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Unit 5

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Unit 5


Spare parts logistics is driven by the customer's desire for immedi­

ate repair of defective equipment. That means that spare parts must practically be available immediately. Customer demands are also on the rise. In the communication and electronics-industry supply ser­ vice contracts determine extremely tight time frames, sometimes in the range of hours, by which the product must be fully operational again. Should a server of IT-driven machine suddenly fail, there may no longer be a substitute available to fall back on after the countless cost saving phases most companies have been through in recent years. In this situ­ ation a customer is probably quite willing to pay well for a complete maintenance service.

In many companies this insurance aspect of spare parts warehous­ es has led to a situation where spare part inventories are still uneconomically high and inventory times still too long despite the rational­ ization of supply chains and distribution. And still many customers complain about an insufficient availability of spare parts.

Outsourcing of spare parts logistics is on the increase. The service market is growing. A rich field of activity with high potential growth rates is therefore the picking of the logistics services industry.

Schanker is one of the companies which has pounced on this Field of activity. Effective optimization can only be achieved if the whole process chain is optimized and not just individual parts of a spare parts supply chain. This requires a high degree of IT expertise on the one hand and, on the other, deep rooted experience in the appropriate in­ dustry including also a clear understanding of the business processes, priorities and company culture of the specific customer.

This was the trigger for the establishment of Schanker Industrial Logistics (SIL), a joint venture between Schanker (51%) and Siemens Business Services (SBS) putting a clear focus on high-tech industries. Apart from Siemens business, Schanker brought customers such as Daimler-Crysler and Axcelis (a manufacturer of equipment for micro­ chip production) into the fold. Additional companies are expected to be acquired soon, in order to ensure the optimal utilization of the rel­ atively expensive infrastructure installed. The starting signal fell on 1 September 2003. The aim is to become the leader in this market seg­ ment with regard to rates and quality and expect to grow quickly and profitably.

Siemens had been on the lookout for a partner for its logistics busi­ ness, as it would have been able to expand it into a profit making entity a'one. The management was, however, not willing to opt for a corn-




plete outsourcing or spin-off this business area. Siemens Business Ser­ vices operates and maintains computing equipment worldwide, taking care of whole IT equipment parks for large-sized customers, regardless of whether they use Fujitsu Siemens or third party products. Custom­ ers of Siemens include airlines, banks, British passport bureaus all over the world and the London water works. Dealers around the globe need to be supplied with Fujitsu Siemens components and exchange parts, as do over 7,000 of the company's own technicians. Contracts techni­ cian organization, too need to be supported with the same speedy and efficient access to telecommunication and IT replacement or exchange parts.

Following a relatively speedy decision on the part of Siemens in favour of the joint-venture solution and the creation of a distribution centre in the immediate proximity of Frankfurt airport to supplement the existing SBS warehouse in Paderborn, the search for suitable real estate was started, within six weeks a 9,000 sqm storage centre leased, the warehousing equipment and IT infrastructure installed and the nec­ essary personnel engaged. Subsequently the components and spare parts

— hitherto stored with JanssenAuto, "Vento (Netherlands) — approxi­ mately 100,000 articles with value of approximately EUR 50 million were transferred to the new location on 115 heavy goods vehicles. From here dealers in Europe and overseas are supplied with spare parts for Fujitsu Siemens equipment within 24 or 48 hours respectively. Here, returns of exchange parts are managed along with appropriate guaran­ tee and/or complaint handling procedures, parts are sent for repair and returned to storage. Depending on the destination and urgency of a consignment, TN T Express, D H L or Nordic Solutions are assigned as carriers.


supply chain managementуправ­

retail adj — розничный

ление цепью поставок

asset-based logistics provider —

reefer vessels рефрижератор­

провайдер логистических

ные суда

услуг, имеющий собствен­

stock costsзатраты на хранение

ную материальную базу

wholesale adj — оптовый



to meet the delivery schedule — соответствовать графику поставок

handle routing — разработать маршрут

turnover in industry—товарообо­ рот в промышленности

spare parts warehouses — склады запасных частей

to spin-off the area — уйти с зани­ маемой территории (рын­ ка, области)

Unit 5

IT replacement and exchange parts

— запасные части инфор­ мационно-технологиче­ ского оборудования

suitable real estate — зд. подхо­ дящее помещение (недви­ жимость)

to lease a storage center — арен­ довать складскую площадь complaint handling procedure — процедура урегулирования



1.logistics operator—логисти­ ческий оператор; фирма, предоставляющая логи­ стические услуги

2.transfer л — перевод transfer v — переводить, де­ лать денежный перевод You can pay by a banker's transfer.

I'd like the money to be transferred urgently.

3.origin n — происхождение Certificate of Origin сер­ тификат происхождения original n оригинал original adj — оригиналь­ ный

in the original в оригина­ ле

Original Bill of Lading — ори­ гинал, первый экземпляр коносамента

Не reads Italian in the origi­ nal.

4.immense adj — громадный Syn. very big, huge

The market demand for con­ sumer goods is immense.

5.stake n — ставка (в картах u т.п.)

be at stake — быть постав­ ленным на карту

His excellent reputation is at stake.

6.refer v — ссылаться на чтолибо

reference n — ссылка referring prep. — касательно


We refer to your letter of the 10th July.

With reference to our tele­ phone conversation...

