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СтилистикаТипы выдвижения.doc
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Типы выдвижения: конвергенция, сцепление, обманутое ожидание.

Types of foregrounding: convergence, coupling, defeated expectancy.

Studying literary texts one should not be limited by identification and explanation of separate stylistic devices and their functions. Their mutual interaction should also be considered. The sense of any message, like that of an idiom is not a simple sum of the parts’ senses of this message. This is especially true with respect to the emotional value of any object of art.

Expressive and figurative means, rhetorical figures and stylistic devices have been studied since Aristotle. Recognition of stylistic devices as the highest level of text interpretation reflects cognition according to the principle of separate element consideration. This approach, however, is a kind of a pre-structural and pre-systemic level of analysis, whereas the description of text as a whole textual system calls for the use of more general principles.

The principles of foregrounding may be used as an example of the more general approach to stylistics studies. These principles have been formed independently by many authors, but they were integrated into a system and united as a special level of literary work interpretation, the level which is more advanced than (higher than) that of stylistic devices. Foregrounding may be perceived as formal underlining of the main contents in any literary work.

Foregrounding is a way of formal text organization focusing readers’ attention at definite elements and establishing semantically relevant relations between the elements of one level or more often between those of different levels.

General functions of the foregrounding types are the following:

  1. Establishment of hierarchy of meanings and elements inside the text, that is emphasizing or foregrounding of the most important parts of a message. Hierarchy of meanings, embracing readers’ existential and social experience, may be considered as means of creating a certain textual order, at the expense of which aesthetic effect easing information perception and memorization is created.

  2. Providing cohesion and integrity of the text and at the same time segmenting the text for perception convenience; Establishment of links between the parts of the text and its separate constituents.

  3. Putting in order the information due to which readers may decode unfamiliar elements of the code.

  4. Foregrounding forms aesthetical context and fulfills a number of semantic functions, with expressiveness being one of them. Expressiveness is a property of the text or its part to convey a meaning with enhanced intensity and results in emotional or logical reinforcement, which can be either figurative or not.

The main types of foregrounding are CONVERGENCE, COUPLING and DEFEATED EXPECTANCY.

(We have already mentioned Convergence when we discussed STYLYSTIC Function) Convergence is a bunch of stylistic devices appearing in one place as participating in one stylistic function. By mutual interaction stylistic devices make each other’s effect more evident, more distinct and the signal conveyed by them is becoming more noticeable: