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Английския язык для студентов-медиков.docx
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XVII. Form and translate the new words using the given suffixes:

-ion(-ation), -sion, -tion:fix, prepare, decide, add, inform, infect, protect;

-ment:require, achieve, treat, appoint, excite;

-(i)ty:responsible, human, special, possible;

-(i)ly:day, successful, necessary, clear, deep, main;

-y: word, sleep, health, air, ease

X VIII. Substitute the words in bold type for the words of the close meaning: 1.1.M. Sechenov is a well-knownRussian physiologist.2. At presentwe study some premedical subjects.3. The researcher will finishhis experiment in a week.4. The operation was overat five o'clock in the afternoon.5. Our first term will lasttill the middle of January.

  1. State the part of speech of the words in bold type. Translate the sentences:

    1. 1. Lastmonth they had practical classes at the Chair of Therapy.2. These experiments usually lastfor about two hours.3. There are two termsin the academic year.4. The first-year students study many anatomical terms.5. In summer I usually restin the village.6. My friend and I went to the theatre and the restof our group went to the cinema.7. What kindof books do you like?8. We know that this doctor is a very kindand intellectual person.

    2. 1. I needyour help very much.2. A friend in needis a friend indeed(действительно). 3. The nursestake care of the patients.4. She nursesthe patients with great care.

    3. 1. At the end of the winterterm we shall take two examinations and at the end of the springterm we shall have five.

  2. Answer the following questions:

What do we call: 1. a person who takes care of patients?2. a doctor who operates on patients?3. a doctor who treats patients with different medicines and remedies?4. a person who discovers something new in the field of science?5. a house where the students live?6. a grown-up person?7. the organ which pumps(нагнетает) blood(кровь) through the arteries and veins?8. a fixed period of time during which the students study?9. the completion of the course of studies at the Institute?

  1. Supply questions to these answers:

1. Yes, we can dissect corpses.2. Yes, they may fix the date of their consultation.3. Yes, I must complete this work in time.

XXII. Turn the following sentences into negative:

1. My friend left the town for his summer holidays.2. They are resting now.3.1 return to the hostel at2 p.m.4. He feels tired after his classes.

ХХШ. Put special questions to the following using the given interrogative words:

1. My fellow-student got a good mark in English, (whatкакую) 2. Modern methods of treatment help the doctors to treat people successfully, (how) 3. The surgeon was working at the clinic from9 a.m. till2 p.m. (where)4. My sister looks ill. (who)5. He is tired because he works hard, (why)

  1. Read the passages and answer the questions. Explain your answers:

    1. Fred is in the dissecting-room. He is preparing for his Anatomy class. He is dissecting the corpse.

    2. Boris is often in the dissecting-room. There he prepares for his Anatomy classes. He dissects corpses. Кто из них в данное время готовится к занятиям по анатомии?

      1. On Fridays Nick went to the clinic. He helped the nurse. He took the patients' temperature. He gave patients some remedies.

      2. It was Friday yesterday. George was at the clinic for the whole day. He was helping the nurse. He was taking the patients' temperature. He was giving patients some remedies. Кто из них обычно ходил в клинику по пятницам?

        1. Read and translate Text С:

Text С. Oxford Colleges

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in England. This University has 32 colleges—27 for men and5 for women. There are16 faculties there, among them the medical, humanitarian and others. A large college has about500 students; about one hundred students study at a small college. Most of the students of Oxford are those young people who finished private schools.

During the first days after his entrance to Oxford the student meets his tutor (teacher) and begins to work. At the first interview the tutor asks his student many questions. This helps the tutor to understand the general intellectual development of his student. The tutor tells him about the lectures which he must attend and gives the list of books which the student must read during the term.

At the beginning or end of each term the student must take college examinations in written form. In many colleges of Oxford the tutors meet with the head of the college regularly and discuss the students' work.

At Oxford the working hours of the student are from 9 a.tm. to1 p.m. At9 o'clock he sees his tutor or goes to the library or to the lectures. From2 p.m. to

          1. p.m. he goes in for sports and does different exercises. From 5 p.m. to7 p.m. he works in the library or in the laboratory. At7 p.m. he has dinner. After dinner the students have club activities or attend different societies. At about10 p.m. the student begins to work again and works for about two hours.

        1. Answer the following questions:

What have you learned about higher education in England and about the daily regimen of an Oxford student?

        1. Прочтите текст Dсо словарём. Скажите, что вы узнали о ме­дицинском образовании в разных странах.

TEXT D. Medical education in different countries

Medical Institutes in the USSR as well as other higher schools of our country are open for the working people and their children.

But in capitalist countries we see another picture. For most people of poor classes the doors of higher schools are closed.

In the USA young people from rich families which make up only 10% of all the youth, constitute1about80-90% of all students. The young people from poor families constitute only5%.

The race discrimination principle plays even greater role. For example, only 2% of Negroes study at all medical higher schools of the USA.

There are definite limitation for admission of young women which constitute only 10%.

Only in socialist countries young women can freely enter medical higher schools. About 55 to60% of all the number of students are young women.

In the USA the education fee2is increasing every year and is about5000 American dollars a year.

In 1974 only about1000 young people entered11 medical faculties in the USA, while more than50000 young people entered91 higher medical schools in the USSR.

In all socialist countries the whole course of higher medical education lasts for six years. But in capitalist countries the duration of education varies considerably, for example in the GFR (German Federative Republic) it is nine years, in Holland — eight years, in France—7 years, in England and Italy—

  1. years, in the USA — 4 years offer graduation from7 or8 years' course at a college.

