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                          WHEREIS 2.0


1. What is WHEREIS?
2. How to Use WHEREIS
3. How to Assemble WHEREIS


  WHEREIS is a utility that searches a disk for files that match a 
  user-supplied file specification. The utility performs a recursive search 
  through any subdirectories it finds during its search. WHEREIS can be given
  multiple file specifications, and will show all files that match any of the 
  given file specifications. WHEREIS can also be instructed to perform a
  DOS command on each of the files that is found.


  To search an entire disk for a particular file specification, you would 
  execute WHEREIS like this:

    whereis *.asm

  This would search through the entire drive (the current drive) and display 
  each instance of a file matching the file specification *.asm.

  You can also provide an explicit drive specifier:

    whereis a:\*.asm

  This will search drive A: for all matching files.

  If you don't want to search an entire disk, you can explicitly define the 
  path from which to start the recursive search. For example,

    whereis c:\borland\tasm\*.asm

  will search for all files matching *.asm in the directory c:\borland\tasm 
  and any subdirectories below it.

  You can halt execution of WHEREIS by pressing any key while it's running.
  You will be given a message that execution has been interrupted when the
  next file is found. For immediate interruption, press Control-Break. If
  you want to pause execution of WHEREIS, press the space bar. You will be
  given a prompt to press the spacebar a second time to resume the search.

  If you want to search for several file specifications, just enter multiple 
  file specifications on the command line. For example,

    whereis c:\borland\tasm\*.asm *.inc

  will search for all the files matching *.asm or *.inc in the directory
  c:\borland\tasm and any subdirectories below it. Note that only the first 
  file specification may contain a drive and path specification.

  If you want to perform a dos command on each file that WHEREIS finds,
  you can give the dos command in delimiters on the command line. Valid
  delimiters are '', "", or []. The dos command should contain one of the
  following variables, that will substitute a given string on the command 
  line used for the dos command:

     %1 - Insert full path, filename and extension
     %2 - Filename and extension (no path)
     %3 - Only the path.
     %4 - Only the filename before the extension followed by a .
     %5 - Only the extension, preceded by a .

  For example,

     whereis *.bak [del %2]

  will delete all .BAK files from your drive.

  Another example is,

     whereis *.asm *.inc [grep -i ideal %2]

  which will search all *.ASM and all *.INC files for the word ideal.

  When the dos command is given, it will be given in the same directory that
  the file was found in. Note that the DOS command could also be a call to a 
  batch file. Whatever command, executable, or batch file, that is specified 
  should be reachable with the current PATH environment variable, or a 
  specific path to the executable or batch file should be given within the 
  delimiters. Also the command should return to the same directory that it
  was called from.

  Since WHEREIS calls COMMAND.COM to do the work of executing the given DOS 
  command for each file that is found, performance is best if COMMAND.COM 
  is placed on a RAM disk and the COMSPEC= environment variable is updated to 
  point to the new copy of COMMAND.COM. For a complete discussion of RAM 
  disks and how to set the COMSPEC= environment variable, please see your
  DOS manual.


  In order to assemble WHEREIS, execute the following command on the DOS 
  command line:

    make -B

  This will execute the command-line make utility MAKE.EXE and build the  
  whereis.exe file. For instructions on assembling specific modules in 
  the WHEREIS program, see the comments at the top of each module.

  WHEREIS has been rewritten since Turbo Assembler 1.01 to show off some of 
  the new features of Turbo Assembler 2.0. The file IWHEREIS.ASM has many of 
  the features specially noted. Refer to that file for more details.

Соседние файлы в папке WHEREIS
  • #
    17.04.20151.16 Кб34IWHGLOBL.INC
  • #
    17.04.20152.81 Кб34IWRITEPS.ASM
  • #
    17.04.20153.44 Кб34KBD.INC
  • #
    17.04.20151.72 Кб35MAKEFILE
  • #
    17.04.201519.97 Кб34WHEREIS.ASM
  • #
    17.04.20154.53 Кб36WHEREIS.DOC
  • #
    17.04.20151.64 Кб34WHUSAGE.INC