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The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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circumstance, conditions, everything, culture, mores, habits, values: How times have changed since we were young! 10 ahead of time. (bright and) early, prematurely, beforehand, in good time: He arrived ahead of time and had to wait. 11 all the

time. always, ever, constantly, continuously, continually, perpetually, at all times, without surcease, unceasingly: Mother is after me all the time to do my homework. 12 at one time. a once, once upon a time, on one occasion, previously, in days of yore, formerly, heretofore, in the (good) old days: At one time you thought me beautiful. b simultaneously, (all) at once, at the same time, together, all together, in unison: The car can only carry five people at one time. 13 at the same time. a all the same, nonetheless, yet, even so, but, however, be that as it may, nevertheless, notwithstanding, just the same: I love her; at the same time, I cannot live with her. b See 12 (b), above. 14 at times. from time to time, occasionally, (every) now and then, once in a while, on occasion, every so often, at intervals, sometimes, Colloq every so often: At

times, Ingrid would come over and cook dinner for me. 15 behind the times. old-fashioned, outdated, dated, outmoded, antiquated, pass‚, obsolescent, obsolete, Colloq old hat, dead: Isn't 'The Lambeth Walk' a bit behind the times? 16 for the time being.

for now, for the present, for the moment, meanwhile, temporarily, pro tempore, pro tem, Archaic for the nonce: He has been appointed chairman for the time being. 17 in no time. at once, forthwith, straightaway, immediately, quickly, speedily, without delay, swiftly: The pizza we ordered was delivered in no time. 18 in time. a in timely fashion, early,

in good time, in the nick of time: The doctor arrived in time

to save the baby. b soon, one of these days, sometime, someday, one day, eventually, sooner or later, anon: In time, people might be living on the moon. 19 on time. a punctually, on the dot, in good time: He is never on time for his appointments. b in instalments, on terms, on account, on credit, Colloq Brit on the never-never, on hire purchase or h.p.: We bought the car on time. 20 take (one's) time. dawdle, dilly-dally, shilly-shally, delay, linger, loiter: He's certainly taking his time with his report. 21 time and again. again (and again), repeatedly, (over and) over again, time and time again, time after time, frequently, often, many times, on many occasions: Time and again I warned him he'd get a ticket if he parked there.

--v. 22 schedule, set, regulate, control: The trains are timed

to arrive five minutes apart. 23 schedule, set, organize, adjust, fix: She timed her entrance to coincide exactly with the crash of the cymbals.


adj. established, traditional, habitual, customary, rooted, conventional, age-old, set, fixed; venerable, venerated, respected, revered, honoured: We observed the time-honoured custom of kissing the Blarney Stone.

timeless adj. eternal, everlasting, immortal, undying, endless, unending, ceaseless, abiding, deathless, ageless, changeless,

unchanged, immutable, unchanging, permanent, indestructible: He was enraptured by the timeless beauty of the heavens.

timely adj. punctual, prompt, well-timed, propitious, opportune, convenient, favourable, auspicious: We welcomed the timely arrival of our rescuers.


adj. self-seeking, self-serving, selfish, self-indulgent, ambitious, mercenary, venal, greedy, profit-oriented, fortune-hunting, gold-digging, opportunistic, hypocritical, obsequious, sycophantic, toadying, toad-eating, boot-licking, subservient, Colloq on the make, on the take, Slang US out for

numero uno, Taboo slang brown-nosing: Members of the party were known to be time-serving and untrustworthy.

timetable n. schedule, calendar, curriculum, programme, agenda, Chiefly Brit diary: My timetable doesn't allow for long lunches.

time-worn adj. ageing, old, tired, worn, time-scarred, decrepit, dilapidated, tumbledown, ramshackle, run-down, dog-eared, ragged, moth-eaten, threadbare, seedy, shabby, archaic, antique, well-worn, worn out, pass‚, broken-down, old-fashioned, out-dated, dated, antiquated, ancient, obsolescent, obsolete, stereotyped, stereotypic(al), hackneyed, stale, trite, overused, Colloq old hat: She went into her time-worn routine about two living as cheaply as one.