7.inventory n - инвентариза­ ция, опись

Logistics includes inventory management, consolidation, customs clearance and other services.

8.stuffn — материал, вещество stuff v — набивать, запол­ нять

What's all that stuff about? The crate was stuffed with glass.

9.palletize v — укладывать в паллеты

pallet n — паллета Palletizing is the most conve­ nient way of loading.

There is no pallet at the mo­ ment.

10.package n — тюк, кипа, упа­ ковка

package v — укладывать (в ящики, контейнеры) Compare: pack, packing One package was lost in tran­ sit.

The price doesn't include ex­ port packing.

He is interested in packaging.

11.configuration n — конфигу­ рация; очертания; форма product configuration - фор­ ма продукта

I think product configuration has something to do with packaging.


12.total adj - весь, целый; об­ щий; полный; абсолютный totally adv - полностью, абсолютно

He's a total stranger here. What's the total value of the contract?

Russia is not a totally new market for well established western companies.

13.constant ad)'- постоянный constantly adv — постоянно

14.turn up v — появляться We've been waiting for him for an hour but he's never turned up.

15.chain n — цепь

Gold chains have always been in fashion.

16.comprehensive adj— всеобъ­ емлющий, исчерпываю­ щий; обширный

The exhibition will give you comprehensive information about logistics.

17.hub n - центр внимания, интереса или деятельно­ сти; зд. большой транс­ портный узел

Moscow is the hub of science and industry of Russia.

18.back and forth — туда и об­ ратно

Syn. to and fro

The train runs back and forth every 3 days.


сприлегающими построй­ ками и участком; помеще­ ние, здание



We've got a parking lot, a ware­ house, an office and other pre­ mises,

20. pick v - зд. сортировать We'd like you to pick our goods and pack them for transporta­ tion.

21. re-label v — менять этикет­ ку

Re-labeling is very important in intermodal transportation of goods.

22.advantage л преимущест­ во

Ant. disadvantage

The advantages of a good ed­ ucation are very great.

23.emergency n — непредви­ денный случай; крайняя необходимость; чрезвы ­ чайные обстоятельства

in case of emergency - в слу­ чае крайней необходимо­ сти

Pull here in case of emergen­ cy.

24.dispatch n — отправка dispatch v — отправлять

I don't remember the time of dispatch.

When did you dispatch the goods?

25.overtime n — сверхурочное время

Shall we get extra payment for overtime?

26.solve v — решать solution л решение

The price problem was solved at yesterday's talks.

Unit 5




I hope this problem will find


finite adj — конечный, имею­

69. flow л поток, приток

a solution soon.


щий предел

70. coverage л охват; зона

27. suggest v — предлагать, со­


view л взгляд



48. approach л подход

71. alliance л союз, альянс

suggestion n — предложе­

49. avenue л путь

72. similarly adv — аналогич­

ние, совет

50. slash v — разрезать, полосо­

но, таким же образом

We suggest you should trans­



73. establish v — устанавли­

port the goods by rail.

51. attitude л г- позиция, отно­

вать, учреждать

They suggested packing the



74. spare adj—свободный, за­

goods into containers.


loose v — освобождать, раз­


There were so many sugges­



75. gemstoneл —драгоценный

tions that it was difficult to

53. execute v — выполнять


come to terms.

54. wholesaler л о п т о в ы й

76. account for v — объяснять,

28. staple л скрепка; крюк,





55. schedule V—составлять гра­

77. turnover л оборот

29. repair п — ремонт


фик, план

78. ruthless adj — безжалост­

30. enterprise л предприятие

56. proliferation л количест­

ный, жестокий

31. headquarters п pi — штаб,


венный рост; распростра­

79. warehouse л склад, пак­





32. internal adj — внутренний

57. frequent adj — частый

80. complain v — жаловаться

33. sensitive adj — чувствитель­

58. consequence л последст­

81. pick v - выбирать, отби­



рать, подбирать

34. environment л окружаю­

59. perceive v — понимать, осоз­

82. pounce v - налетать, на­

щая среда

навать, постигать


35. ownership л собствен ­

60. assets л - имущество, акти­

83. appropriate adj — соответ­

ность, право собственности


ствующий, уместный

36. worthwhile adj — стоящий

61. bill v — выставлять, выпи­

84. trigger л спусковое уст­

37. slice л ломоть; кусок

сывать счет

ройство, курок

38. delete v—вычеркивать, сти­

62. audit v—проверять (бухгал­

85. entity л организация, уч­


терская отчетность)

реждение, предприятие

39. border-crossing л погран-

63. arrangement лдоговорен­

86. access л - доступ



87. favours - благосклонность,

40. boundary л граница

64. vendor л - продавец


41. relic adj — след, остаток;

65. separately adv — отдельно

88. proximity л близость,


66. executive adj — исполни­


42. unfamiliar adj— незнакомый

тельный; л исполнитель

89. supplement л дополне­

43. surpass v — превосходить;

67. indicate v — указывать, по­

ние, приложение



90. suitable adj- подходящий,

44. stock л запас, фонд

68. tolerate v - терпеть, терпе­


45. pursue v — преследовать

ливо относиться

91. lease v брать в аренду


Unit 5

92. engage v — занимать, анга­

9 5. urgency n — срочность, без­



9 3. subsequently adv — впослед­

96. assign v — назначать; опре­


делять, устанавливать

94. respectively adv — соответ­






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