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Английский язык учебник

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6. Mood

f___ A pattern of beha





by a


person removing him or her


self from normal day to day


functioning and all of its at


tendant frustrations,



sions and disappointments.

7. Sociability

g___The capacity of being


easily distracted.



8. Temperament

h___The amount of time that


a person can continue to at


tend to one type of input.

9. Vigour

i___ A state of mind in


which one emotion or desire


temporarily has control.

10. Withdrawal

j___An aspect of an indi


vidual’s general make up



by disposi






patterns of emotional reac

tions, mood shifts and le vels of sensitivity resulting from stimulation.

Exercise 8. Prepare a dialoque on the following topics so that one student will support the state ment given and the other will put forward arguments to reject it. Use the following expressions to convey your ideas.

As for me

You could be right but...

To my mind

I don’t agree

I agree with you in principal

I can’t say for sure

I’m all in favour of this idea

I can’t just see it that way

I strongly agree

On the contrary

1.The key to healthy development of temperament is a good “fit” between the child’s temperament and the home environment.


Unit IX

2.Difficult children are more likely than easy child ren to have school problems later on.

Exercise 9. Words in the table below describe diffe rent activities. Ask your friend how he feels about all these different kinds of ac tivities, use:

1) can’t stand/hate 2) don’t mind 3) fond of

4) really love/like very much 5) don’t like

Make conclusions about his/her temperament.

to enjoy sitting in an armchair after a good meal to play with children

to join clubs

to spend a lot of time in the open air to drive fast

to be fond of gambling to exercise a lot

to enjoy eating to go in for sports

to travel around the world to climb mountains

to receive guests

to work in the garden

to go in for public activities


Exercise 1. Develop the following topics in written form. Make use of the vocabulary given in brackets.

1.Three major temperamental types of children (low activity level, to adapt easily to new experiences, regularity in biological functions, distractability, persistency, attention span, low intensity of mood, speed of response).

2.Different basic components which temperament is composed of (the arousal of the nervous system, to






be distressed, to avoid smth, to prefer the company of others, tempo and vigour of movement, to seek social interaction).

3.The role of heredity in temperament (moderate in fluence, to become more malleable with experience, the match between the childs’s nature and the pa rent’s nature, to manage a child, to withdraw from difficult children, to encourage competent baha viour, parents’ responsiveness to their children).

Exercise 2. Render the following text into English.

Американский писатель Айзенк ввел две шкалы, по которым оценивал, к какому типу принадлежит человек. Первая шкала – интроверсия, экстравер сия, вторая – нейротизм.

Экстраверт – натура общительная. Он друже любен, имеет широкий круг знакомств. Он действует под влиянием момента, импульсивен, добродушен, весел, легко приспосабливается к новым ситуациям, ненавидит бездействие, предпочитает движение и действие, склонен к агрессивности. Он не сдержи вает свои эмоции и не может устоять перед рискован ными поступками. Но на него можно положиться.

Интроверт – спокойный, застенчивый, проница тельный человек, склонный к самоанализу. Он замк нутый, отдален от всех, кроме близких и друзей. Он планирует и обдумывает свои действия заранее. Его трудно вывести из себя. По натуре он пессимист. Надо отметить, что в природе мало чистых экстра вертов и интровертов.

Вторая шкала – нейротизм. Она характеризуется эмоциональной устойчивостью или неустойчиво стью. Эмоциональная устойчивость связана со зре лостью и отсутствием беспокойства и состояния нер вного возбуждения. Невротизм же выражается в чрезвычайной нервозности, плохой приспособляемо сти, склонности к быстрой смене настроений, де прессиям. Невротик легко поддается стрессу.








Unit IX


































Modal verb/


































to be allowed to







(only permission


allowed to

allowed to

will be allowed to



or prohibition)

































Permission (можно)


May I come in?





Possible happenings in


I’m not sure when to come to your




the future, possible


place. I may come at 5 o’clock. (=




plans (возможно,


perhaps I’ll come). I’m going to carry




может быть)




out this experiment. I may/might








carry it out in August ( it’s possible).