timid adj. shy, retiring, modest, coy, bashful, diffident, timorous, fearful, apprehensive, mousy, scared, frightened, nervous, cowardly, pusillanimous, craven, Colloq chicken-hearted, yellow,


yellow-bellied, chicken, chicken-livered, lily-livered, gutless:


I knew this strapping marine when he was a timid little boy.


v. trifle, dabble, meddle, mess (around or about), toy, fool or


play (around or about), Brit potter or US putter (about or


around), Colloq fiddle or monkey or muck (about or around):


Graham has always enjoyed tinkering with engines.


adj. 1 shabby, flimsy, flimsily or poorly made, shoddy,


inferior, cheap, tawdry: He bought himself a tinny old


rattletrap of a car. 2 metallic, harsh, twangy: She plays that


tinny old trumpet day and night.


n. 1 tincture, wash, hue, colour, cast; tinge, touch, hint,


trace, dash, colouring, shade, tone, suggestion: In the west a


tint of pink lingered in the sky. I thought I detected a tint of


anger in his voice. 2 dye, rinse, wash, stain, tincture,


colourant, colouring, touch-up: What's the harm in granny's


using blue hair tint?


--v. 3 dye, stain, colour, rinse, tinge, touch up: Sandra


tints her hair to give it a coppery sheen. 4 tinge, colour,


influence, affect, taint, stain: A deep pessimism tints all his




adj. microscopic, infinitesimal, minute, minuscule, diminutive,


wee, small, little, miniature, micro, mini, pocket,


pocket-sized, bantam, pygmy or pigmy, midget, Lilliputian,


petite, delicate, dainty, elfin, slight, insignificant,


negligible, trifling, paltry, inconsequential, puny, Colloq


pint-sized, teeny, teeny-weeny, teensy-weensy, itty-bitty,


itsy-bitsy: She wore the tiniest bikini I had ever seen. When I


saw them together I realized how tiny she is. Forgetting my


birthday was only a tiny thing.


n. 1 end, extremity, peak, apex, summit, vertex, cap, top,


pinnacle, tiptop, crown, head, terminal, ferrule or ferule,


finial, nib or neb, point: The tip of the mountain showed above


the clouds. He broke off the tip of the billiard cue.


--v. 2 top, cap, crown, surmount: The foil is tipped with a


rubber button to prevent injury.


v. 1 Often, tip over. upset, overthrow, knock or cast or throw


down, up-end, knock over, overturn, topple (over), capsize: His


elbow tipped the lamp, which fell with a crash. 2 slant, lean,


incline, slant, tilt, cant: The statue is tipped a bit off the


vertical. 3 empty, unload, dump, deposit, Slang Brit ditch:


They tipped their load of gravel all over my driveway.


--n. 4 (rubbish or US garbage) dump, rubbish or refuse or trash


heap, dumping-ground: This old chair belongs in the tip.


n. 1 gratuity, baksheesh, pourboire, douceur, lagniappe or


lagnappe, present, gift, Colloq little something: That waiter


didn't deserve a tip. 2 tip-off, (inside) information, warning,


advice, suggestion, clue, hint, pointer, forecast, prediction,


Colloq Brit gen: Louie had a tip that the police were coming.


Her tip was 'Flapdoodle' to win the fifth race.


--v. 3 reward: Why did you tip the barmaid? 4 Usually, tip


off. advise, warn, caution, alert, forewarn, notify, let


(someone) know, Colloq let (someone) in on: The thieves were


tipped off and never arrived.


n. declamation, harangue, diatribe, philippic, outburst,


onslaught, screed, jeremiad, denunciation, stream of abuse,


invective: He let loose with such a vituperative tirade that I


walked out.


v. 1 weary, tire out, fatigue, exhaust, wear out, drain, sap,


enervate, drain, wear out, debilitate, weaken, Colloq take it


out of, fag (out), take it out of: The long climb tired me. 2


bore, exasperate, weary, irk, irritate, annoy, bother: I wish


you wouldn't tire me with your accounts of your shopping




adj. 1 exhausted, tired out, worn out, weary, fatigued, spent,


drained, Colloq all in, (dead) beat, knocked out, fagged (out),


dog-tired, ready to drop, dead tired, done in, Brit knackered,


whacked, US bushed, pooped, wiped out: I was really tired after


that ten-hour flight. 2 Usually, tired of. bored with,


exasperated by, weary of, irked or irritated or annoyed or


bothered by, sick (and tired) of, Colloq fed up (to here) with:


