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Unit 6

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Ex. 1. a) Read the texts and find 2 or 3 sentences that express the main ideas.


The French logistics provider GEODIS No 4 in Europe has recently extended its European Distribution Center (EDC) to Duisburg in Germa­ ny. GEODIS has 500 branch offices and 22,500 staff around the world. The company serves a lot of customers and has a storage area of over 3 million sqm.

The EDC was constructed in 2000 and is operated by the German GEODIS subsidiary. GEODIS now manages a 15,000 sqm warehouse that has been leased from the Duisburger Hafen AG. Some 5,000 sqm of this area with 4,000 pallet slots1 are supposed to have been reserved for the Japanese cosmetic group Shiseido. This space is expected to be extended to 7,500 sqm with 8,000 pallet slots in the near future. Shiseido Germany is responsible for stock monitoring and the IT side of contract handling.

Picking and packing is carried out by newly installed automatic pick- by-light units2 (from the incoming order through article assembly3 to weight checks of groupage deliveries and bag machining). Only a very few process steps are done manually.

At the moment up to 300 orders per day are dispatched directly to retailers in France and Spain as well as to national warehouses throughout


pallet slots — ячейки для паллет


automatic pick-by-Hght units — автоматические отборочные установки с фото­




article assembly — компоновка товаров

Europe. The handling capacity amounts to 1,000 orders (that is 3,000 cartons) per day in a single 8-hour shift. This volume can be doubled by introducing a second shift if demand increases.

The logistics costs vvilJ be optimized and delivery times shortened. Foriinstance goods which are destined for France leave the Duisburg warehouse at six in the evening and are already in Paris at six o'clock the following morning. The system seems to work 100% failure-free and the company hardly has any complaints.

The Duisburg location was chosen to host the European central warehouse because of its superior infrastructure. The port of Duisburg is Europe's largest inland port. It acts as a logistics hub between the sea ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp and the European hinterland. Furthermore, Duisburg has good connections to the European network of trunk roads and is close to Dusseldorf airport.


An efficient and effective customs administration is essential to the welfare of any country. It benefits the national economy by collecting revenue. It assists Government to implement national and international policy. It protects the country by combating fraud and illegal trafficking of prohibited and restricted goods. Customs administrations also provide statistical information on foreign trade transactions essential for economic planning and encourage international trade.

Cooperation between customs administrations and trade operators has been encouraged by the World Customs Organization (WCO) since 1985 when it initiated the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) programme. A memorandum of understanding is a voluntary agreement signed by Customs and the business community in which they agree to work together to tackle Customs offences.

In September 1987 the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associaiions (F1ATA) became the fourth Organization to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the WCO. Under this document both organizations are to cooperate with a view to combating Customs fraud and to recommend their members to follow similar cooperative arrangements.

At the local level such arrangements are a valuable mechanism by which a joint Customs/business approach to combating Customs offences can be achieved. Customs can obtain information from freight forwarders for the targeting of high risk consignments. They also provide a framework by which freight forwarders can act as Customs' "eyes and ears" and alert

Customs to suspicious shipments or circumstances. The increased assistance and information provided by freight forwarders enables Customs to separate and effectively target high risk traffic thereby allowing the vast bulk of innocent traffic to flow freely.

b) Re-read the texts and say if the statements below are true or false. Correct the false statements.

1.The E D C has recently been extended to Barcelona in Spain.

2.G EODIS bought the new warehouse from the Japanese cosmetic firm Shiseido.

3.Shiseido is responsible for inventory management and IT side of contract handling at the new warehouse.

4.It takes 12 hours to deliver goods from Duisburg to Paris.

5.The Port of Duisburg is the largest European seaport. There is also a big airport in the city.

6.The Customs benefit the national economy by providing statistical information on foreign trade transactions.

7.The Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between the Russian Customs and business companies.

8.FIATA became the first organization to sign a M O U with the WCO.

9.The M O U helps to combat Customs offences.