Reproach (only might)


If I knew them better, I might lend




(мог бы)




them money. You are becoming








fogetful. You might have reminded








me about it.
















uncertainty, supposition,


implies strong doubt.







He may /might (not) + be there












Может быть, He may /might (not) + be writing












He may /might (not) + have done












He may /might (not) + have been sleeping







They may be comparing the results of the experiment.

Они, возможно, сравнивают резуль таты эксперимента.

He may not have noticed you in the crowd.

Возможно, он не заметил вас в толпе.

Exercise 1. Analyse the meaning of the verb “may”. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.A few comments may help to make these postulates more meaningful.

2.To retrieve the long forgotten name, you might think of different classes, clubs and other activi ties.

3.My close friend may have acquired a habit of ta king drugs.

4.Studies showed that various changes might take place in the brain of old people.

5.Conflict may also arise when two inner needs or motives are in the opposition.

6.In order to establish laws about how people sense the external world, a psychologist might set up the following experiment.

7.May I use this precise machine to determine an amount of energy that will produce a sensation?

8.We may experience the emotion of fear when we hear a scream of a frightened person.

9.There may be hardly a person who has never faced the problem of living conditions.

10.They might have made judgements of character from this behaviour.

11.Some experts suppose that the present situation with drug abuse may be the result of a decline in morals and culture, and also of the poor work of the health protection agencies.


Unit IX

Exercise 2. Change the modal verbs in the following sentences into the past and future tenses.

1.We may carry out our experiment both on animals and human beings.

2.People may behave differently in this situation.

3.The psychologists may use the same methods and apparatus with which physiologists and physicists investigated behaviour and experience.

4.We may measure the length of the object.

5.We may interview a series of the subjects.

Exercise 3. Write these sentences in a different way using “may” or “might”, “may not” or “might not”.

Model: Perhaps a long period of unemployment pro duces psychological and emotional stress. A long period of unemployment may produce psychological and emotional stress.

1.Perhaps addicts crave their drugs so strongly that they will sacrifice their job, family life and so on.

2.Perhaps the keyword method sounds complicated, but it is very useful in learning the vocabulary of a foreign language.

3.Perhaps two aspects of memory – to preserve and to construct – are always present.

4.Perhaps different brain regions of humans and animals with brain damage mediate working me mory and long term memory.

5.Perhaps we want someone to take care of us and solve our problem when we are faced with a diffi cult situation.

6.Perhaps he is describing his picture now.

7.Perhaps noise caused the distortion of perception.

8.Perhaps he doesn’t have so much energy. He al ways tires.






9.Perhaps their first attempt wasn’t successful.

10.Perhaps he wasn’t suffering from a quick onset of hunger.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using “might be able” or “might have to” + a suitable verb.

control persuade adapt (2) get (2) do

1.Stress levels don’t become lower. The employees

_____ _____ to extensive changes.

2.Life span of laboratory animals is shorter than that of people. Phychologists _____ _____ genetic fac tors of animals more easily than of people.

3.The chimpanzee is placed in the room with a num ber of packing boxes and the banana suspended from the ceiling. It _____ _____ the reward.

4.The female organism is more flexible. It _____

_____ to the changing environment better.

5.She wants to burn off the excess of her weight. She

_____ _____ it with a fitness programme.

6.Her parents are quite strict about her staying out late at night. She _____ _____ them to let her come home a bit later.

7.He is so ambitious. He _____ _____ to the top be fore he is thirty.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using “may/ might not” or “couldn’t” + Perfect Infini tive where necessary.

1.She was so quiet. She _____ raised her voice and shouted at the person.

2.I wonder why those individulals didn’t survive under these conditions. They _____ had much fortitude.

3.Though some people missed a lot of sleep they had to operate. They_____ avoided making mistakes.


Unit IX

4.Some teenagers experience misunderstanding with their parents and have to apply to a psychologist. They

_____ attempt to analyze the problems themselves.

5.They quarelled very often. The topics of their dis cussions _____ been senseless.

