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9. Why is international integration so vital for transition, and what are the implications for trading partners and Customs procedures?

  1. Are all Customs well equipped to reach the dual objectives of exercising efficient control and keeping trade moving as fast and smoothly as possible?

  2. Has the rapidity of changes in laws on revenue and trade-related legal matters added to the burden on Customs departments?

  3. Is it possible today to quantify the accumulated damage caused by fraud, corruption and unintentional administrative errors?

  4. Are most of international transit operations still monitored by Customs officials using only paper documents?

  5. Do you agree that under Russia's current valuation system the price actually paid for the imported goods is often accepted as the basis for duty assessment?

  6. Has Russian Customs developed a comprehensive automated system of pricing information as part of its risk assessment strategy to target declarations for verification?

19. ( Explain the meaning" of the following proverb in English and translate it into Russian:

Old birds are not to be caught with chaff.


Do you know 15 Customs regimes presented in the Russian Customs Code? Make a list in written form. Consult the Russian Customs Code if necessary.

Translate your list into English. Compare your translation with your partner's.

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