Ex. 2. Look through the texts again and say what was mentioned in them about:

a)GEODIS and Shiseido

b)automatic pick-by-light units

c)Duisburg infrastructure

(1)the World Customs Organization

e)combating Customs offences


Ex. 3. Listen to the texts "Warehouse" and "Customs" and follow them with your eyes.

Ex. 4. Listen to the texts again and repeat them sentence by sentence.

Ex. 5. Read the texts aloud, approximate time of reading is 3 min.


Unit 6


Ex. 6. a) Find Che words in bold type and try to guess their meaning. Check up the translation of the words in the vocabulary (p. 159). Write them out in your vocabulary.

b) Write down all the words unknown to you in your vocabulary.

Ex. 7. Translate the following phrases from the texts into Russian:

a)to operate a subsidiary

b)to work 100% failure free

c)an inland port

d)to install automatic pick-by-light units

e)to benefit the national economy

f)to combat Customs offences

Ex. 8. Match the verbs on the left with the noun phrases on the right and translate the expressions they make into Russian:

a) to tackle

1) fraud and illegal trafficking

b) to extend

2) for the port terminal

c) to lease

3) the central warehouse

d) to destine

4) 500 orders per day

e) to combat

5) pallet slots

0 to prohibit

6) effective regulations

g) to target

7) high risk consignments

h) to implement

8) a warehouse space

i) to amount

9) customs offences

j) to host

10) suspicious shipments

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.




a) forwarding transportation warehouse






dispatched warehouse







agent arranges

of goods from a factory or a warehouse to








unti] they are

a quay or an airport. Goods are sometimes stored in a











to the buyer. When they arrive in the importing country they



at a warehouse until the buyer has paid for them. The



called storage costs.




Warehouse Terminals and Customs





b) controls



selective temporary






may be selective or temporary. If they

to cer-

tain goods


countries, they are

. If they





or certain

only apply for a

limited time, they are








. Traders may require a license to import









goods. A



is a certificate which gives permission to do some-





is a

thing. Traders may also be limited to a quota of goods. A


maximum number.










Ex. 10. Complete the sentences choosing the right word and changing its form if necessary.





a) cost

charge fee











1. The overall security measures at a port must



an enormous























amount of money. Now ports do not impose a security




























shipping companies


such a



. It's however certain

that the






















of security precautions cannot be borne by ports alone.









to reach Rbl. 540 billion.

2. The 2002 budget envisages customs


3. Our banking
























are not as big as the Central Bank's.

















4. Southern European road carriers bringing in fresh low






duce are entering the Norwegian market. This is at the






















domestic transport companies which have to demand relatively high

transport rates because of their higher production










5. The Canadian North Atlantic plans to introduce a






of $ 30











per bill of lading for all containers electronically reported by the mem-

ber lines. The







will be used to cover the





of meet-










ing the new requirements imposed by Canadian customs and Reve-

nue Agency.


























6. If our lessor cuts the rent, we'll be able to reduce production






and our



could also go down.












































7.Frauds and offences at the Customs should be eliminated at all

8.With effect from the 1 st of January the German forwarding and ware-

housing association raised its

for groupage runs by 3.5%.

It was possible to avoid










as administration



and wages increased by








b) custom





1. Could you describe the range of services provided to your











2. In addition to the real estate division, our logistics department processes _ clearance and import/export.transactions.










Unit б

3. The highly trained and professional staff performs


ance on behalf of our






4. Social


vary in many parts of the world.









5. The officials at the



were very polite though they had found











an error in the documents.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences using cost, price, fee, charge, customs, customer.

1.Ввиду высокой цены на нефть стоимость перевозок увеличи­ вается, поэтому цена товара для конечного потребителя по­ стоянно растет.

2.Вне сомнения, что, расширяя бизнес, фирмы борются за од­ них и тех же заказчиков и грузопотоки.

3.Транспортные компании, работающие на внутреннем рынке, назначают слишком высокие цены за свои услуги, не учиты­ вая себестоимости услуг.

4.Складские расходы сократились благодаря внедрению новой технологии размещения грузов на складских площадях.

5.Банк взимает небольшие проценты за перевод денег за границу.

6.Цена производителя в значительной степени зависит от стои­ мости сырья.

7.Таможенные сборы должны оплачиваться заранее.

8.Транспортные фирмы стараются сократить стоимость перево­ зок с тем, чтобы привлечь большее число клиентов.

9.Считается, что для успешного ведения дела необходимо знать обычаи и традиции своих иностранных партнеров.

Ex. 12. Check yourself. Give English equivalents of the following Russian word com­ binations.

1)взять склад в аренду

2)расширить складские площади

3)отгружать непосредственно розничным торговцам

4)сократить время доставки

5)работать бесперебойно

6)производить вручную

7)составлять 1000 заказов в день

8)удвоить объем обработки заказов

9)сократить число жалоб

10)бороться с мошенничеством

11)товары, запрещенные к ввозу в страну

Warehouse Terminals and Customs


12)получать сведения таможенных органов

13)осуществлять борьбу с правонарушениями

14)предоставлять возможность выделить партию сомнительного груза

15)способствовать свободному прохождению беспроблемного груза


Complex Subject

Ex. 13. Study the table given below. Note the formal signs of using the Complex Subject.












The forwarder



is known

+ to deliver the goods to the final destination.













The warehouse










The customs




to do smth.









to be done



























Ex. 14. Read the sentences paying attention to the usage of the Complex Subject and translate them into Russian.

Model: The warehouse is expected to be built next year. Ожидается, что склад построят в следующем году.

1.The volume of cargo transported by road in this area is likely to in­ crease.

2.The Minister of Transport was supposed to make a presentation on the development of logistics in Russia at the conference in Prague.

3.Effective customs administration is said to benefit the welfare of the country.

4.The warehouse costs are believed to be reduced.

5.Electronic bank transfers are reported to increase.


Unit 6

Ex. IS. Combine the two sentences using the Complex Subject if possible.

1.The track crossed the border on Monday. It was supposed so.

2.Inter-modal carriage of goods started to develop in Europe in the eight­ ies of the last century. Everybody knows about it.

3.International navigation holds the biggest share of cargo transports in the world. It's believed so.

4.The process of handling containers in most big ports is computerized. I'm sure of it.

5.Dangerous goods are not usually transported in conventional wagons. It's reported by the Policy Research Centre.

6.Insurance companies compensate for damage to goods in transit. I suppose so.

7.Britain fully privatized its railways. It's considered so.

8.A forwarding firm delivers goods to the final consignee. It's expected so.

Ex. 16. Translate Into English using the Complex Subject.

1. Считается, что перевозка грузов автомобильным транспор­ том намного дороже, чем железнодорожные и морские пере­ возки.

2.Предполагается, что транспортно-логистические компании начнут быстро развиваться во время экономического бума.

3.Известно, что впервые термином «мультимодальный» вос­ пользовались в 1980 году.

4.Кажется, что коносамент и товарно-транспортная накладная

— идентичные документы на груз.

5.Известно, что в современной экономике различные транснацио­ нальные компании расширяют предоставляемые услуги.

Ex. 17. Translate the following chains of words into Russian:

1)multi-modal transport service

2)high quality innovative services

3)container number verification

4)overland transport service provider

5)airfreight forwarding data

6)long-distance haulage growth

7)electronic equipment export conditions

8)a new multi-modal service

9)sufiicienl growth prospects

Warehouse Terminals and Customs



10)European countries shipbuilding industries

11)industry-specific logistics services

12)logistics infrastructure development

13)an internationally active container terminal operator

14)port authority's administrative council

15)the marine freight transport industry

16)regular rail freight services

17)respective national flag carriers

18)a future bullish sea-trade market

Ex. 18. Translate the following chains of words into English:

1)портовый кран

2)высококачественный продукт

3)обработка мелкопартионных грузов

4)быстрая доставка грузов

5)надежное послепродажное обслуживание

6)время оборачиваемости прицепа

7)судостроительная промышленность 12 стран Европы

8)значительные перспективы роста

9)владельцы контейнеровозов

10)новое направление в мультимодальных перевозках

11)контракт на мультимодальные перевозки

12)поставщики транспортного оборудования и провайдеры транс­ портных услуг

13)логистическая система отслеживания груза

14)речные и морские порты

Ex. 19. Put in articles where necessary.

1. D H L has opened


new logistics terminal in


Lorgo, in



northern Spanish







new installation













which is in































industrial zone has



useable working area of over

3,000 sqm
































logistics and distribution activities

1,000 sqm ware­







more than



720 sqm of

















house and




office space.






























Portuguese forwarding company Raugel and




globally ac­





logistics enterprise Hellmann Worlwide with














head office in





















Hague have recently entered


strategic partnership.


















Hams Terminal is now able to receive, by







Port of Felixstowe that haven't













































































Unit 6





customs warehouses utilization enables us to regulate























































taxes are not imposed on





goods stored in








































goods are





bond warehouses.





taxes are paid when






















































released for





free circulation.












Customs office




































T1R transport may take place between




















































departure of


countries with which




TIR transit








































operation can be established and


Customs office of ^


tination of





































another such country.



















































Box Lessor Triton has completed

implementation of





































_ data management system which will monitor





gate moves








repair estimates.























































primary objective today should be

creation and
































implementation of


universal customs procedures at all












































customs checkpoints.




























8. In order to improve


competitiveness of






Russia's road




























carriers in



international market





Customs laws of
























Russian Federation should incorporate


number of provisions



















most important of which concern

shared responsibility















consignees for






consignors and




















































Customs laws.






































































Ex. 20. Complete the sentences putting the verbs in the correct tense and voice.

1.The TIR Convention (revise) 19timessince 1975. The latest amend­ ments (come) into force in 2002.

2.A number of measures (implement) in Russia at present to reduce damage to the environment caused by road transport. EURO-2 stan­ dards for passenger cars (come) into effect in 2003.

3.The consignment (hold up) at the Customs if you (not, present) all the necessary documents for the goods.

4.The lease (expire) on the 1st of January. If you (not, get on) to the problem right away we (can, face) with many difficulties in the future.

5.The port (report) a throughput1 of 1.4 ml tons last year. For the years in progress after the terminal (extend) total volumes (expect, increase) and (reach) 1.7 ml tons.

6.IKEA, a home-furnishing retailer recently (start) using regular rail freight services to Britain when it (award) a one-year contract to UK rail operator EWS. From February EWS (begin) moving imported

throughput пропускная способность

Warehouse Terminals and Customs



containers to IKEA's distribution centers from the ports of Britain. Over 7,000 containers (move) over the next 12 months.

7.The TIR Convention (come) into force in 1978 and since that time it (prove) the most successful international Customs transit system which ever (exist).

8.Italian manufacturer ZV (extend) its significant agreement of coop­ eration with Clark for 2 years. In return, ZV (benefit) from Clark's worldwide dealer network by supplying its forklift trucks (FLT).

9.Leasing warehouse trucks (can, be) an alternative to buying them. However, it (can, apply) as an affordable alternative if the capital (limit).

Ex. 21. Put in prepositions if necessary.

1. Southampton Container Terminals (SCT) has ordered 11 straddle






Noell Crane Systems. These twin lift machines are














































the first units introduced




SCT. The change










plier results












































the port's preference




















































diesel-hydraulic ones. The new machines ran












































electrical drives which are more reliable














































tion and will therefore lead





reduced operating costs. The









































new straddle carriers are part







an order

25 units







































which will be implemented





the next few years.









































other advantages the machines promise






































a better fuel consumption and







lower emission levels.
































2. A new rail traffic management system has been launched




the European market


Swiss Federal Railways. The equip­































the new system which includes a radio system,








































board equipment





59 locomotives processes and



































sends instructions direct



the driver's cab.





































3. The TIR system has been devised to facilitate






the maxi­



mum extent the international movement


































Customs seals. The system provides transit countries




the re­


quired guarantees to cover









































The TIR system offers































different stakeholders involved








international movement







transit cargoes.





































its familiar symbol

4. The TIR Customs Convention,






the back


















vehicles, has been known


every man who



















has traveled





the highways






_ a few











































































Unit 6


decades. The International Transport Union (IRU) is,








making impressive efforts to protect the TIR















Customs offences and international crime.














5. \fehicles handling has moved



the fast lane recently

































the UK's first port­located multi­deck car termi­


























nal. The port invested £ 4 mln



the construction
























the facility. The new terminal and the existing dedicated storage site


are expected to increase



car­handling capacity




































350,000 vehicles




a year. The terminal is




























a recording system that scans




cars as they






















the terminal and provides


tighter control




















inventory. The port strategic objective is to grow

















this business to meet

the requirements







the cus­































Ex. 22. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.В соответствии с имеющимися соглашениями на границе Рос­ сийской Федерации работают свыше 300 пропускных пунктов. Еще 10 пунктов пересечения границы планируется открыть в ближайшие два года.

2.В стране давно назрела потребность в создании и развитии логи­ стических центров. Транспортно­экспедиторские организации являются логистическими операторами, осуществляющим и дос­ тавку грузов от грузоотправителя до конечного потребителя по единому транспортному документу.

3.KapHerTlR ­ это документ, который принимается таможенны­ ми администрациями стран грузоотправителей, транзита и ко­ нечного пункта назначения груза. Его использование разреше­ но только надежным транспортным операторам. Таким образом, сокращается количество правонарушений при пересечении гра­ ниц и сокращается время простоев и доставки груза в целом.

4.Деловые круги России и ЕС заинтересованы в увеличении ин­ вестиций в реализацию транспортных проектов и модерниза­ цию транспортной инфраструктуры.

5.Грузовые документы, представленные на таможне, вызвали по­ дозрение инспекторов, и таможенная администрация потребо­ вала провести досмотр груза.

6.Считается, что таможенные пошлины составляют треть ежегод­ ных доходов страны.

Warehouse Terminals and Customs


7.Известно, что иногда гораздо выгоднее взять дорогостоящее оборудование в аренду, чем его покупать.

8.Вероятно, что одноИ из серьезных проблем при пересечении границ транспортными средствами является задержка при та­ моженном оформлении грузов, ведущая к простоям и наруше­ нию цепи поставок, — тем самым наносится ущерб интересам экспортеров, импортеров и транспортных компаний.

9.В последние три года компания T G C возобновила свою деятель­ ность в Испании, взяв в долгосрочную аренду складские поме­ щения на юге страны с 9 погрузо­разгрузочными площадками и парковкой для 80 грузовиков.


Ex. 23. Listen to the dialogue and say what document has expired:

a)the Import License;

b)the Certificate of Origin;

c)the Customs Declaration


This conversation takes place in an Asian country. Peter Senin, an import agent, talks to his dealer's office manager lima Brown.

Senin: I don't believe it, Irma. I just don't believe it.

Irma: Trouble? Hope it's not about those air­conditioning units. Senin: That's just what it is about. What are we going to do now? Irma: They're not still being held up at the Customs, are they?

Senin: Yes, they are. I've just had a call from our shipping agent. The Customs have refused to release the goods again. This time the Import License for the air­conditioners has expired.

Irma: Out of date? You must be joking.

Senin: I wish Г were. The agent says there is a new government regula­ tion — it's just come into effect. Licenses for that category of goods have to be renewed. The agent didn't know about it either. He got a shock when he presented the documents to the Customs.

Irma: So now we've got to apply for a new license. It could take weeks unless... I have a contact in the Department of Commerce. I might be able to speed things up.

! 0-899

Unit б

Senin: Please do. If you got that license fast we'd have a chance of keep­ ing that contract.

Irma: 1*11 get on to it right away.

Ex. 24. Listen to the dialogue again and say if the following sentences are true or false. Correct those which are false.

1.Peter Senin is talking to his shipping agent.

2.The air-conditioners were held up at the Customs because the Cus­

toms duty was not paid.

3. The new government regulation has just come into effect.

4Applying for a new Import License will take a lot of time.

5.lima can help because she works at the Chamber of Commerce.

