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Английский язык учебник

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10.Intrinsic motivation

j__The administration of some aversive stimulus contingent upon a particu lar behaviour.

Exercise 6. Develop the following topics. Make use of the active vocabulary given in brackets.

1.What is student motivation? ( to be propelled by smth., to interact with, to make sense of the envi ronment, to invest effort in smth, involvement in academic activities, to undertake an activity, in trinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated, to obtain reward, to avoid punishment, competence).

2.Factors influencing the development of student motivation ( competence, to nurture children’s cu riosity, to encourage exploration, to be worth while, a sense of self worth, self efficacy, to be apt to accept the risks, to engage in, challenging pur suits, to cope with, failure, to attribute smth. to success, to tend to do smth).

3.The ways motivation to learn can be fostered in the school setting ( active socialization agents, task di mensions, to stimulate student’s curiosity, to asso ciate effort with success, to decrease motivation, task mastery, challenging, achievable tasks).

Exercise 7. Find out if your group mate is poorly mo tivated or not motivated at all. So ask him the following questions and make your own conclusions about his motiva tion.

1.Really preferring something other than attend ing this university:

would prefer not to go to college

would rather attend another college

would prefer a different kind of training.



2.College as a means to ends other than learning:

to avoid getting a job

to find a mate

to have a good time

to get away from home

to prove self worth.

3.Distracting from personal problems:

conflict with the same sex

conflict with the opposite sex

conflict with parents

lack of confidence

undefined resistance to college

angry at the world

overuse of drugs or alcohol

fear of evaluation

difficulty of financial resources

marriage problems

phobias and other anxieties



4.Lack of interest:

undefined vocational goals

undefined educational goals

course material is not what you think is im portant.

5.Continuing self defeating behaviour patterns:

excessive dependence on parents or others

fear as a motivator

grades or academic achievement as motiva tors

high school habits.

Exercise 8. Prepare dialogues around the following topics so that one student will support the statement given and the other will put forward arguments to reject it. Use the following expressions to convey your ideas.



As for me

You could be right




I agree with you in principle

I don’t agree

In that instance you were right

I can’t say for sure

It goes without saying

I hardly think so

I’m all in favour of this idea

On the contrary

I have no doubt about it

I can’t just see it


that way

In my opinion it is true

I don’t share your



1.As children grow, their passion for learning fre quently seems to shrink.

2.If you have intelligence, knowledge, study skills, and even diligence, but you are not motivated, you won’t get far.


Exercise 1. Write a short summary of the topic “Mo tivation.”

Exercise 2. Render the following text into English.

Мотивацию составляют побуждения, вызываю щие активность организма, а также осознанные и неосознанные психические факторы, побуждающие индивида к совершению определенных действий и определяющие их направленность и цели.

Одной из разновидностей мотивации является мотивация достижения, связанная с потребностью индивида добиваться успехов и избегать неудач.

Исследования показали, что основные типы поведения, направленные на достижение или избе жание успеха, формируются между 3 и 30 годами как под воздействием родителей, так и под влиянием среды.



В возрасте 3 5 лет ориентированная на успех мо тивация усиливается, когда успех поощряется по хвалой. Исследования также показали, что если ре бенок сталкивается с осуждением в ситуации неуда чи, ему легче справиться с этим, если преобладает атмосфера дружелюбия и уважения.

На формирование высокой потребности в дости жении успеха оказывает влияние степень эмоцио нальной вовлеченности родителей в дела ребенка, а также окружающая обстановка. Наиболее благо приятна ситуация, когда ненавязчивое давление родителей сочетается с побуждающими факторами окружающей среды. Тогда проявляется максимум возможностей, чтобы облегчить ребенку провести самостоятельную проверку своих умений и воз можностей.


Modal verbs

(can, may, must, should, will, ought to, need)

Modal verbs are used to show the speaker’s atti tude towards the action or state denoted by the in finitive. We use them with other verbs. Modal verbs are not “complete”verbs. They are called defective because they lack (except dare and need) component tenses, the passive voice and have some other pecu liarities:

a)We don’t use the ‘to’ infinitives after modals (except have to, ought to).

b)There is no ending ‘s’ in the 3rd person singu lar.

c)They lack non finite forms and time tense forms.

d)They do not require any auxiliary to form questions and negative sentences except for the verb have.



























Modal Verb






































will be able to

to be able to


able to



able to


















1. Mental, physical,

He can speak English.



They can pay for it.


2. Permission


You can carry out this experiment




in this laboratory.








3. Request


Can you do me a favour?






4. Prohibition (нельзя)

You can’t make much noise here.









Could is used to describe ‘general ability’

Was/were able to do smth. means that someone managed to do smth. in the particular situation.

CAN is used to express strong doubt or astonishment


Can/ could he do








Can/could he be doing

(at the moment)






Can/could he have done (then)



Can/could he have been doing (for two hours)





Examples: Can primates in the wild show little aggression?



Неужели приматы на воле про являют небольшую агрессивность? Can he be describing the experiment now?

Разве он описывает сейчас экспери мент?

Can he have studied their behaviour under unfavorable conditions? Неужели он изучил их поведение при неблагоприятных условиях?


He can’t do


Не может быть, чтобы He can’t be doing


Вряд ли

He can’t have done



He can’t have been doing [Past]

They can’t have avoided punishment.

