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1Data is usually entered into a computer with a help of a screen pointing device, the so called a mouse.

2 A device used for a computer connection to other computers via telephone lines is a modem.

3 A monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, a printer, a scanner peripherals.

4Physical, electronic, electromechanical devices that are recognized as “computers” refer to as hardware.

5 Unfortunately limited information can be received and sent with a computer, modem and telephone line.

6 A computer can’t function without an operating system program the quality of which shows the usefulness of a computer.

7The Apple company gave the users of computers the ubiquitous Windows graphical interface.

8Not many computers use a graphical interface or point-and-click interface such as Windows.

9Icons are symbols of files and programs and activated with the mouse, so that the user can see what files are available and what programs are running.

10Plug-and-play capability for Windows 95 is from Microsoft new programs to solve the memory problems of Windows versions.

Exercise 2

Please find in the text the terms defining the following: 1 a screen pointing device;

2 a device for connecting a computer via telephone lines to other computers;

3 the physical machinery of computers;

4 optical devices which can copy text into DTP documents; 5 a program a computer need to function;

6 symbols that represent the different peripherals, programs, files;

7the possibility of connecting new hardware to the computer without having to adjust or configure the system;

8the newly claimed capability of Windows 95 to solve the memory problems of previous Windows versions.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions

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