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Beginning Algorithms (2006)

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Chapter 5

does. Having said this, you could easily substitute an array list without much worry. The main thing to understand is that rather than extend a particular list implementation, you’ve instead used composition to “wrap” a list. This prevents the list methods from “leaking” out, which may cause users of your ListStack class to believe that they can use the methods on the list interface as well as those defined for the stack.

As you can see, push() just adds the value to the underlying list, while enqueue() simply delegates to push().

Notice also that you haven’t checked for a null value here because you can delegate that responsibility to the underlying list implementation.

Try It Out

Popping a Value from the Stack

Popping a value from the stack is almost as easy. You just need to remove the last element from the underlying list:

public Object pop() throws EmptyStackException { if (isEmpty()) {

throw new EmptyStackException();


return _list.delete(list.size() - 1);


public Object dequeue() throws EmptyQueueException { try {

return pop();

} catch (EmptyStackException e) { throw new EmptyQueueException();



The performance of push() and pop() as implemented here relies entirely on the performance of the underlying list’s add() and delete() methods, respectively.

The peek() method allows access to the value at the top of the stack without removing it:

public Object peek() throws EmptyStackException { Object result = pop();

push(result); return result;


To complete the class, you can delegate the remaining methods to the underlying list, as the expected behavior is identical:

public void clear() { _list.clear();


public int size() { return _list.size();




public boolean isEmpty() { return _list.isEmpty();


How It Works

This time you are being a little more cautious. Without the defensive check, the list’s delete() method might well throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException — not what the caller would have expected. Instead, you explicitly check the size of the stack and throw EmptyStackException as specified in the Stack interface, before removing and returning the last element in the underlying list.

Also notice that even though dequeue() can delegate most of its behavior to pop(), it still needs to convert an EmptyStackException into an EmptyQueueException.

Then, using the peek() method, you call pop() to retrieve the next item, record its value, and push it back on again before returning the value to the caller. In this way, you have effectively returned the value at the top of the stack without actually removing it.

You should now be able to compile and run the tests against the completed, list-based stack. As satisfying as this no doubt is, once all your tests are passing, you’ll probably want to use your stack for something a bit more constructive.

Example: Implementing Undo/Redo

It is actually surprisingly difficult to find an example of using a stack that is not overly academic in nature. The usual examples involve solving the Towers of Hanoi puzzle, implementing a Reverse-Polish- Notation (RPN) calculator, reversing a list of values, and so on, none of which are particularly useful or relate particularly well to the applications with which you will likely be involved.

Some real-world examples that you are more likely to encounter include XML processing, screen flow management (such as the back and forward buttons in your browser), and undo/redo. It is this last item, undo, that is used in the example.

Imagine an application that holds a list — maybe a shopping list, a list of e-mail messages, or whatever. The user interface, which we will not detail here, displays this list and enables users to add, and possibly remove, items.

Now let’s say that you wish to allow users to undo their actions. Each time the user performs an action, you would need to record some information about the state of the list (see Memento [Gamma, 1995]) that will allow us to undo the action sometime in the future. This state information could be pushed onto a stack. When the user requests to undo an action, you could then pop the information off the top of the stack and use it to restore the list to the state it was in just prior to the action being performed.

The most obvious way to implement this would be to store a copy of the list before each action is performed. While this works, it’s not really an ideal solution. For one thing, you would need to make an entire copy of the list each time. Instead, you can take advantage of the fact that insert is the inverse of delete — if you insert an element at position 5, you can “undo” this by simply deleting the value at


Chapter 5

position 5. Conversely, if you delete an element from position 3, inserting the original value back into position 3 will have the effect of “undoing” the deletion.

Although a complete discussion is beyond the scope of this book, the example presented could easily be extended to support a single undo stack across multiple lists, or any data structure for that matter, by encapsulating the undo functionality in external classes.

Testing Undo/Redo

To demonstrate what we mean and at the same time build reliable production code, why not use some tests? Take the requirements described in the preceding section and turn them into test cases.

Try It Out

Creating and Running the Test Class

Because you want your undoable list to behave pretty much like any other list, you need to test a lot of functionality. Thankfully, though, if you implement the List interface, you can extend AbstractListTestCase and get all those predefined tests for free!

package com.wrox.algorithms.stacks;

import com.wrox.algorithms.lists.AbstractListTestCase; import com.wrox.algorithms.lists.ArrayList;

import com.wrox.algorithms.lists.List;

public class UndoableListTest extends AbstractListTestCase { protected List createList() {

return new UndoableList(new ArrayList());




After a value is inserted into the list, you should be able to call undo() to restore the list to its original state:

public void testUndoInsert() {

UndoableList list = new UndoableList(new ArrayList());


list.insert(0, VALUE_A); assertTrue(list.canUndo());


assertEquals(0, list.size()); assertFalse(list.canUndo());


public void testUndoAdd() {



UndoableList list = new UndoableList(new ArrayList());


list.add(VALUE_A); assertTrue(list.canUndo());


assertEquals(0, list.size()); assertFalse(list.canUndo());


Neither of the two methods undo and canUndo are part of the List interface. They are methods that you will add to the UndoableList class later.