Ex. 25. Listen to the conversation and repeat it sentence by sentence.

Ex. 26. Rearrange the conversation.

Irma: So now we've got to apply for a new license. It could take weeks unless... I have a contact in the Department of Commerce. I might be able to speed things up.

Senin: I don't believe it, Irma. I just don't believe it.

Irma: They're not still being held up at the Customs, are they?

Senin: I wish I were. The agent says there is a new government regulation - it's just come into effect. Licenses for that category of goods have to be renewed. The agent didn't know about it either. He got a shock when he presented the documents to the Customs.

Imur Trouble? Hope it's not about those air-conditioning units. Senin: Please do. If you got that license fast we'd have a chance of keep­

ing that contract.

Irma: Out of date? You must be joking.

Senin: Yes, they are. I've Just had a call from our shipping agent. The Customs have refused to release the goods again. This time the Import License for the air-conditioners has expired.

Irma. I'll get on to it right away.

Senin: That's just what it is about. What are we going to do now?

Ex.27. Complete the conversation.

irma: Hello, Peter. Any trouble today?

Senm: .

Irma: They're not still being held up at the Customs, are they?

Warehouse Terminals and Customs









Irma: Out of date? You must be joking.






Irma: So now we've got to apply for a new license. It could take weeks unless... I have a contact in the Department of Commerce. I might be able to speed things up.


Irma: I'll get on to it right away.

Ex. 28. Have a conversation with your partner using the information below.

You work for a small company importing spare parts for BMW cars. Your truck with spare parts has arrived at the Customs warehouse but it is held up there because you failed to pay customs duty on time.

Phone the Customs broker and tell him that you have already paid the duty and ask bim to release the truck.


Ex. 29. You work for a French transport company carrying goods throughout Europe.

Read the following letter sent to your company and explain to your boss in Russian what the letter is about, tell him 77ie Russian Customs Tariffs Ser­ vice is, in your opinion, of more practical value to your firm. Give your rea­ sons. Inform him of the subscription fee and the special offer.

Dear colleagues,

New help for exporters to Russia

If you are involved in the export of goods to Russia, then you know that their tariff rates, procedures and regulations are in a constant state of flux. To keep up-to-date, you need to monitor a wide vari­ ety of information sources — local and international newspapers, trade magazines, customs offices and legal publications. Even then, there is no guarantee that what you find bears any relation to what happens on the ground in Russia.

Now, a unique Information service has been launched to guide you through Russian customs and tariffs. It tells you not just the current official rates and procedures, but also what the practical realities are.

14S Unit 6

Accurate, up­to­the­minute information on official procedure, tar­ iff rates and goods classifications

The Russian Customs Tariffs Service is published by CIS Informa­ tion Publishing, in conjunction with the Adam Smith Institute and official Russian government authorities. So you can be certain that the information we supply you is accurate and current. What's more, you receive updated pages every month so the information on your desk is always the most up­to­date available. You can even choose to receive instant notice of any changes by fax or e­mail if you prefer.

Practical expertise and insight into reality of Russian customs Every month, Russian Customs News brings you a practical assess­ ment of the customs regime — news analysis of the regulatory en­ vironment, the advantages and disadvantages of using different customs points, and the financial issues relevant to moving goods through Russia. The case studies and the readers' forum give you real assistance with customs paperwork and the classification of goods. We also spell out the possible implications of new proce­ dures and legislation, and point to forthcoming developments which could impact your business.

Take advantage of our special offer In the next 28 days and save £146 An annual subscription to Russian Customs News is just £395, while the Russian Customs Tariffs Service is £750. However, a joint subscription costs you just £999 a saving of £146. However, to qualify for this rate, you must send in your order within 28 days.

Yours sincerely

Gill Hawkins, Publisher

P.S. The Russian Customs Tariffs Service and Russian Customs News offer you a unique opportunity to get your goods through the Russian Customs smoothly, efficiently and cost effective­ ly. Subscribe to the complete information service within the next 28 days and save £146.

