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Java concurrency guidelines.pdf
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}catch (IOException e) { result = false;




return result;


3.10.5 Exceptions

LCK09-EX1: Classes that provide an appropriate termination mechanism to callers are allowed to violate this guideline (see guideline “THI06-J. Ensure that threads and tasks performing blocking operations can be terminated” on page 114).

LCK09-EX2: A method that requires multiple locks may hold several locks while waiting for the remaining locks to become available. This constitutes a valid exception, although the programmer must follow other applicable guidelines to avoid deadlock. See guideline “LCK07-J. Avoid deadlock by requesting and releasing locks in the same order” on page 63 for more information.

3.10.6 Risk Assessment

Blocking or lengthy operations performed within synchronized regions may result in a deadlocked or unresponsive system.




Remediation Cost









3.10.7 References

[Gosling 2005]

Chapter 17, “Threads and Locks”

[Grosso 2001]

Chapter 10, “Serialization”

[Rotem-Gal-Oz 2008]

“Falacies of Distributed Computing Explained”

[Sun 2009b]

Class Object

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3.11LCK10-J. Do not use incorrect forms of the double-checked locking idiom

Instead of initializing a member object using a constructor, lazy initialization can be used to defer the construction of the member object until an instance is actually required. Lazy initialization also helps in breaking harmful circularities in class and instance initialization, and performing other optimizations [Bloch 2005a].

A class or an instance method is used for lazy initialization, depending on whether the member object is static. The method checks whether the instance has already been created and, if not, creates it. If the instance already exists, it simply returns it:

// Correct single threaded version using lazy initialization final class Foo {

private Helper helper = null;

public Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) {

helper = new Helper();


return helper;


// ...


In a multithreaded application, initialization must be synchronized so that multiple threads do not create extraneous instances of the member object:

// Correct multithreaded version using synchronization final class Foo {

private Helper helper = null;

public synchronized Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) {

helper = new Helper();


return helper;


// ...


The double-checked locking idiom improves performance by limiting synchronization to the rare case of new instance creation and foregoing it during the common case of retrieving an already created instance.

Incorrect forms of the double-checked idiom include those that allow an uninitialized or partially initialized object to be published.

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3.11.1 Noncompliant Code Example

The double-checked locking pattern uses block synchronization instead of method synchronization and installs an additional null check before attempting synchronization. This noncompliant code example uses the incorrect form of the double-checked locking idiom.

// "Double-Checked Locking" idiom final class Foo {

private Helper helper = null; public Helper getHelper() {

if (helper == null) { synchronized (this) {

if (helper == null) { helper = new Helper();




return helper;


// Other methods and members...


According to Pugh [Pugh 2004]

. . . writes that initialize the Helper object and the write to the helper field can be done or perceived out of order. As a result, a thread which invokes getHelper() could see a nonnull reference to a helper object, but see the default values for fields of the helper object, rather than the values set in the constructor.

Even if the compiler does not reorder those writes, on a multiprocessor the processor or the memory system may reorder those writes, as perceived by a thread running on another processor.

Also see guideline “TSM03-J. Do not publish partially initialized objects” on page 162.

3.11.2 Compliant Solution (Volatile)

This compliant solution declares the helper field volatile.

//Works with acquire/release semantics for volatile

//Broken under JDK 1.4 and earlier

final class Foo {

private volatile Helper helper = null;

public Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) { synchronized (this) {

if (helper == null) {

helper = new Helper(); // If the helper is null, create a new instance



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return helper; // If helper is non-null, return its instance



If a thread initializes the Helper object, a happens-before relationship is established between this thread and another that retrieves and returns the instance [Pugh 2004, Manson 2004].

3.11.3 Compliant Solution (Static Initialization)

This compliant solution initializes the helper field in the declaration of the static variable.7

final class Foo {

private static final Helper helper = new Helper();

public static Helper getHelper() { return helper;



Variables that are declared static and initialized at declaration, or from a static initializer, are guaranteed to be fully constructed before being made visible to other threads.

3.11.4 Compliant Solution (Initialize-On-Demand, Holder Class Idiom)

This compliant solution uses the initialize-on-demand, holder class idiom that implicitly incorporates lazy initialization by declaring a static variable within the static Holder inner class.

final class Foo {

// Lazy initialization private static class Holder {

static Helper helper = new Helper();


public static Helper getInstance() { return Holder.helper;



Initialization of the static helper field is deferred until the getInstance() method is called. This idiom is a better choice than the double-checked, locking idiom for lazily initializing static fields [Bloch 2008]. However, this idiom cannot be used to lazily initialize instance fields [Bloch 2001].

7The Java Memory Model: the building block of concurrency, by Jeremy Manson. Java Developer Connection Tech Tips, by Glen McCluskey, April 10, 2001.

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