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The internet


  1. The Internet to be a system that to connect computer networks.

  2. The Internet to link millions of computers all over the world.

  3. It to allow your computer to get information stored on other computers far away.

  4. Some networks to have only a few computers.

  5. Some networks to have thousands of computers.

  6. Computers to connect to the Internet through telephone and cable systems.

  7. Many governments, big companies, and other organizations to have Intranets.

  8. The computers on an Intranet to hook up to the Internet.

  9. But only people, who to work for the organization that to own the Intranet can use it.

  10. Other people on the Internet cannot see what to be on the Intranet computers.


  1. The Internet to grow out of a computer network, which to call ARPANET.

  2. ARPANET to create by the U.S. military in the 1960s.

  3. From the 1970s until the late 1980s, only a few scientists and people in the military to use it.

  4. In the 1980s, computer networks at Universities to join with ARPANET to create the Internet.

  5. The Internet to develop quickly.

  6. Schools, libraries, local and state governments, companies, and families to be on the Internet in the mid-1990s.

  7. At first, it to be hard to get information from the Internet.

  8. You only to see words and numbers on your computer screen.

  9. Then a British computer scientist named Timothy Berners-Lee to create the World Wide Web in the 1980s.

Ex. 26. POSSESSIVE CASE. Pay attention to the -s endings and translate the sentences.

  1. Her boss's notebook was stolen from the car.

  2. This network allows you to send email messages from your computer to your friends’ computers.

  3. Connie left copies of the document on Mike's desk.

  4. In an effort to sabotage [повреждать, выводить из строя] other people’s computers, some users (sometimes called hackers) write software that controls or destroys another computer’s programs or data.

  5. Besides copiers, the Xerox company’s products include facsimile machines, printers, scanners, and software.

  6. A computer’s operating system consists of a set of programs that control all of the computer’s resources.

  7. Complex computer graphics (=pictures and images created by computers) were used to create the film's special effects.

  8. Babbage’s computing machine was the basis for today’s computers.

  9. The first PC (the Altair), which used the Intel Corporation's 8080 microprocessor was developed in 1974.

  10. The library's database can be accessed via workstations in the reference room.

  11. Hacker is someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other people's computer systems.

  12. The solution to this puzzle will be published in next week's magazine.

Ex. 27. MODAL VERBS. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. An antivirus program should be run every time you turn on your computer.

  2. All program instructions must be stored within the central processing unit.

  3. Memories may be classified as electronic or electromechanical.

  4. All the files on the computer can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.

  5. It should be said that even in a complex digital system there are only a few basic operations, which must be performed.

  6. In the late 1940s, computers were built so that programs could be stored in internal memory and could be easily changed.

  7. When you insert a blank disk into a disk drive, it should be formatted before information is recorded onto it.

  8. Parts of an operating system may be permanently stored in a computer’s read-only memory (ROM).

  9. Surround-sound [объёмное звучание] capabilities can be added to older video installations.

  10. Data, which is put into the computer for processing should be coded into 1s and 0s.

Ex. 28. ACTIVE OR PASSIVE? Use the verbs in the required form.

Model: This software __ over the Internet. [can/to buy] This software can be bought over the Internet. You __ this software over the Internet [can/to buy] ↔ You can buy this software over the Internet.

  1. Everything in the computer’s memory ___ onto compact disks.

  2. Before use, the battery ___.

  3. The computer ___ numerical computations and follow instructions at an extremely high rate but it ___ itself.

  4. The program is freeware and ___ from their website.

  5. To write Windows-based programs, programmers ___ about changes in the system well in advance.

  6. The information ___ into the computer for processing.

  7. Thanks to the WWW, the user ___ all the necessary data quickly.

  8. The cards ___ alphabetically.

  9. The CPU ___ the nerve center of any digital computer system.

  10. You ___ a web search for articles about marketing.

can / to copy

must / to charge

can / to perform

cannot / to program

may / to download

must / to know

should / to feed

may / to find

must / to store

can / to call

should / to do

Ex. 29. Say the same, using the Passive Voice.

  1. You should save the file to your hard drive.

  2. The software can detect over 500 different viruses.

  3. Computer-controlled robots must increase the productivity of industry.

  4. The first electronic computer could perform 32,000 basic operations per second.

  5. You can download an image directly from a digital camera.

  6. In the example like 12+15х2, we must perform multiplication before addition.

  7. Anyone who collects jazz records should buy this book.

  8. People can operate the machines from a half-mile away by remote control.

Ex. 30. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.

  1. The system crash was caused ___ disk boot failure [сбой самозагрузки с жёсткого диска].

A. on C. by

B. of D. to

  1. Xerox Corporation is a producer ___ photocopiers and other electronic office devices.

A. of C. with

B. to D. by

  1. In the past, messages from Europe to America ___ by ship.

A. are sent C. sent

B. were sent D. will be sent

  1. I accidentally ___ your email.

A. deleted C. deletes

B. am deleted D. was deleted

  1. I think either the microphone or the recording mechanism ___.

A. were broken C. is broken

B. breaks D. will break

  1. I work at a factory that ___ microchips.

A. is produced C. produces

B. produce D. will be produced

  1. I answered the phone but there ___ no one at the other end.

A. is C. were

B. will be D. was

  1. ___ memory units on magnetic disks store a large volume of data?

A. Are C. Does

B. Were D. Do

  1. Why ___ they denied access to the information?

A. did C. will

B. were D. is

  1. What channel ___ this TV programme run?

A. does C. was

B. is D. do

  1. You ___ the Internet for an unlimited number of hours.

A. must access C. can be accessed

B. may access D. should access

  1. Program instructions ___ according to a set of rules.

A. must be written C. can be written

B. should write D. must write

Ex. 31. Use the following adjectives and adverbs in comparative and superlative degrees.

bad, cheap, efficient, close, convenient, dangerous, early, easy, expensive, famous, fast, good, hard, heavy, versatile, high, hot, important, late, little, loud, necessary, quick, reliable, safe, simple, difficult, slow, small, sophisticated, soft, suitable, useful, wide, complex.