Ex. 30. Say what the letter says about:

a)the Russian Customs Regulations;

b)the necessity to have up­to­date information about tariffs;

c)the information service the publisher offers.


Warehouse Terminals and Customs



Ex. 31. Write a reply to GUI Hawkins and subscribe to The Russian Customs Tariffs





Ex. 32. You work for a big export company dealing with a number of customers


in Europe. You have problems with some of your customers concerning


delay in payments. Once you received the letter, you got interested in


the service offered in it. Discuss the contents of the letter with your col­




















SEAIR CONSULTANTS, INC. Represents more than 650 Cus­


toms House Brokers and foreign freight forwarders in the United


States and abroad with reference to debt collection recovery ser­


vices. While many of your members may be familiar with our or­


ganization, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce


ourselves, again, to you. We are the only organization in the Unit­


ed States that deals exclusively in your industry. We have been in


business since 1985 and for the past 20 years, we have been assist­


ing foreign freight forwarders, customs house brokers, as well as


exporters from foreign countries, etc., concerning their account


receivable problems.



We offer a full range of debt collection services ranging from as­


sisting with your slow paying accounts, to serious delinquent cus­


tomers2. Vvfe maintain a strong network of commercial collection


attorneys3 in the United States and in most foreign countries whom


we have dealt with for many years and who understand the intrica­


cies4 of the transactions involved. Our collection commission is


contingent5 upon recovery and, therefore, we only work on a "no


cure — no fee" basis. If an account is forwarded to us and no re­


covery is made, there is no charge whatsoever.



debt collection recovery services — услуги по взысканию долга



delinquent customer — амер. клиент, неоплативший услугу



collection attorney ­ поверенный по взысканию долга



intricacy — запутанность, сложность



contingent ­ возможный



Unit б

We would like, if possible, to have this information distributed to your membership in the event they should require our services. V\fe will, of course, respond promptly to any inquiry made. Our com­ plete fee schedule is attached hereto.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be of service.

Barry S. Gersten


Ex. 33. Say what the letter says about:

a)services the company offers;

b)the industry they operate in;

c)how long they have been in business.

Ex. 34. Say what the author of the letter means when he mentions:


slow paying account


contingent upon recovery

b) delinquent customers


"no cure - no fee" basis

c) intricacies of transactions



Ex. 35. You represent a big freight forwarding company in Russia. You have received this letter through a German partner.

Write an inquiry to Barry S. Gersten and ask him whether he could take up recovery collection of EUR 60,000 from SpeedTrans Ltd. in Europe.

Ex. 36. Translate the business letter into English and write a reply.

Всем, кого это может касаться

Уважаемые господа,

Наша компания «Центр химической безопасности» работа­ ет на рынке утилизации химических отходов в России уже 5 лет. Известно, что количество грузов, перевозимых в кон­ тейнерах, постоянно растет и решение задачи по очистке контейнеров становится одной из важнейших проблем.

В настоящее время мы планируем расширить наши мощно­ сти в связи со строительством нового предприятия по очи­ стке цистерн недалеко от .даЦ

Warehouse Terminals and Customs



На подготовительной стадии проекта наш отдел по марке­ тингу решил донести информацию о наших планах до на­ ших потенциальных клиентов. Фирмы, заинтересованные в очистке контейнеров на территории России, будут занесены в нашу базу данных и им будет предоставлена информация о продвижении проекта.

Если наша информация представляет интерес для Вашей компании, просьба ответить на следующие вопросы:

1. Какое количество контейнеров вы используете?

2. Какие химические продукты вы перевозите?

3. Сколько контейнеров вы очищаете ежемесячно на тер­ ритории России?

4. С какими российскими фирмами вы сотрудничаете?

Заранее благодарим Вас за предоставленные сведения, ко ­ торые могут помочь нам в составлении технико-экономиче­ ского обоснования проекта.

Благодарим и надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество.

С уважением...


Ex. 37. Read the advertisement and say who it is intended for.




We are not only perfect in air freight, but also in land, sea and railway transport.

worldwide import-export

global network capacity

customs clearance

bonded warehousing and distribution

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