Не может быть, чтобы они избежали наказания.

Can means “possible action”

Мог бы He could do it [Present]

He could have done it [Past] (but didn’t do) He is very tired. He could sleep for a week. [Present]

Он очень устал. Он мог бы проспать неделю. He was so tired. He could have slept for a week. [Past]

Он был очень уставшим. Он мог бы про спать неделю.

Exercise 1. Translate and explain the meaning of “can” (ability, permission, request, prohi bition) in the following sentences.

1.The mind is very powerful, it can create and it can destroy.

2.There are several methods which you can use to provide feedback to many pupils at the same time.






3.Many incentives are rewards and they can produce pleasure and reinforce behaviour that leads to them.

4.I could never understand what made her behave in such a way.

5.The subjects were told that they could establish a new set of permanent eating habits and engage in a program of exercise in order to lose weight.

6.If you want to succeed you can’t waste a lot of time doing things that are unimportant and not urgent.

7. Could you name four types of reward?

8.The belief that we can control events appears to re duce the impact of the events, even if we never exercise that control.

9.Learners should be aware that they are failing if they have done significantly less than they could have done, if they are making unsatisfactory progress or not taking care.

Exercise 2. Change the modal verb ‘can’ in the follow ing sentences into the past and future tenses.

1.We can force ourselves to forgo what we desire.

2.Parents can also influence their children through their characteristics.

3.We can deliberately choose not to think about the desires that we refuse to act on.

4.By trying to analyze our motives and abilities, we can enhance our capacity to make active choices in our lives.

5.People can describe their physical and psychologi cal pains with great precision.

6.Like delicate and finely tuned machines, we cannot work unless our internal environment is in balance.

Exercise 3. Translate the words in brackets.

1.You (сможете) to motivate individuals by using your own knowledge and understanding pupils of that age.



2.Many incentives are rewards and they (могут) pro duce pleasure and reinforce behavior that leads to them.

3.Since your digestive system will have to do several hours of work you (нельзя) eat heavily before go ing to bed.

4.As the competition was not very tough, she (смогла) to win.

5.When the students with the intrinsic orientation were confronted with difficult tasks they (смогли) solve their problems more easily than those who were extrinsically motivated.

6.(Может ли) every educational activity be intrinsi cally motivating?

7.(Сможете ли) you help me to improve my skills in writing?

Exercise 4. Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.

1.(something you used to be able to do). I used to be able to excel in writing.

2.(something you used to be able to do).

I used___________________________________.

3.(something you would like to be able to do) I’d______________________________________

4.(something you have never been able to do) I’ve_____________________________________

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Вы можете мотивировать учащихся эффективно, используя средства для мотивации, соответ ствующие конкретному учащемуся в конкретной ситуации.

2.Мотивацию достижения можно разделить на два вида: внутреннюю и внешнюю.

3.Вы сможете добиться своих целей, если прило жите усилия в своей деятельности.






4.Преподаватель не смог справиться с дисципли ной в классе, и это негативно повлияло на про цесс обучения.

5.Потребности могут быть активизированы как внутренними, так и внешними стимулами.

6.Они смогли применить свои исследования в про мышленности.

7.Они могли бы ускорить работу, но им помешали.

Exercise 6. Express strong doubt about the state ments. Translate the sentences.

Model 1.

He studies clinical psy chology.

Can he study clinical psy chology?

He can’t study clinical psychology.

Model 2.

School psychologists hel ped students to make de cisions.

Can they have helped stu dents to make decisions? They can’t have helped students to make deci sions.

1.Unconscious motives arise from defense mecha nisms.

2.Physiological psychologists study the functioning of the brain and the nervous system.

3.These theories aid in understanding and explain ing people’s behaviour.

4.The psychologist is treating his patient with the help of hypnosis.

5.He is studying aggression among animals.

6.The science of psychology developed from many di verse sources.

7.Hobbes and Locke stressed the role of experience as the source of human knowledge.

8.He made the distinction between the traditional “community” and modern society.

9.Freud’s methods have opened up new approaches to the study of human beings.



Exercise 7. Answer the question with a suggestion. Use “could”.

1.How shall we overcome the problems of streaming at school? (change the group of pupils according to their ability in a specific subject)

2.What shall we do to make motivation more effec tive? (focus on important tasks)

3.How will parents nurture their children’s natural curiosity? (welcome their questions, encourage ex ploration)

4.How will rewards affect motivation? (enhance it).

Exercise 8. Express strong doubt. Use the appropri ate Infinitive.

1.Can unconscious traces (affect) our behaviour without one being aware of the source?

2.Can early childhood experience (be) the key to later behaviour patterns?

3.Can Maslow’s work (tend) to remain as a descrip tive rationalization of children’s behaviour?

4.Can psychologists (develop) tests of hypnotizabili ty, including the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale?

5.He can’t (finish) his experiment. There was no evi dence.

Exercise 9. Translate into English using the verb “can” expressing strong doubt.

1.Не может быть, чтобы около 10% людей легко поддавались гипнозу.

2.Неужели изучение мотивации является решаю щим для преподавателя?

3.Неужели теоретики в области изучения моти вации занимались главным образом четырьмя основными вопросами: что побуждает к дейст