Perhaps she's tired of your constant nagging. 3 overworked,


overused, clich‚d, stereotyped, stereotypic(al), hackneyed,

unimaginative, trite, stale, worn out, unoriginal, commonplace, Colloq bromidic: The gossip columns are filled with the same old tired rubbish day after day.

tireless adj. energetic, vital, vigorous, dynamic, spirited, lively, indefatigable, hardworking, industrious, untiring, unflagging, unfaltering, unfailing, persistent, dogged, tenacious, pertinacious, persevering, staunch, sedulous, unwavering, unswerving, undeviating, steady, steadfast, resolute, determined: We all appreciate the honorary secretary's tireless efforts on behalf of our fund-raising this year.

tiresome adj. 1 boring, dull, fatiguing, humdrum, monotonous, flat, tedious, wearisome, tiring, uninteresting, insipid, bland, dry-as-dust, fatiguing, soporific, hypnotic: Ibsen wrote plays that actors love and audiences find tiresome. 2 irritating, irksome, vexing, vexatious, annoying, bothersome, exasperating, trying, disagreeable, troublesome, unpleasant: I wish she would take her tiresome problems elsewhere.


n. fabric, network, web, interweaving, combination, chain,


series, accumulation, conglomeration, concatenation, pile, mass,


pack: Their entire testimony was a tissue of lies.


n. delicacy, (dainty) morsel, treat, choice item, bonne bouche,


US tidbit, Colloq goody: Sally likes to steal little titbits


off my plate. I heard a juicy titbit of gossip this morning.


n. 1 name: You cannot tell much from a book's title. 2


designation, appellation, epithet: Aubrey is now an earl, but


he rarely uses his title. 3 caption, inscription, headline,


head, subtitle, legend, subhead, rubric: The title on this


picture has nothing to do with its subject. 4 championship,


crown: He holds the world heavyweight boxing title. 5 right,


interest, privilege, entitlement, ownership, possession, tenure;


(title-)deed, documentation of ownership: My aunt has sole


title to these lands.


--v. 6 name, call, designate, style, label, term, entitle,


christen, baptize, nickname, denominate, tag, dub: Harold was


titled King of the Revels.

titter v. 1 chuckle, snicker, chortle, giggle; snigger: He told the

most awful jokes at which his staff would titter politely.

--n. 2 chuckle, snicker, giggle, (suppressed) laughter, chortle, snigger: A titter ran through the audience.

titular adj. nominal, so-called, so-designated, so-styled, self-styled, soi-disant, token, putative, theoretical: He may be the titular head of the company, but his brother is really the boss.

20.5 toast...


toast n. 1 tribute, pledge, salutation(s), greeting(s), felicitations, honour, good wishes, appreciation,

remembrance(s), cheers: The speaker proposed a toast to the editor-in-chief. 2 heroine, hero, favourite, darling, idol: Jenny was the toast of the town.

--v. 3 pay tribute to, salute, drink to, honour, greet, congratulate, felicitate: We toasted our fallen comrades.

toilet n. 1 (water) closet, WC, men's (room), ladies' (room), (public) convenience, facility or facilities, washroom, bathroom, lavatory, privy, outhouse, urinal, (in France) pissoir, vespasienne; Nautical head, Chiefly military latrine, Chiefly US rest room, New England necessary, Colloq the Gents, the Ladies('), powder-room, little girls' room, little boys' room,

Brit loo, smallest room (in the house), Military ablutions,

Slang Brit bog, karzy, US and Canadian john, can, crapper: They excused themselves to go to the toilet. 2 Formal or literary grooming, dressing, making up, Brit toilette: She was still at

her toilet when we arrived.

toilsome adj. arduous, laborious, tough, hard, difficult, strenuous, burdensome, onerous, back-breaking, exhausting, fatiguing, tiring, enervating, wearying, draining: After a toilsome ascent we finally reached the first camp.

token n. 1 coin, disc: You need to buy a token to get through the turnstile. 2 symbol, sign, mark, marker, badge, emblem, indication, proof, evidence: The purple trim on a Roman toga was a token of its wearer's elevated status. 3 souvenir,

memento, keepsake, reminder, remembrance, Archaic remembrancer: The miniature Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower are tokens of

our trips abroad.

