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The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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adj. lukewarm, cool, cold, uninterested, indifferent, blas‚, unresponsive, apathetic, unexcited, unimpressed: Bentley presented the new design, but the directors were unenthusiastic and turned it down.


adj. uncoveted, undesirable, unwished for, unattractive: He was given the unenviable task of informing the victim's family.


adj. 1 new, novel, unknown, unconventional, unusual, different, uncommon, strange, odd, peculiar, bizarre: The man spoke in a tongue that was totally unfamiliar to me. 2 Usually, unfamiliar with. unacquainted with, unaccustomed to, inexperienced in or with, unused to, unconversant with, uninformed about, ignorant of, unpractised or unskilled in, unskilled at, uninitiated in, unversed in: The Americans were as unfamiliar with cricket as the Englishmen were with baseball.


adj. 1 harsh, unsympathetic; realistic, stark, candid: Her hairstyle was unflattering and made her face look rather heavy. 2 uncomplimentary, insulting, unfavourable: Saying that I look just like my grandmother is quite unflattering.

unfledged adj. undeveloped, immature, unmatured, inexperienced, green, callow, young, raw, ungrown: Take these unfledged recruits and turn them into men.

unfold v. 1 open (out or up), spread (out), unfurl, stretch out, expand, uncoil, unwind, straighten out: Emerging from the pupa, it unfolds its wings and becomes a beautiful butterfly. 2

develop, evolve, happen, take place, occur, be divulged, be disclosed or revealed: What will unfold next in our little drama?


adj. unexpected, surprising, unanticipated, unpredicted, unlooked-for, unsought, unhoped for, undreamed of or undreamt of, unthought of, startling, surprise, chance, fortuitous: The sales manager's resignation was an unforeseen event.


adj. 1 unlucky, luckless; cursed, out of luck, unblessed,

Colloq down on (one's) luck: She was unfortunate enough to have married early and divorced late. 2 poor, miserable, wretched, woebegone, pathetic, dismal, unhappy, forlorn, pitiable, doomed, ill-starred, star-crossed, ill-fated: These unfortunate

refugees have nowhere to go if we refuse them asylum. 3 deplorable, terrible, awful, catastrophic, disastrous, calamitous, tragic, lamentable, regrettable, distressing, upsetting, disturbing, inauspicious, grievous, ruinous: It was

an unfortunate decision, and led to many problems. The flood was a most unfortunate sequel to the earthquake.

unfounded adj. baseless, groundless, unwarranted, unjustified, unsupported, unsupportable, unsound, unjustifiable, unattested, unproven: Reports of a typhoid outbreak are completely unfounded.

ungodly adj. 1 wicked, sinful, impious, blasphemous, heretical, irreligious, iconoclastic, atheist(ic), anti-religious, sacrilegious, demonic, demoniac(al), diabolic(al), satanic, fiendish, hellish, infernal; depraved, godless, corrupt, immoral, evil, iniquitous, bad, villainous, heinous, flagitious, profane, vile: The crusaders believed that they had a duty to deliver Jerusalem from the ungodly heathens. 2 awful, outrageous, indecent, monstrous, nasty, dreadful, terrible, appalling, frightful, shocking, Colloq God-awful, unearthly, Brit beastly: Margot and I were subjected to another ungodly evening at the Dawsons'.


adj. unruly, refractory, intractable, unmanageable, uncontrollable, rebellious, wild, disobedient, unrestrainable, incorrigible: The nursemaid was saddled with two ungovernable children whom she had to cosset.


adj. 1 awkward, clumsy, ungainly, lubberly, Colloq all thumbs, butter-fingered, Slang US and Canadian klutzy: People in the aerobics class are always ungraceful to start off with. 2 inelegant, graceless, coarse, crude, inartistic, vulgar,

tasteless, unaesthetic, unrefined, barbarous, unlovely, ugly, unharmonious, unattractive, ill-proportioned, unsymmetric(al), asymmetric(al): Some regard the Albert Memorial as a paragon of

ungraceful Victorian design.


