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Зубрилова Т.И - метод. указания к теме "Россия".rtf
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6. Fill in the blanks:

  1. The federal government consists of three ... .

  2. The Federal Assembly consists of two ... .

  3. The Council of Federation is made up of the ... of all the subjects of the Federation.

  4. A new ... must be approved by a majority vote.

  5. President may ... the bill.

  6. The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by ... for a four year term.

  7. President is the head of the state and the ... of the Russian army.

  8. The constitutional Court represents the ... branch.

  9. Today the state ... of Russia is a three-coloured banner.

  10. The red stripe represents ... .

Judicial, representatives, commander-in-chief, symbol, popular vote, branches, bill, veto, chambers, valour.

7. Make up a sentence out of two parts.

  1. The Russian Federative Republic is

1. to choose the Ministers of the Cabinet.

  1. All legislative power in the country

2. the heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitchies.

  1. In order to become a law

3. set up by the Constitution.

  1. The first action of Prime Minister on appointment is

4. adopted by the Federal Assembly.

  1. The Constitutional Court may veto any federal law

5. the bill must be approved by a majority vote and enforced by the Council.

  1. It originates from

6. is vested in the Federal Assembly.

8. Guess the meaning. What is it?

  1. It was set up by the Constitution of 1993.

  2. It consists of three branches.

  3. It is vested in the Federal Assembly.

  4. It is made up of the representatives of all the subjects of the Federation.

  5. It is made up of 450 deputies.

  6. It is headed by Prime Minister.

  7. It represents the judicial branch.

  8. It is the state symbol of Russia.

  9. It symbolizes the earth and peace.

  10. It stands for the sky and loyalty.

  11. It represents liberty and valour.

  12. It originates from the heraldic emblem of the Ruricovitchies.

9. Make up a summary of the text. Part III

Pre - Text Exercises

1. Memorize the following words and word-combinations:


- гражданин

to ensure

- обеспечивать, гарантировать

compulsory education

- обязательное обучение

vocational education

- профессиональное обучение

extra-mural courses

- курсы заочного обучения

correspondence courses

- заочные курсы

state scholarship

- государственная стипендия


- стипендия

primary school

- начальная школа

secondary school

- средняя школа


- учебный план

elective subjects

- курсы по выбору


- абитуриент

competitive examination

- конкурсный экзамен

entrance examination

- вступительный экзамен

to be in charge of smth

- быть ответственным за что-либо

undergraduate student

- студент выпускного курса


- выпускник


- получающий государственные субсидии

to rank

- классифицировать; занимать место


- прогресс, успех


- забота, беспокойство