--adj. 4 symbolic, emblematic, representative: The panel was made up of three men and a token woman. 5 superficial, cosmetic, surface, perfunctory, minimal, slight, nominal: We encountered only token resistance when taking over the communications centre.

tolerable adj. 1 bearable, supportable, allowable, endurable, acceptable, sufferable: The heat and humidity are barely tolerable. 2 acceptable, unexceptional, common, fair, common-or-garden variety, middling, ordinary, average, so so, mediocre, adequate, run-of-the-mill, passable, indifferent, Colloq OK or okay, not (too) bad, pretty or fairly good: They serve a tolerable lunch

in the hotel bar.

tolerance n. 1 open-mindedness, toleration, forbearance, broad-mindedness, permissiveness, magnanimity, indulgence, sufferance, patience, freedom from bigotry or prejudice: You must exercise more tolerance in dealing with people who are poorer than you. 2 play, clearance, allowance, variation: The tolerance between these parts is less than a ten-thousandth of a millimetre. 3 toleration, resistance, endurance, imperviousness; immunity, insensitivity: His tolerance of the outrages of stupidity seems limitless. She has a low tolerance for sugar.

tolerant adj. open-minded, objective, forbearing, unprejudiced, unbigoted, dispassionate, broad-minded, indulgent, magnanimous, patient, generous, charitable, catholic, latitudinarian,

permissive, liberal, big-hearted, fair, even-handed, considerate: I am more tolerant of people than of their ideas.

tolerate v. 1 stand (for), allow, permit, bear, suffer, brook, countenance, abide, admit, indulge, concede, sanction, swallow, stomach, turn a blind eye to, Colloq put up with, Brit stick:

The teacher refused to tolerate any more misbehaviour. 2 bear, stand, submit to, endure, weather, take, accept, undergo: Tests show that the product can tolerate considerable wear and tear.

toll° v. 1 ring, peal, chime, strike, sound: The clock tower bell tolled three.


--n. 2 ring, ringing, peal, pealing, chime, chiming, striking,


sound, sounding, tolling, knell: Each toll of the bell marked


the death of another victim.


n. 1 charge, fee, dues, assessment, tariff; excise, duty,


impost, levy, tribute: New motorways will be funded by means of


a toll on traffic using them. 2 loss, penalty, cost, damage(s);


exaction: The death toll from the earthquake reached 50,000.


n. sepulchre, crypt, vault, mausoleum, grave, catacomb,


burial-chamber, final or last resting-place: Every year his


tomb is visited by a mysterious woman in black.

tombstone n. gravestone, headstone, marker, monument, cenotaph: The tombstones in the military cemetery stood in serried ranks.


n. 1 sound, note: Odd tones emanated from the electronic


music-maker. 2 stress, emphasis, force, accent, intonation,


modulation, phrasing, inflection, pitch, tonality, timbre, sound


(colour), tone colour or quality, colour or colouring,


resonance, sonorousness, sonority, fullness, richness: The tone


of his voice is extraordinarily melodic. 3 manner, style,


attitude, air, aspect, approach, note, tenor, tone of voice,


mode of expression, temper, vein, spirit, air: Do not take that


imperious tone with me! 4 tint, tinge, shade, hue, colour,


colouring, cast: The fabric has a silvery tone that makes it




--v. 5 tone down. temper, modify, reduce, moderate, modulate,


soften, quiet(en), dampen, dull, subdue, mute, soft-pedal:


Please tone down your voice or the neighbours will hear you. 6


tone up. (re)invigorate, tune (up), brighten (up), (re)vitalize,


freshen (up), limber up, get into condition or shape: I really


have to tone up my body before I put on a swimsuit this summer.