adj. discourteous, overbearing, churlish, gauche, rude, uncivil, impolite, ill-bred, bad-mannered, unmannerly, ungentlemanly, unladylike, gruff, bluff, brusque, abrupt, surly,

curmudgeonly: It was ungracious of him not to acknowledge the help of his staff.


adj. unthankful, unappreciative, rude; selfish, heedless: That ungrateful wretch never thanked me for all my help.

unguarded adj. 1 incautious, unwary, careless, inattentive, heedless, inobservant, inadvertent, unthinking, unwatchful, unvigilant: He let the intruder past him in an unguarded moment. 2 defenceless, unprotected, undefended, unfortified, open, uncovered, exposed, vulnerable: The sentry insisted that he had left his post unguarded for only a few minutes. 3 indiscreet, careless, imprudent, unwise, hasty, unthinking, thoughtless; guileless, incautious: He was anxious to restore good relations after his unguarded remarks about their associates.

unhappy adj. 1 sad, depressed, blue, dejected, melancholy, despondent, downcast, gloomy, downhearted, dispirited, heavy-hearted, long-faced, disconsolate, sorrowful, miserable, crestfallen, cheerless, forlorn, low-spirited, glum, distressed, tearful,

Formal lachrymose, Colloq down, Slang US bummed out: Mary is very unhappy that John is to be away a whole month. 2 unlucky, unfortunate, unpropitious, inauspicious, unfavourable, luckless, hapless, cursed, wretched, ill-omened, ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed, jinxed, disastrous: Let me tell you how this

unhappy state of affairs came about. 3 infelicitous, unfitting, inappropriate, unsuitable, unsuited, wrong, inexpedient, ill-advised, poor, unfortunate: Vivian was an unhappy choice as his successor.

unhealthy adj. 1 ailing, unwell, ill, sickly, infirm, feeble, frail, debilitated, unsound, sick, in poor or delicate health or condition, indisposed, invalid, valetudinary: The boys had pasty, unhealthy faces. 2 unwholesome, harmful, noxious, detrimental, insalubrious, damaging, injurious, destructive, malign: The doctor said that this climate is unhealthy for

people with respiratory disorders. 3 risky, dangerous, perilous, life-threatening, touch-and-go: You might find it unhealthy to criticize the government here.


adj. 1 unknown, unfamiliar, obscure, unidentified, nameless, unsung: She is busy trying to promote some unheard-of sculptor. 2 unimaginable, undreamed of or undreamt of, unprecedented, unimagined, unbelievable, inconceivable, unusual: They took the unheard-of step of requiring that refunds be paid. Her starting salary is an unheard-of œ100,000. 3 shocking, offensive, outrageous, disgraceful, extreme, unthinkable, outlandish: The victims were subjected to unheard-of tortures.


adj. unannounced, unpublicized, unadvertised; unexpected, surprise, unanticipated, unforeseen, unpredicted: Published by some obscure company, the book turned out to be an unheralded success.


adj. 1 swift, rapid, quick, immediate, instantaneous, prompt, ready, unhesitant: The response was an unhesitating 'No!' 2 unfaltering, unwavering, wholehearted, unqualified, unswerving, undeviating, staunch, steadfast, implicit, resolute: We appreciate your unhesitating devotion to duty.

unhurried adj. leisurely, unrushed, easy, easygoing, casual, gradual, deliberate, steady, sedate, calm: We proceeded at an unhurried pace, eventually arriving at dusk at the castle gates.


adj. nameless, anonymous, unknown, unmarked, unnamed, unknown, unfamiliar, unrecognized, mysterious: The police found the body

of a unidentified woman in the park.

uniform adj. 1 homogeneous, consistent, unvaried, unchanged, unaltered; unvarying, unchanging; invariable, unchangeable, unalterable, regimented, standard; ordered, orderly, equal, even, like,

identical; alike: The mixture is uniform throughout. The rules are uniform for everyone. Line up in ten uniform rows of ten each. 2 even, unbroken, smooth, regular, flat: Not one irregularity marred the uniform surface of the plain.

--n. 3 livery, habit, regalia, costume, outfit; regimentals:

When I next saw him, he was in the uniform of a Gestapo officer.


n. 1 regularity, similarity, sameness, homogeneity,

consistency, symmetry, evenness, invariability, unchangeability, similitude, conformity, agreement, concord, accord, harmoniousness; harmony, concordance, accordance, conformance, correspondence: One can easily see the lack of uniformity even

in what is supposed to be a classless society. 2 dullness, monotony, drabness, sameness, tedium, featurelessness, flatness, invariability, lack of variety, changelessness: After a few

days, the uniformity of the routine began to get on my nerves.

unify v. consolidate, unite, combine, amalgamate, coalesce, bring together, fuse, join, weld, merge, confederate, integrate: The separate elements were unified into a coherent whole. Successive Reform Bills unified the nation.

unimpeded adj. unblocked, unchecked, free, unconstrained, unrestrained, unhindered, unhampered, unencumbered, open, untrammelled, unrestricted: They insist on having unimpeded access to the



adj. unimpressive, nugatory, trivial, trifling, minor, unimportant, puny, inconsiderable, negligible: It was an unimposing building sandwiched between two office blocks. A more unimposing little cockalorum has seldom assailed my sensibilities.


adj. ignorant, nescient, unknowledgeable, unenlightened, uneducated, unschooled, untutored, untaught, uninstructed, unaware, incognizant: The problem is not that they are stupid, merely uninformed and misinformed.


adj. desolate, empty, abandoned, deserted, unoccupied, vacant, vacated, tenantless, untenanted; desert, unpopulated, unpeopled, trackless, depopulated, waste, barren: Tristan da Cunha, in the south Atlantic, is an uninhabited island.


adj. wild, unchecked, unbridled, uncurbed, intemperate, boisterous, unrepressed, unconstrained, unrestrained, uncontrolled, unselfconscious, unreserved, relaxed, casual, easygoing, free (and easy), open, frank, candid, outspoken, Colloq upfront: Their behaviour at the party was totally uninhibited. I will tell you what I think only if I can be totally uninhibited about it.


adj. repulsive, repellent, offensive, unappealing, unattractive, unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful,

unappetizing, unsavoury, sickening, revolting, obnoxious, nasty, disgusting, Brit off-putting: The food he put on the table was cold and uninviting.

union n. 1 uniting, unity, combining, combination, joining, junction, conjoining, conjunction, allying, alliance, associating, association, coalition, amalgamating, amalgamation, fusing, fusion, marrying, marriage, confederating, confederation, confederacy, synthesizing, synthesis, mixing, mixture, federation, togetherness: Monarchies favour the union of Church and State. 2 alliance, association, organization, society,

circle, fraternity, club, fellowship, team, ring, gang, syndicate, coalition, party, confederation, confederacy, federation, Bund, league, consortium, bloc, cartel, trust: The countries formed a union to control their joint economies. 3 joint, seam, splice, junction, conjunction, graft, weld;

coupling: The union between the two pieces may be stronger than the material itself. 4 agreement, accord, harmony, harmoniousness, congruity, coherence, compatibility, unanimity, unity: The union of the various elements in the painting was skilfully effected.

unique adj. 1 single, lone, (one and) only, solitary, one of a kind, sui generis: Natural forces conspired to create this unique situation. 2 unequalled, unparalleled, unrivalled, incomparable, inimitable, peerless, unmatched, unsurpassed, unexcelled, second to none: Stimble's genius is unique in the annals of proctology.

unison n. in unison (with). in harmony, together, corresponding


exactly, in (perfect) accord, consonant, harmonious: Why is his


singing never in unison with ours? We all responded in unison


with a rousing 'No!'


n. element, component, entity, part, item, constituent, piece,


portion, segment, section, module: The units fit together like


Lego blocks.


