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Unit 11. Grammar Revision Времена группы Continuous и Perfect в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)

Страдательный залог группы Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в Present или Past Continuous + Participle II смыслового глагола

Лицо Present Past

I am being asked was being asked

He, She, it is being asked was being asked

We, You, They are being asked were being asked

(меня, его, её, нас, (меня…спрашивали)

тебя/вас, их спрашивают)

Страдательный залог времен группы Continuous переводится глаголом несовершенного вида

During the experiment the air in the Во время эксперимента воздух

laboratory was being purified by two в лаборатории очищался двумя

ventilators вентиляторами

Страдательный залог времен группы Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени Perfect + Participle II смыслового глагола

Лицо Present Past Future

I (we, you, they) have been asked had been asked This work will

He (she, it) has been asked had been asked have been


Меня (нас, тебя, Меня…спросили done by 7

их, его, её) спросили (до того, как…) o’clock

Эта работа

будет сделана

к 7 часам

Страдательный залог времен группы Perfect переводится по общим правилам перевода глагола в страдательном глаголе

Great deposits of coal have been Крупные залежи угля (были)

discovered in our region открыты в нашем районе

The construction of this plant Строительство этого завода

had been finished by the end было завершено к концу

of last year прошлого года

Exercise . Переведите данные предложения

  1. An interesting research in the field of electronics is being done at our Institute.

  2. The information about these conditions was being studied by our group for a week.

  3. New methods of obtaining polymers have been applied at our plant.

  4. The flexible line that has been recently developed at our laboratory has greatly improved the production process.

  5. One machine tool is being worked at in our laboratory.

  6. New solar energy and its usage are being studied by a lot of research groups.

  7. A great number of experiments at the designing institute had been made before the flood defense system was worked out.

  8. Our workshop will have been equipped with new multipurpose machine tools by the time when the reconstruction of the plant is over.

  9. Almost all chemical elements which have been found on Earth have been discovered in the Sun and the planets of solar system.

  10. Much attention is being paid to the development of three-dimensional television.