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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 52. Translate the sentences into English. Use the appropriate past forms.

1.К концу VI — началу VII века цивилизация в Европе пришла в упадок.

2.К тому времени как ему исполнилось 17 лет, он был студентом колледжа Тринити (Trinity College) в Дублине.

3.К тому времени уровень жизни (the living standards) сельских жителей Англии значительно повысился.

4.К семи годам Майкл пел на Бродвее.

5.К тому времени как она вышла из дома, муж уже ждал ее в автомобиле.

6.К 1936 году Филипп Джонсон проработал шесть лет в музее Современного искусства в Нью-Йорке.

7.К тому времени как он вернулся в отель, было темно.

8.Ко времени основания республики в Бразилии индейцы имели мало прав.

9.К тому времени он жил в Манчестере.

10.К тому времени как Алиса и Майкл поженились, они знали друг друга пять лет.

11.К тому времени он был старым и разочаровавшимся человеком.

12.К XV веку в этих городах уже сформировался новый средний класс.

Ex. 53. Read the text.

The Exploration of Canada

(Pathfinders and Passageways)

John Cabot was not searching for new fishing grounds when he discovered his “New Found Land” in 1497, he was seeking a new commercial route to Asia. Yet within just a few years, hundreds of ships carrying thousands of fishermen were sailing annually to the rich fishing grounds he had stumbled upon. Breton and Norman fishermen were voyaging to Newfoundland as early as 1504.

Before the turn of the 17th century, another industry had begun to emerge: the fur trade. Native peoples had been trading furs with European fishermen and explorers since the first early encounters (случайные встречи), but as beaver-fur hats5 became a fashion item in Europe at the end of the 16th century, contact between the two cultures dramatically increased. It also led to the establishment of the first permanent European settlements in Canada.

A.Arrange the events mentioned in the text in chronological order:

1.Beaver-fur hats became fashionable in Europe.

2.John Cabot discovered Newfoundland.

3.John Cabot started searching for a new commercial route to Asia.

4.Europeans began fishing the rich Atlantic waters.

5.The first European settlements were established in Canada.

6.Native peoples started trading furs with Europeans.

7.The fur trade became an industry.

B.Explain the use of the tenses in bold by describing the situations.

Ex. 54. Think of an incident or a funny episode from your past. Tell it to the class using all the past tenses.

5 Фетровые шляпы (для изготовления фетра использовался мех бобра).

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I



Ex. 55. Read the joke and suggest your explanation of the use of the articles in italics.

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman are all in a train, going through the countryside. As the train passes a field, they see a cow in it. The Englishman says “Oh, that is an English cow”. The Irishman says “No, it is an Irish cow”. The Scotsman says “No, it is a Scottish cow. Look, the thing under it is just like _0_ bagpipes (pl. волынка).








The indefinite article is used

The zero article is used

The definite article is used to

to speak about somebody

to speak about people or

speak about somebody or

or something the speaker

things the speaker and the

something already known to

and the listener see as

listener see as unknown or

the speaker and the listener or

unknown or indefinite.


definite in their minds.




There is a man to see you.

There are _0_ men to see you.

The man who wants to see you is

You can buy a newspaper

You can buy _0_ newspapers

our customer.



The men who want to see…



I read the newspaper(s) I bought



on the way home.









a / an* — a student

0 — students



the — the student

the — the students



Note: the “a” form of the article is used before words beginning with consonant sounds; the “an” form is used with words beginning with vowel sounds.



a yard


an apple




a union


an hour (“h” is silent)



















one of many,

They went to a party.

this / that =

They enjoyed the party

some / any =

A Mr. Smith phoned you.

тот самый

(they went to).


He is a journalist with

these / those =

The Smith from the BBC


the BBC.


те самые

phoned you.






The fl owers in your garden






look pretty.








Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I









one = один

We’ve got an apple tree

the only =

Our life depends on the


and many strawberry




beds in our garden.


Russia is the largest




country in the world.





any = любой,

A child can do it.

his / her / its / their

She lived alone and she


Books can be borrowed

/ etc. =

never left the house.


from a library.

чей-то конкретно

He took her by the hand.


Choose a career you like.








1.Some / any are mostly used with plural countable nouns instead of the zero


article: some in statements, any in questions and negative sentences.




Some students learn two or three foreign languages.


Are there any taxis around?

2.The definite article is also used with nouns that represent a class or group of things or people in general.



The bicycle is a cheap means of transport.

(the bicycle = bicycles)

The ant is a hard-working insect.

(the ant = ants)

This meaning is also indicated by the plural form of the noun; in this case the zero article is used. e.g.

Bicycles are cheap means of transport. Ants are hard-working insects.

Ex. 56. Match or substitute (where possible) the articles with the words given above. Translate into Russian.

1.A bungalow is a house that is all on one level.

2.There is a postman at the door.

3.“This is the man,” said the witness.

4.He lives in a flat, not a cottage.

5.He lives in a flat. The flat is small.

6.The car is a source of pollution.

7.A house is normally bigger than a flat.

8.She has __ 0__ friends in every European capital.

9.She has more friends in the capitals she lived in.

10.London is the capital of Great Britain.

11.Epsom is a small town. The bank is in the main street.

12.The computer has changed our life.

13.A computer can change our life.

14.He has a sister and two brothers.

15.The brothers are older than he is.

16.The guitar is a popular musical instrument.

17.When we had a party somebody usually brought a guitar.

18.There is a boat for six people and ten tourists who want to cross the river.

19.Jupiter is a planet. It is the largest planet in the solar system.

20.A Ms Clarke applied for the job.

