back. It's water over the dam.

2.Well, you live and learn, don't you.

3.Others will say ... that you have lied and fawned and wormed yourself through dirty ways into my favour.

4.Old friends and old wine are the best.

5.a wolf in sheep's clothing.

6.as like as two peas.

7. dumb as an oyster.

c) changing the imagery of the original completely

1."Listen, Give," she said, "you're making a mountain out of a molehill."

2.As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

3.He would not set the Thames on fire.

4.Queen Ann is dead.

5.Never cackle till your egg is laid.

6.One fire drives out the other.

7.to make a mountain out of a molehill

8.have all one's eggs in one basket

9.like a cat on hot bricks

10.early to bed and early to rise

d)leaving the imagery out of the translation

1.He had a sweet tooth that, because he was in fine shape, he could afford to indulge.

2.Mrs. Grey, I have no crystal ball.

3.She wanted to talk my head off about it, but I wouldn't let her.

4."You don't want it to come into Court?" "No, though I suppose it might be rather fun." [Mr. Settlewhite smiled again.] "That entirely depends on how many skeletons you have in your cupboard."

5.PROTEUS. How did you get on with the King?

6.BOANERGES. Right as rain, Joe.

7.to have too many irons in the fire.

8.to have other fish to fry.

9.to make fish of one and flesh of another.

10.Many happy returns of the day! 11.the three R's

Задание №7 Define the nature of the phraseological units in the sentences below. Translate the sentences. What means do you employ?

1."Now your predecessor was a thoroughly agreeable young man... But he used to wake up my daughters coming on his motor bicycl e at all hours of the night. He used to borrow money from the boys too, .and the parents objected. I had to get rid of him."

2."You have never done a single thing in all your life to be ashamed of not one. Look at the newspapers and comprehend what sort of characters Messrs Woodford and Hoffman are and then see if you are willing to lower yourself to their level and enter a public canvass with them."

3.And yet I can lay my hand on the Book and say that I never slandered Governor Hoffman's grandfather.

4.He's been looking awfully down in the mouth lately.

5."Why are you so reluctant to reveal sources?" The question visibly pleased the old man; as if David had fallen into a trap.

6.So one moment you turn up your nose at a heart of gold.

7.The discussion was resumed in Welsh, but it was clear that the stationmaster was slowly giving way.

8.I don't know how to give up. That's my trouble. I always have to stick things out to the bitter end.

9.1 went back to town and left the candidate to his own devices.

Задание №8 Проверьте себя: насколько легко вы можете перевести без

подготовки все фразеологические единицы в этом тексте?


That guy Fred, is a real top banana (2). The guy is out to lunch (3). He better be careful because real soon he’s going to find himself eating humble pie (4). His ideas are OK on the surface but when you start to look at them you realize that they are really Swiss cheese (5). He always expects us to fill in the holes

(6) and make him look good. We get everything he gives us done to a T (7), but he takes all the credit. It would be nice if, for once, he would give us time to develop something challenging that we can really sink our teeth into (8). At least it would be nice to get credit for all that we do to make him and our organization look good, but I doubt that will happen; he always wants the whole enchilada (9) for himself.

He is always dangling the carrot (10) of private compliments in our faces, but we know they are insincere. He must think we are bunch of cream puffs (11).

But someday, he is going to get his pie in the face (12). He’ll be in a real stew (13) and we won’t be there to clean it. Soon….he’ll get his just desserts (14). Because he can’t have the cake and eat it too (15).

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