When you call delete() to remove a value, you should be able to call undo() to have the value restored to its original position:

public void testUndoDeleteByPosition() { UndoableList list = new UndoableList(

new ArrayList(new Object[] {VALUE_A, VALUE_B}));


assertSame(VALUE_B, list.delete(1)); assertTrue(list.canUndo());


assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertSame(VALUE_A, list.get(0)); assertSame(VALUE_B, list.get(1)); assertFalse(list.canUndo());


public void testUndoDeleteByValue() { UndoableList list = new UndoableList(

new ArrayList(new Object[] {VALUE_A, VALUE_B}));


assertTrue(list.delete(VALUE_B)); assertTrue(list.canUndo());


assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertSame(VALUE_A, list.get(0)); assertSame(VALUE_B, list.get(1)); assertFalse(list.canUndo());



Chapter 5

Although calling set() doesn’t change the size of a list, it does modify the contents. Therefore, you can expect that after changing the value of an element, a call to undo() should cause the same element to revert to its previous value:

public void testUndoSet() {

UndoableList list = new UndoableList(new ArrayList(new Object[] {VALUE_A}));


assertSame(VALUE_A, list.set(0, VALUE_B));



assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertSame(VALUE_A, list.get(0)); assertFalse(list.canUndo());


For the purposes of this example, we have chosen to have clear() differ slightly from the other methods shown so far in that it won’t record state for a subsequent undo. This decision was made purely on the grounds of simplicity. There is no reason you couldn’t implement undo functionality for clear() yourself, possibly by taking an entire copy of the list prior to it being cleared:

public void testClearResetsUndoStack() {

UndoableList list = new UndoableList(new ArrayList());


list.add(VALUE_A); assertTrue(list.canUndo());




So far, you’ve only tested individual actions and their corresponding undo behavior. If you only wanted to undo one level, you wouldn’t need a stack. In fact, you want to be able to roll back any number of actions in the appropriate order. You should at least have a test to demonstrate that this actually works:

public void testUndoMultiple() {

UndoableList list = new UndoableList(new ArrayList());


list.add(VALUE_A); list.add(VALUE_B);


assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertSame(VALUE_A, list.get(0));






assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertSame(VALUE_A, list.get(0)); assertTrue(list.canUndo());


assertEquals(0, list.size()); assertFalse(list.canUndo());


How It Works

The tests first ensure that an empty list starts off with nothing to undo. A single value is then inserted in or added to the list. Because the test class itself extends AbstractListTestCase, you can be confident that the actual behavior of inserting a value into the list works. Therefore, all you need to ensure next is that calling undo removes the inserted value.

In both the undo and delete cases, the tests are relatively simple, as you need not concern yourself with the behavior of the actual delete() method — this has been tested by the methods in the superclass. The list is first initialized with some predefined values. Then, delete a value and, after calling undo(), ensure that it has reappeared in the expected location.

The final test starts off with an empty list and variously adds and removes values, invoking undo() along the way. In particular, you will see that the very first add is never undone until right at the end of the test, even though two other actions are undone in the meantime. This proves that the stack-based undo is working as expected.

Tests in place, it’s time to actually implement the UndoableList class, as shown in the following Try It Out.

Try It Out

Implementing the Undo Action with the UndoableList Class

Now that you’ve enshrined the requirements in code, implementing the undoable list is relatively straightforward. You will start by describing the UndoableList class itself, and then each of the list methods in turn. Take note how the design enables us to add the functionality with minimal coding effort. Given the chosen implementation, you need your undoable list to not only wrap a reference to the real, underlying list, but also to actually implement the List interface as well (see Decorator [Gamma, 1995]):

package com.wrox.algorithms.stacks;

import com.wrox.algorithms.iteration.Iterator; import com.wrox.algorithms.lists.List;

public class UndoableList implements List {

private final Stack _undoStack = new ListStack(); private final List _list;

public UndoableList(List list) {

assert list != null : “list can’t be null”;


Chapter 5

_list = list;


private static interface UndoAction { public void execute();