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 57. Read the text and suggest Russian equivalents of the articles. Consult the table above.

The car is a danger to pedestrians. The other day I saw an old lady slowly walking across the street. The lady was almost hit by a car. The car was going at a high speed. The driver did not slow down. Luckily, a policeman saw what happened and chased the car. He managed to stop it. The policeman gave the driver of the car a ticket. But we all know that a ticket is no deterrent. A speeding motorist should lose the driving licence.

Ex. 58. Read the stories. Add the articles where necessary and explain what is absurd about these stories.

a.Old John Smith lived in ___ small cottage, which stood on the top of ____ hill and faced ___

east. From the foot of ___ hill ___ grassy plain stretched in every direction as far as the eye could see. On ___ evening of John’s thirtieth birthday, while he was sitting on ___ front doorstep, watching ___ setting sun , he noticed ___ horseman riding towards ___ cottage. ___ trees made it difficult for him to see clearly but he recognised ___ visitor as his son James, who had left home some twenty years before.

b.One day at the seaside man jumped from high platform. When he was half-way down he suddenly noticed that tide was out that he would strike his head on rocks below. This frightened him so much that he changed his mind and jumped back to platform.

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


1. Complete the chart. Give descriptions of the situations and supply the missing examples.










Joanna walked into the leisure centre at 7 a.m.


He drove to the campus, went to the office, and




state in the past







turned on his computer.








repeated action in the past










action in progress at a particular time or




during a period of time in the past







background action







While she was cooking, she was singing.









action completed before another past



action or a particular past time

house for twenty-fi ve years.







Hull lived with his aunt, who had owned the













By that time Klein had been questioning the


witness for nearly three hours.







action which continued for some time



and was completed shortly before



a particular past time






2. Work in pairs. Translate the following word combinations without consulting the Vocabulary List.

successful efforts

a stretch of the forest

to stretch new shoes

separate way

to attempt to cross the Atlantic

to respect customs

to make every effort

the decline of a great empire

according to the custom

an unhappy customer

неразлучные друзья

отдельный кабинет

с первой попытки

не подавать признаков жизни

снижение инфляции

достичь успехов в изучении иностранных языков

поставить подпись под договором

покупатель всегда прав

предпринимать совместные усилия

три изолированные комнаты

размять ноги

не жалеть сил, чтобы …

готовиться к экзаменам не жалея сил

жить в согласии с соседями


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

3.a). What article do you use if you speak about:

1.somebody or something that is one of a certain class or group of people or things

2.somebody or something that is specifically identified by the situation

3.somebody or something that is unique, the only one

4.some / any person or thing that the speaker and the listener have no previous knowledge about

5.somebody or something that is known to you and the person you speak to because

a)you have already mentioned it

b)you have the same knowledge or experience

6.somebody or something that represents a certain class or group of people or things in general

7.people or things [already known] as in No. 2, 3, 5, 6

8.people or things [unknown] as in situations similar to No. 1, 4

b) Choose the right sentence from the dialogue to match the situations described in the table above.

Customer: I want a computer.

Shop assistant: Do you want a PC or a laptop? Customer: I think a PC. I need a powerful one, too. Shop assistant: Personal computers are on your left. Customer: Which is the best model?

Shop assistant: The computers we have are all good. Have a look at the computer near the window. Customer: What make is it?

Shop assistant: Compaq. Assembled in South Korea. Customer: How much is it?

Shop assistant: 999 dollars.

Customer: A thousand dollars for a computer?! That’s ridiculous.

Shop assistant: For the computer you have in mind this is a very reasonable price, indeed.

4.Choose the correct alternative in italics.

1.Steve suddenly woke up. Someone shook / was shaking his shoulder.

2.By the end of the / a war, more than 186,000 black soldiers had joined / joined the Union army.

3.The / an official language of Sweden is Swiss / Swedish.

4.0 / the children were allowed to do anything / something they liked on Sunday.

5.They were having / had a quarrel every time they met.

6.The / a station master helped us buy the / a ticket, but the / a train had already left / already left.

7.Would you like any / some more pasta and salad? — No more, thanks. I’m quite full.

8.Jim walked / was walking when he noticed a / the car coming down a / the road.

9.I’ve seldom had any / some problems with my PC since I bought it three years ago.

10.Alex fell in love with Michelle about six months ago though they knew / had known each other for three years.


11.The Scottish / Scots Parliament is the / a democratically elected body comprising 129 members.

12.By the time they met they were / had been both experienced and effective officers.

13.The 17th century was the great age of Holland / Dutch painting.

14.Julia looked thin and hungry because she was / had been working out and dieting.

15.The Danes / the Danish refused to surrender and the British / Britons’ fleet started a four-day bombardment of Copenhagen on September 2, 1807.

16.We had been walking / had walked ten miles in the / a rain since an early breakfast and we were starving.

17.I hadn’t slept / hadn’t been sleeping for 27 hours and was exhausted.

18.As his experience was growing / grew, Collins devoted more time to arts study.

19.Helen’s husband is a Polish / Pole.

20.If you find some / any incorrect information, please send the / an email to the operator.

5.Fill in the gaps and give the right response.

1.A: Mr. Green, let me introduce Ms. Gordon, our sales manager.

Mr. Green:

2.A: Can you pass me the water, _________.


3.A:____________, Simpson. I must be going. The train leaves in an hour.


4.Bill Ox: Good morning, Mrs. Blake. How are you today?

Mrs. Blake:

5.A: Thank you ____________ for the baby sitter. She is a real gem.


6.Hi, Katja. __________ David, our new student.


6. Check your basic knowledge of the UK using the site: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/great_britain.htm

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