v. 1 combine, unify, merge, coalesce, amalgamate, mix, mingle,


commingle, intermix, blend, consolidate, fuse: The splinter


parties have united to form a coalition. 2 join (forces),


unify, wed, marry, link, connect, merge: The two families are


united by marriage. 3 bond, fuse or weld or solder or glue or


stick or tie or bind or fasten or fix or fit (together): Unite


these pieces and the job is done.


adj. 1 unified, common, mutual, combined, merged, coalesced,


pooled, shared, collective, joint, amalgamated, connected: The


new law will serve our united interests. 2 joint, cooperative,


common, communal, collaborative, synergetic or synergistic,


collective, concerted, coordinated, allied; partnership: We


must make a united effort if we are to survive. 3 agreed,


unanimous, in agreement, of one mind, of like mind or opinion,


like-minded, in accord, in harmony, harmonious: We are united


in our assessment of last night's performance.


n. 1 consistency, unanimity, constancy, uniformity, sameness,


consensus, agreement, concord, concordance, accord, solidarity,


compatibility, concurrence, continuity, consentaneousness,


rapport, sympathy, like-mindedness: All members of the


association enjoy a unity of purpose. 2 oneness, singularity,


integrity, singleness, congruity, uniformity, congruousness,


homogeneity, identity, sameness, resemblance, likeness,


similarity, similitude: If there is little unity between your


ideas and those of the organization, perhaps you should resign.


3 unification, uniting, combination: In unity is strength.

universal adj. 1 prevalent, prevailing, general, worldwide, widespread, ubiquitous, omnipresent, limitless, unlimited, common, pandemic, epidemic: The end of the 20th century is marked by a universal preoccupation with greed. 2 cosmic, infinite, boundless,

limitless, unlimited, measureless, endless, uncircumscribed, all-inclusive, all-embracing, all-encompassing, wide-ranging,

comprehensive: Renaissance man was regarded as possessing universal knowledge.


adv. in every case or instance, in all cases or instances, unexceptionally, without exception, uniformly, always, invariably: In those days, it was universally accepted that the earth was flat.

universe n. 1 cosmos, creation, macrocosm: What arrogance makes man believe that in all the vast universe God pays him any heed? 2 world, bailiwick, sphere, province, domain, circle, milieu,

territory, corner, quarter, microcosm: Such behaviour may be acceptable in her tiny universe.

unkempt adj. dishevelled, uncombed, tousled, disarranged, ungroomed, wind-blown, untidy, disordered, mussed (-up), messy, messed-up, bedraggled, shaggy, scruffy, rumpled, slovenly, frowzy, blowzy, Archaic draggle-tailed, Colloq sloppy: Mother would refuse to allow us to the table if we were unkempt.

unkind adj. inconsiderate, unthoughtful, thoughtless, unfeeling, unconcerned, insensitive, unkindly, unsympathetic, uncharitable, unchristian, uncaring, hard-hearted, heartless, flinty, hard,

rigid, callous, tough, inflexible, unyielding, unbending, severe, harsh, stern, cruel, mean, inhuman: It was very unkind of you to refuse the beggar.

unknown adj. 1 unrecognized, unfamiliar, strange, unnamed, anonymous, nameless, unidentified; obscure, unheard-of, little-known,

humble, undistinguished, unsung: Some unknown person left this package for you. Bill is in some unknown place for the weekend. An unknown poet won the competition. 2 unfamiliar, unexplored, uninvestigated, unresearched, unrevealed, mysterious, uncharted, unidentified, dark: We were now going into unknown territory.

