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4. Give the Russian equivalents of the following English words and word combinations.

To provide teaching; conveniently located; on the basis of their results; to study free of charge; on a contractual basis; to deliver lectures; to combine teaching with research; to receive scholarships; honour student; to do research work; to complete the course of studies; professional activities; non-resident students, pure mathematics; full-time and part-time students; external education: software engineering; assistant professor; to give lectures; distinguished staff; scientific degrees; attendance of lectures; to be responsible for smth.; to take an active part.

5. Give the English equivalents of the following Russian words and word combinations.

Филиал; высококвалифицированные преподаватели; получать зачеты; выполнять лабораторные работы; условия для учебы и отдыха; спортивный зал; предоставлять жилье в общежитии; сотрудничать с зарубежными университетами; обмениваться преподавателями и студентами; принимать активное участие; прикладная математика; кафедра высшей математики; заочное образование; насчитывать/равняться; руководить курсовыми работами; посещение лекций; выпускник; заниматься научно-исследовательской работой, внеучебная деятельность.

6. Use the word "course" and the clues provided to complete the grid below.








A person who applies for the university.

A test of skill or knowledge.

A person who studies at school or college.

One or two periods of time in which academic year is divided.

A formal written paper submitted for a doctorate.

The academic title given by an institution.

7. Complete the following sentences.

1. There are_... faculties at the university. 2. Most students study …, but some students study …. 3. The academic year is divided into …. 4. The students are required to …. 5. The university teachers combine …. 6. The students have good facilities for ….7.The university cooperates with …. 8. The university teachers and students take part in_.... 9. The Faculty of Mathematics trains about …students in. 10. The faculty is headed by the Dean and Sub-Deans who … for the general management of the affairs. 11. The … includes general and special… 12. The faculty's Student Union is responsible for …. 13. Graduates may work in ….

8. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Support your judgment.

  1. Kemerovo State University is an old educational establishment.

  2. Students are admitted to the university on the results of their school certificate.

  3. The entrance examinations are usually difficult.

  4. Tuition for all students is free of charge.

  5. Students combine studying with research.

  6. The university provides students with good professional training.

7.All students receive scholarships.

8. It takes four years to get the Bachelor’s Degree.

9. The curriculum involves various general and special subjects.

10. Students living away from home have to rent flats.

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