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Синтаксически комплексы с неличными формами глаголов

В английском языке есть особые конструкции, сходные по значению с придаточными предложениями. Это синтаксические комплексы.

Синтаксический комплекс состоит из двух частей – именной части, выраженной существительным или местоимением, и глагольной части, выраженной инфинитивом, причастием или герундием.

Глагольная часть комплекса называет действие, которое совершает кто-то, обозначенный именной частью комплекса.

К О М П Л Е К С Ы С И Н Ф И Н И Т И В О М.

В английском языке существует два комплекса с инфинитивом:

  • сложное дополнение (Complex Object);

  • сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject).



Сложное дополнение состоит из именной части, выраженной существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением в объектном падеже, и глагольной части – инфинитива.

Структура предложения со сложным дополнением.

1 2 3 4



сложное дополнение













him to live

the concert to begin

Moscow to be founded

in Moscow.

in time.

In 1147.

She knows him to live in Moscow.

Она знает, что он живет в Москве.

They expected the concert to begin in time.

Они ожидали, что концерт начнется вовремя.

We know Moscow to be founded in 1147.

Мы знаем, что Москва была основана в 1147.

Сложное дополнение имеет следующие особенности перевода:

  1. Оно переводится на русский язык придаточным дополнительным предложением, вводимым союзами “что”, “чтобы”, “как”. Причем именная часть комплекса соответствует подлежащему, а именная – сказуемому.

2. Форма инфинитива влияет на его перевод на русский язык.


We know him to work for a big company.

Мы знаем, что он работает на крупной фирме.

We know him to be working in the laboratory now.

Мы знаем, что он сейчас занимается в лаборатории.

We know him to have done the work.

Мы знаем, что он выполнил работу.

We know him to have been working there for many years.

Мы знаем, что он работал там многие годы.

We know the work to have been done by him.

Мы знаем, что работа была выполнена им.

Сложное дополнение употребляется после следующих глаголов:

  1. После глаголов физического восприятия – to see, to hear, to feel и др.

Eg.: I saw Paul cross the street.

Я видел, как Павел переходил улицу.

He heard the clock strike 10.

Он слышал, как часы пробили 10.

  1. После глаголов умственной деятельности – to know, to understand, to remember, to think, to believe и др.

Eg.: I know him to be a good student.

Я знаю, что он хороший студент.

  1. После глаголов, выражающих побуждение, допущение – to make (заставлять), to get (велеть), to let (разрешать).


He made me do it. Он заставил меня сделать это.

She let us go there. Она позволила нам пойти туда.

  1. После глаголов, выражающих желание – to want, to wish, desire и др.

Eg.: I like her to play the guitar.

Мне нравится, как она играет на гитаре.

Обратите внимание, что после глаголов to see, to hear, to feel, to make, to let инфинитив в составе комплекса употребляется без частицы to’.


Упр. 72. Переведите предложения с Complex Object, обращая внимание на форму инфинитива.


1. We want him to come here. 2. I know her to sing well. 3. She knows him to be working now. 4. We know him to have done the work. 5. We know him to have been working for a big company. 6. They believe us to be invited to the party. 7. I know him to have been invited to the party. 8. We know the instrument to function well. 9. We know the instrument to have functioned well. 10. She wants me to give her the book. 11. I saw him stop at the corner of the street. 12. I felt somebody touch my arm. 13. The teacher let the students use the dictionaries. 14. He made them do it.


1. I saw them drive in the car. 2. I expect you to be taken for a walk. 3. I heard the door of the hall open and close softly. 4. I understand him to have said such words. 5. We expected everybody to be ready by seven. 6. I believe her to be having dinner. 7. There was nothing to be seen in the city. 8. I dislike him to have been treated badly. 9. This is the fact to remember. 10. I have a few letters to write. 11. I suppose you to have been sleeping badly last night. 12. We remember them to have been explained the situation. 13. I want the girl to be given a job. 14. She got us to be silent. 15. I hope them to have been staying in the best hotel.

Упр. 73. Найдите предложения с Complex Object.

1. I saw the car leave. 2. The noise made her turn her head. 3. The experiments have shown good results. 4. I want to invite you to the party. 5. We know this film to have been seen by all the students of the group. 6. They attended English lessons to have some practice. 7. I expect my friend to write the report. 8. I suppose the letter to be brought tomorrow. 9. He knows she is a good specialist. 10. I like you to have done the work.

Упр. 74. Поставьте, где требуется, частицу ‘to’ перед инфинитивом.

1. Make him … speak louder. 2. Help me … carry this bag. 3. I know them … come in an hour. 4. We have never heard him … complain of difficulties. 5. He dislikes her … play the piano. 6. Don’t let them … do it! 7. We expect them … travel for three months. 8. She felt the drops of rain … fall on her face. 9. She got him … do everything he had promised. 10. They believe the train … leave in time.

Упр. 75. Ответьте на вопросы, используя Complex Object.

1. Would you like you friend to come to you after classes? 2. When do you expect the lesson to be over? 3. Do you want the exercise to be done up to the end? 4. Do you want the teacher to give you another exercise to do? 5. Whom do you consider to be the best student in the group? 6. Who will let you know about the examination schedule? 7. Why does the teacher make you learn Grammar? 8. What answer did you hear your friend give to question 7? 9. When do you want the break to begin? 10. What do you want your parents to give you for your birthday?

Упр. 76. Составьте предложения, употребив Complex Object.

1. I noticed … (he, put) the letter into his pocket. 2. Do you expect … (I, sing) at the party? 3. I supposed …(something, happen). 4. She could hear … (he, whistle) as he worked. 5. She felt … (his hands, tremble) with fear. 6. I don’t like … (she, speak) so loudly. 7. I didn’t mean … (he, follow) the instructions so blindly. 8. The doctor ordered … (the room, air). 9. He got … (I, understand) that he didn’t want… (the facts, know) by everybody. 10. They must be thankful for your advice. I believe … (it, do) them a lot of good. 11. I will not allow … (he, leave) so soon. 12. We consider … (it, be wrong); they could make … (he, do) it. 13. She ordered … (the dinner, serve) at 6. 14. They like … (the work, do).

Упр. 77. Перифразируйте предложения, употребляя Complex Object.

Model: I saw that he left the room.

I saw him leave the room.

1. I felt that somebody touched me on my arm. 2. He heard that someone called his name. 3. We did not expect that he would have returned so soon. 4. The passenger ordered that his luggage should be brought by the porter. 5. I cannot believe that it has happened. 6. I saw that the boy handled the letter to the man. 7. He thought that he was the first who came to the conference. 8. They heard how the woman said something to the girl. 9. What I want is that you both should be happy. 10. He hated it when people argue about nothing. 11. I’d like to see how he would say it to my face.

Упр. 78. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, употребляя Complex Object.

1. His words made (нас почувствовать себя неловко). 2. We heard (что с ним что-то случилось). 3. Let us try to get (чтобыонипошлиснами). 4. He ordered (чтобыеговещипринесли) into his room.5. They asked (чтобы он пришел) in time. 6. We consider (что этот план трудно осуществить). 7. Do you understand (что он сделал это сам)? 8. I can’t believe (чтоонсдал) all the exams. 9. I want (чтобыобедбылприготовлен) as soon as possible.10. He liked (чтобы его все уважали). 11. I won’t let (чтобы он так говорил). 12. We believe (чторебятаиграют) in the yard.13. He remembers (что она обещала перевести) the text. 14. We saw (что они чувствуют себя) well. 15. She knows (чтоонработал) in the Far North for a long time.

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