To get going, you need to start capturing state information each time a value is inserted in or added to the list by intercepting calls to insert():

private final class UndoInsertAction implements Action { private final int _index;

public UndoInsertAction(int index) { _index = index;


public void execute() { _list.delete(_index);



public void insert(int index, Object value) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { _list.insert(index, value);

_undoStack.push(new UndoDeleteAction(index));


public void add(Object value) { insert(size(), value);


Next you need to intercept calls to delete() so that you can restore the deleted value at some later stage:

private final class UndoDeleteAction implements Action { private final int _index;

private final Object _value;

public UndoDeleteAction(int index, Object value) { _index = index;

_value = value;


public void execute() { _list.insert(_index, _value);



public Object delete(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { Object value = _list.delete(index);

_undoStack.push(new UndoInsertAction(index, value)); return value;




public boolean delete(Object value) { int index = indexOf(value);

if (index == -1) { return false;


delete(index); return true;


The method first calls indexOf() to determine the position of the value within the list. Then, if the value isn’t found, false is returned; otherwise, the delete() method that takes an index is called, which will record the necessary state to perform an undo operation later. Calling set() also modifies the state of the list, so you need a way to restore its effect as well:

private final class UndoSetAction implements Action { private final int _index;

private final Object _value;

public UndoSetAction(int index, Object value) { _index = index;

_value = value;


public void execute() {

_list.set(_index, _value);



public Object set(int index, Object value) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { Object originalValue = _list.set(index, value);

_undoStack.push(new UndoSetAction(index, originalValue)); return originalValue;


Now that you have defined the necessary infrastructure to record the undo state, you can write the code for the undo() method:

public void undo() throws EmptyStackException { ((Action) _undoStack.pop()).execute();


As a convenience, you might also enable callers to determine whether there are any more actions to undo. This would be handy, for example, if you wanted to enable/disable an undo button in a user interface:

public boolean canUndo() { return !_undoStack.isEmpty();



Chapter 5

To determine whether there are any more actions to undo, you can just query the undo stack: If it’s empty, then there is no more to undo and vice-versa.

Even though clear() modifies the list, it was decided that for this example, no undo state would be recorded and the list would be reset:

public void clear() { _list.clear();



Besides clearing the underlying list, the undo stack is also cleared, thereby resetting the entire structure.

Completing the interface requirements for this class is somewhat of a formality:

public Object get(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { return _list.get(index);


public int indexOf(Object value) { return _list.indexOf(value);


public Iterator iterator() { return _list.iterator();


public boolean contains(Object value) { return _list.contains(value);


public int size() { return _list.size();


public boolean isEmpty() { return _list.isEmpty();


public String toString() { return _list.toString();


public boolean equals(Object object) { return _list.equals(object);


None of the remaining methods make any modifications to the state of the list, so it is sufficient that they simply delegate to the underlying instance.



How It Works

Aside from the underlying list, the class also holds the undo stack, which will hold instances of the inner interface UndoAction (also shown), which defines a single method, execute(), that will eventually be called to perform most of the work involved in implementing the undo functionality.

The UndoAction class is an example of the command pattern [Gamma, 1995]. In this case, the command pattern makes it simple to encapsulate all the undo behavior so that the action itself is responsible for performing whatever is needed to get the job done. An effective but rather less elegant — and much less extensible — alternative would be to use a switch statement, and route according to some constant defined for each action.

The action UndoDeleteAction class implements the UndoAction interface and, of course, more important, the execute() method. To undo an insert is to delete, so when execute() is called, it uses the recorded position to delete a value from the underlying list.

The insert() method calls insert() on the underlying list and then pushes an undo action. The add() method can then call insert(). You could have created a special action to delete from the end of the list, but calling insert(), passing in the position, has exactly the same effect and requires much less code.

The UndoDeleteAction class implements the UndoAction interface and holds the recorded position and value for later use. To undo a deletion is to insert, so when execute() is called, the action reinserts the value into the underlying list.

The first delete() calls delete() on the underlying list and retrieves the deleted value before pushing an insert action and returning to the caller. Deleting by value is a little trickier. Because you have no way of knowing where in the list the value was deleted, you must re-implement delete by value based on delete by position — not a particularly efficient solution, but your only option.

A call to set() on the underlying list always returns the original value contained at the specified position, so in this case, the UndoSetAction’s execute() method stores the old value, together with the position in order to perform the undo. Notice again that, as was the case for the previous two undo actions, the execute() method makes calls on the underlying list in order to prevent the undo from pushing additional undo action onto the stack.

As you can see, there’s not a lot of code to actually write for the actual undo() method. All the hard work has already been done by each of the UndoAction classes, so making it all come together is a simple matter of popping the next action (if any) off the stack and calling execute().

And there you have it. You now have a fully tested and implemented list that supports undo functionality.