Ex. 32. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized adjectives and adverbs.

  1. More sophisticated device is needed to produce results that are more accurate.

  2. It is easier to divide by 10 than by 12.

  3. The smallest hard disk can store much more information than 100 floppies and its access is faster.

  4. Microsoft’s Windows operating system for PCs is the most common operating system in the world.

  5. With the help of computers, teachers can make their lessons more creative and interesting.

  6. The best inventions are the simplest and most obvious.

  7. Thanks to the radio, it is possible to communicate with the remotest parts of the world.

  8. In the past, COBOL was the most important programming language for business use.

  9. Although there are now more modern and rapid means of transport, railways remain the safest and most popular form of transport.

  10. With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home.

  11. Today's personal computer is 400 times faster than ENIAC (the first digital computer), 3,000 times lighter and several millions dollars cheaper.

  12. The sun is perhaps the least expensive energy source we have.

Ex. 33. Use adjectives in the required degree of comparison. Translate the sentences.

  1. E-mail is popular because it is [fast – comparative degree] than sending a letter and [cheap – comparative degree] than a telephone conversation.

  2. A bit is [small – superlative degree] part of information.

  3. The arithmometer designed by P. Chebyshev in 1876 was one of [unique – superlative degree] calculating machines of the time.

  4. The aim of computer-assisted instruction systems is to make the process of learning [interesting and easy – comparative degree].

  5. Four of [popular – superlative degree] electronic games in the short history of the computer industry have been Pong, Pac-Man, Tetris, and Myst.

  6. [Late – superlative degree] software will be presented at the exhibition.

  7. Voice mail is [flexible – comparative degree] than [old – comparative degree] answering machines, which use tape recorders to record phone messages.

  8. Every program can be named in many different ways. [Convenient – superlative degree] name is chosen in every case.

  9. The new photocopier is much [simple – comparative degree] to use than the one we had before.

  10. The Microsoft company’s success made Bill Gates one of [rich – superlative degree] people in the world.

  11. Laser printers are [expensive – comparative degree] than inkjets or the [old – comparative degree] dot-matrix printers.

  12. According to Bill Gates, within 5-8 years and possibly much [early – comparative degree], many people will control their finances via the Internet.

Ex. 34. TEST. Choose the required variant to complete each sentence.

  1. This keyboard is ___ for the user than the old one.

A. comfortable C. comfortabler

B. the most comfortable D. more comfortable

  1. It is ___ to keep the computers running than to turn them off.

A. cheaper C. more cheap

B. the cheapest D. the most cheap

  1. Sending electronic mail is one of ___ uses of the Internet.

A. the most popular C. the popularest

B. least popular D. more popular

  1. The software for a computer system is often ___ than hardware.

A. expensiver C. expensive

B. the most expensive D. more expensive

  1. ___ chip consists of three layers, one of which is made of semiconductor material.

A. simpler C. the most simple

B. the simplest D. more simpler

  1. As the new technology was applied at the factory, ___ workers were needed.

A. the fewest C. fewer

B. the most few D. more few

  1. The Web is ___ to use than the Internet by itself.

A. easier C. the easiest

B. more easy D. the most easy

  1. Speech is ___ way of communication between people.

A. faster C. more fastest

B. the most fast D. the fastest

  1. It’s ___ to cut and paste the sentence than to retype.

A. quick C. the quickest

B. more quick D. quicker

  1. Some of ___ ways of inputting information are to use diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes.

A. the most common C. commoner

B. the commonest D. more common

  1. To be late is ___ than to be early.

A. the most bad C. the worst

B. worse D. more bad

  1. This computer can store as much data as many ___ models.

A. more large C. more larger

B. the most largest D. larger

Ex. 35. Choose the required adjective(s) to complete each sentence.

  1. Computers can do many things that people do but [faster, smaller, heavier, better, less efficient, more accurate, worse].

  2. Second-generation computers were [the most accurate, smaller, the fastest, more powerful, cheaper, wider, less reliable, the most versatile] than first-generation computers.

  3. Computers help millions of people do their job [worse, less accurate, slower, more effectively, later, more expensive].

  4. An electronic computer is one of [more famous, the greatest, more complicated, the most expensive, the hardest, the worst] achievements of man.

  5. The problem was [the most important, more serious, the largest, cheaper, more convenient] than we expected.

  6. What is [the closest, the most important, safer, the most suitable, more necessary] unit in the computer?

  7. Six is [more, the worst, the least, worse, better, less, the most] than eight.

  8. New models of computer processors have [the most accurate, slower, greater, better] speed and are [more dangerous, the most narrow, more reliable, softer, the cheapest] than the old ones.

  9. [The hardest, the easiest, the most difficult, the most complete, the heaviest, the best] work at factories is now carried out by robots.

  10. Digital computers are generally [more effective, heavier, more important, louder, the easiest] than analogue computers.

Ex. 36. Pay attention to the construction the ... the (чемтем) and translate the sentences.

Model: The sooner the better.Чем скорее, тем лучше.

  1. The more memory you have in your computer, the more operations you can perform, i.e. the faster it works.

  2. The more memory your computer has, the more data it can store.

  3. The bigger your computer system, the less time you spend waiting results.

  4. The higher the accuracy of the system, the less errors the system makes.

  5. The more money people have, the more useless things they buy.

  6. The more I get to know you, the less I understand you.

  7. The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So why study?

Ex. 37. Read and translate TEXT A without a dictionary.