tongue n. 1 language, speech; dialect, patois,Creole, idiom, parlance, argot, talk, vernacular, fa‡on de parler: The people in that

area speak a strange tongue. 2 (verbal) expression, utterance, voice, articulation: Michael is reluctant to give tongue to his real feelings. 3 hold (one's) tongue. be or remain or keep silent, keep mum, say nothing or nought, not breathe a word, keep (one's) counsel, not say a word, Slang shut up: Hold your

tongue till you are spoken to! 4 slip of the tongue. slip, mistake, gaffe, blunder, faux pas, Freudian slip, Colloq Brit boob: Saying 'bald' when I meant 'bold' was a slip of the tongue. 5 (with (one's)) tongue in (one's) cheek. facetiously, whimsically, ironically, jocularly, jokingly, not seriously, in jest, jestingly, in fun, to be funny, Colloq kiddingly: As he is my older brother, I call him 'Dad' with tongue in cheek, of course.


n. scolding, berating, reproof, rebuke, reprimand; (verbal) abuse, castigation, chastisement, vituperation, revilement, Colloq dressing-down, telling-off, talking-to, Brit slating, ticking-off, wigging: For all his efforts to please, he only got a tongue-lashing for interfering.


adj. speechless, at a loss for words, struck dumb, dumbfounded or dumfounded, mute, inarticulate: I was so nervous when the Prince of Wales spoke to me that I got tongue-tied.


n. 1 stimulant, restorative, invigorant, boost, refresher;


Obsolete or literary ptisan or tisane, Technical roborant,


analeptic, Colloq bracer, pick-me-up, pick-up, shot in the arm,


US picker-upper: His father made his money selling snake-oil




--adj. 2 stimulant, stimulating, restorative, invigorating,


fortifying, bracing, strengthening, reviving, enlivening,


refreshing, Technical analeptic, roborant: Seeing Maddie and


Max again had a tonic effect.


n. 1 utensil, implement, instrument, device, apparatus,


appliance, contrivance, aid, machine, mechanism, gadget, Colloq


contraption, gimmick, Chiefly US and Canadian gismo or gizmo:


The work would go faster if you had the proper tools. 2 means,


way, agency, weapon, medium, vehicle, instrumentality, avenue,


road: Education is the tool you need to get anywhere in life.


3 puppet, cat's-paw, pawn, dupe, Slang stooge, sucker: I had


been used merely as a tool in her ambitious rise to the top.


--v. 4 work, carve, cut, embellish, decorate, ornament, dress,


shape: This is the shop where the leather is tooled and




n. 1 summit, apex, peak, acme, crest, head, pinnacle, vertex,


zenith, meridian, crown, culmination, high point, height,


apogee: They reached the top of the mountain at dawn. For a


change, I should like to be at the top looking down. Samantha


remains at the top of her profession. 2 lid, cover, cap,

covering, stopper, cork: Put the top back on the bottle when you're through.

--v. 3 surpass, better, best, outstrip, exceed, outdo, excel, beat, transcend: It would be impossible to top some of his achievements. 4 surmount, cover, cap, crown, tip; finish, complete, garnish: The entire concoction was topped by a maraschino cherry. 5 trim, crop, lop or cut off, clip, prune, nip, pinch (back): All the trees in this area have been topped to let in more sunlight. 6 scale, climb, ascend, surmount: The party topped Annapurna the next day. 7 top up. fill (up), refresh, refill, replenish, US freshen (up): He asked the barman to top up our drinks.

--adj. 8 best, greatest, foremost, leading, pre-eminent, eminent, first, first-rate, principal, prime, finest, choicest, topmost; excellent, superior, superb, top-drawer, top-grade, top-notch, supreme, peerless, unequalled, incomparable, Colloq crack, ace, A-1 or A-one: Is he the top man in his field? She

is a top economics adviser to the government. 9 uppermost, topmost, highest: The top fruit is the best.


n. subject(-matter), matter, issue, question, point, thesis,

theme, text, keynote, field or area of study or of inquiry: We

need to decide on a topic for tonight's discussion.


adj. 1 contemporary, current, up to date, timely: Drug

addiction is certainly a topical subject. 2 local, superficial:

For a minor injury we give a topical, not a general anaesthetic.


v. 1 upset, up-end, knock down or over, bring down, fell,

capsize, collapse: Scores of buildings were toppled by the tornado. 2 bring or throw down, overthrow, defeat, vanquish, overcome, overturn, unseat, oust: The leaders of the coup succeeded in toppling the government in a week. 3 fall (over or down), drop, collapse, keel over, tumble down: Seven guardsmen

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