In capitalist countries there is a various order to receive the right to medical practice.

For example, in England a young doctor must attend internship during a year, then he must take an examination and only then he gets the right to practice.

In the USAonly the doctor, who has passed the examination in the chosen field of medicine, and has got the necessary certificate3can practice medicine.


    1. constitnte — составлять

    2. edncation fee — плата за обучение

    3. certificate — удостоверение



Правила чтения: Буквосочетания igh, ild, ind; rial; oi, oy; ou; au, aw; бук­выс, s, t перед сочетанием гласныхia, ie, io.

Словообразование: Суффиксы-age, -ive; префиксыin-, im", il-, ir-, -un.

Грамматика: Образование причастия прошедшего времени (Past Parti­ciple).Времена группы Indefinite Passive.Согласование времен (при одновременности действия). Инфинитив и его функции.

      1. Прочтите и переведите:

1. village, cartilage, haemorrhage, bandage, language, usage, damage;2* impossible, indefinite, irregular, undone, unhappy, illegal, unwritten, ineffective

      1. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова. Ответьте на воп­росы:

The studiedsubject is new. The examinedpatient is ill.

1. Какой формой глагола являются выделенные слова? 2. Как перево­дится Past Participle?

      1. Выпишите из словаря инфинитивы от следующих причастий и пе­реведите их:

formed, located, published, called, connected, found, made, said, seen, chosen, taken, kept, spent

      1. Выпишите и выучите неправильные глаголы в трех формах: (см. таблицу неправильных глаголов, стр. 314)

leave, be, begin, come, do, give, go, get, have, hear, know, make, meet, read, see, take, teach, tell, think, write, become, lose, feel, lie, hold, mean

      1. Прочтите предложения и ответьте на вопросы:

I examined. Не examined.

We examined. I was examined.

He was examined. We were examined.

1 .* В каком времени и в какой форме стоит сказуемое в левой колон­ке, и как переводятся эти предложения? 2* Из чего состоит сказуемое в колонке справа? Переведите предложения. 3.* Какая разница между пе­револом в колонке слева и справа? 4. Дайте формулу страдательного залога (Passive).5. Что изменяется в этой формуле при изменении по вре­менам, лицам и числам? 6. Что остается неизменным в этой формуле? 7. Поставьте глагол to be в нужной форме для образования Presentи Future Indefinite Passive.8. Как образуются отрицательная и вопросительная формы в страдательном залоге? 9. Как переводятся предложения в стра­дательном залоге?

      1. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. These operations are performed by me.2. Anatomy is taught in practical class.3. The lecture in Biology is delivered on Monday.

      1. * Найдите предложения, которые стоят в страдательном залоге:

1. This textbook is experimental.2. Many experiments are carried out by students.3. He is happy because he studies at the Medical Institute.4. Interesting lectures are delivered by Prof. Lukin.5. Physiology is taught at the Medical Institute..

      1. Переведите следующие предложения (письменно):

I. Нам дают книги. 2. Мне часто задают много вопросов. 3. Операции производятся хирургом. 4. Учебники пишутся для студентов. 5. Нас часто видят в библиотеке. 6. Курсовые собрания обычно проводятся в конце семестра.

      1. Прочтите и запомните неизвестные вам термины: cranial fkreinial] черепной

facialt'feifal]лицевой •

spinal column['spainal 'kolom]позвоночный столб



lumbar[1дшЬэ] поясничный


vertebra['vartibra]позвонок (pi(-ae) [i:])



thorax['0a:raks]грудная клетка


cartilage fka;tilid3] хрящ



substance['sAbstans]вещество, субстанция

      1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

bone[boun] п (pi bones)кость (мн. ч. скелет, кости) skull[skwl]п череп, черепная коробка consist (of)[kan'sist]и состоять из

part[pa:t] nчасть; take part in smthпринимать участие в чем-л.

trunk[tnvrjk] nтуловище

spine[spain] nпозвоночник

chest[tfest] nгрудная клетка

rib[rib] nребро

breastbone['brestboun] nгрудина

side[said] nсторона, бок; inthe sideв боку; on each sideс каждой стороны compose of[kam'pouz] vсоставлять; be composed ofсостоять из connect[ka'nekt] vсоединять, связывать free[fri:]а свободный; бесплатный neck[nek] nшея, шейка

lower extremity[' 1оиэ(г) iks'tre-raiti]нижняя конечность

upper extremity['лрэ(г) iks'tre-raiti]верхняя конечность

thigh[0ai] nбедро, бедренная кость

forearm['fB:ram] nпредплечье

shoulder['Joulcta] nплечо, плечевой сустав

joint [d3oint] nсустав; а совместный, объединенный

      1. Прочтите и переведите слова и словосочетания:

        1. arch[cut/]: arches ['cutjlz], the arch of the vertebra, the arch of the aorta [ei'o:ta];

        2. breastbone['brestboun]: the breastbone is a long bone^the breastbone is in the middle of the chest;

        3. extremity[iks'tremiti]: the lower extremity, the am is an upper extremity, the leg is a lower extremity;

        4. shoulder['Joulda]: the right shoulder, the left shoul der;

        5. Joint [d3oint]:to be connected together by the joints, some bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints, joint experiments

      2. Выучите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на предлоги:

to consist of,in the side, on each side of, to be composed of, to take part in, in the adult, to be connected with