3 unbeknownst, untold, unrevealed: Unknown to me, the thieves were at that moment breaking in through the kitchen window.


adj. unmissed, unmourned, unbemoaned, unbewailed, unloved: They destroyed a statue of the late, unlamented Joseph Stalin.

unlawful adj. illegal, illicit, against the law, illegitimate, under the

table, under the counter, criminal, felonious; outlawed, banned, prohibited, forbidden, interdicted, disallowed, proscribed, verboten; unauthorized, unlicensed, unsanctioned: Unlawful payments had been made to councillors. Gambling has been declared unlawful in that county.

unlike adj. 1 different (from), dissimilar (to), unalike, distinct (from), opposite (from or to), contrasting or contrastive (with or to), separate (from), divergent (from), incompatible (with), distinguishable (from), far apart (from), far (from), distant (from), ill-matched (with), unequal (to), unequivalent (to):

His notions of right and wrong are unlike those of other people. Although they're brothers, they look quite unlike each other. 2 atypical, uncharacteristic, untypical: It is unlike you to complain.

--prep. 3 different from, differing from, in contradistinction to, in contrast with or to, dissimilar to, distinct from, opposite from or to, contrasting with or to, divergent from, incompatible with, distinguishable from, ill-matched with, unequal to, unequivalent to: Unlike you, I've been there and know what it's like.

unlikely adj. 1 improbable, doubtful, dubious, remote, unthinkable, unimaginable, inconceivable, implausible: His story was unlikely, but she decided to believe him. It is not unlikely

that he will come even if we ask him to stay away. 2 unseemly, inappropriate, unfit, unfitting, unsuitable, uncongenial, objectionable, unbecoming, unacceptable, unattractive, distasteful: Claire had seldom seen a more unlikely prospect for a husband. 3 unpropitious, unpromising, inauspicious: The tiny shop seemed an unlikely place to find a great treasure.

unlimited adj. 1 unrestricted, unrestrained, limitless, unconstrained, unqualified, full, absolute, unconditional, far-reaching, unchecked, uncontrolled: He has unlimited authority to issue all the paper money he wishes. 2 limitless, boundless, endless,

vast, unbounded, immense, immeasurable, measureless, numberless, innumerable, inexhaustible, interminable, never-ending,

infinite, myriad, extensive,: As the wealthiest woman in the world, she has unlimited resources to do as she pleases.

unload v. empty, dump, unpack, offload, discharge; disburden,

unburden: We unloaded the cargo at Sulawesi. The camels must be unloaded every night.

unmarried adj. single, unwed(ded), bachelor, spinster, old-maid, maiden, unattached, unengaged, unbetrothed, unplighted, unpromised, free, uncommitted: He was thirty-five, unmarried, and lived

alone in a tiny flat.


adj. 1 unspeakable, unutterable, ineffable, taboo, scandalous, forbidden, interdicted; inexpressible: I will not have Karen or her unmentionable boyfriend in this house again! 2 disgraceful, indecent, immodest, shameful, shocking, appalling, dishonourable, indescribable, obscene, filthy: In carnivals, geeks do unmentionable things with live chickens.

--n. 3 unmentionables. underclothes, underclothing, underwear, undergarments, lingerie, Archaic small-clothes, Colloq underthings, undies, Brit smalls, US skivvies: The woman next door insists on hanging out her unmentionables in full view of the whole street.


adj. merciless, pitiless, unsparing, unkind, relentless, unpitying, heartless, stony-hearted, hard-hearted, flinty, unfeeling, unsympathetic, unforgiving, mean, cruel, savage, brutal, brutish, vicious, barbarous: The boys gave him an unmerciful beating for cheating.


adj. undiluted, unalloyed, unmixed, untempered, unmoderated, unmodified, unabated, unlessened, undiminished, unreduced, unrelieved, oppressive, unalleviated, unmollified, unsoftened, relentless, unqualified, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, outright, downright, categorical, absolute, immoderate, sheer, complete, consummate, total, perfect, true, pure, arrant, utter, plain: That man is an unmitigated bore. The project was an unmitigated disaster.

unmoved adj. cool, aloof, calm, collected, unaffected, untouched, unsympathetic, unstirred, undisturbed, apathetic, stoic(al), impassive, dispassionate, unemotional, unfeeling, unconcerned, indifferent, unreactive, unresponsive, stolid, stony, adamant,

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