6.She was in doubts how to proceed. She _____ taken a decision.

7.The conditions of the experiment were not changed. The experimentor _____ insisted on it.

8.He _____ left the laboratory without solving the problem.

9.His misinterpretation of their nonverbal behaviour

_____ led to complete misunderstanding and to a quarrel.

10.He didn’t publish the results of the work. He

_____ received all the necessary data.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1.Возможно, существует много разных причин, по чему некоторые люди совершают самоубийство.

2.На протяжении всей жизни люди могут испыты вать разные эмоции.

3.Она, возможно, настояла, чтобы его включили в рабочую группу.

4.Можно я обсужу условия договора с ними?

5.Нас часто привлекают люди, которые отличают ся от нас, потому что мы ощущаем, что у них есть, возможно то, чего не достает нам.

6.Психологи отметили, что развод может встрети ться на любой стадии семейного цикла.

7.Ничто не могло сокрушить его. Вероятно, он при способился к новым условиям жизни.

8.У них плохое знание языка. Возможно, они не практикуют его каждый день.

9.Возможно, связь между этими явлениями тогда не была установлена.

10.Долгое одиночество может привести к депрессии и тревоге.

Unit X



Discuss the following questions.

1.What is character to your mind?

2.Can a person develop character? If so, how?

3.Which qualities of character, in your opinion, are the most valuable and we admire them in people?

4.Which qualities do you consider unpleasant and wouldn’t like to see them in people?

5.What role does family play in moulding character?


1.adhere, v – 1. прилипать, приставать; 2. твердо держаться, придерживаться

adherence, n – 1. приверженность, верность; 2. строгое со блюдение

adherent, n – приверженец, последователь, сторонник

2.apathetic, a – равнодушный, безразличный, апатичный apathy, n – безразличие, равнодушие, апатия, вялость

3.appellation, n – имя, название, обозначение, термин

4.apperceive, v – воспринимать сознанием, осознавать, по стигать

apperception, n – апперцепия, осознание, восприятие apperceptive, a – относящийся к осознанному восприятию

5.ardent, a – 1. горячий, пылкий, страстный; 2. пылающий, обжигающий

ardently, adv – пылко, страстно

ardency (ardour), n – страсть, пыл, пылкость, рвение, энту зиазм

6.bent, a – склонность, наклонность, стремление

bent, a (on) склонный к чему л., решившийся на что л.

7.current, n – 1. ток, течение, поток; 2. струя; 3. течение, ход current, a – текущий, нынешний

8.detriment, n – ущерб, вред


Unit X

detrimental, a – причиняющий ущерб, вред, вредный, па губный

9.equilibres (brious), a – находящийся в равновесии equilibrium, n – 1. равновесие; 2. уравновешенность, само обладание

10.faculty, n – способность, дар

11.feeble, a – 1. слабый, незначительный; 2. хилый, немощный

12.fitful, a – судорожный, порывистый, прерывистый

13.fixity, n – 1. неподвижность; 2. устойчивость, стабиль ность, стойкость

fixed, a – 1. неподвижный; 2. постоянный, неменяющийся

14.flightly, a – 1. капризный, взбалмошный, непостоянный, ветреный; 2. помешанный, полоумный

15.fortitude, n – сила духа, стойкость fortitudinous, a – стойкий, мужественный

16.humble, a – 1. скромный, застенчивый, робкий; 2. лишен ный чувства собственного достоинства; 3. простой, не заметный

humble, v – смирять, унижать

17.impel, v – побуждать, заставлять, склонять impelling, a – побуждающий, побудительный

18.indulgence, n – 1. снисхождение, снисходительность, терпи мость; 2. потворство, потакание, поблажка

indulgent, a – 1. (of) снисходительный, терпимый; 2. пота кающий, потворствующий

19.mediocre, a – посредственный, среднего качества, зауряд ный

mediocrity, n – посредственность, заурядность

20.mould, v – 1. формировать, создавать; 2. делать по шаблону mould, n – 1. характер; 2. форма, шаблон

21.pertain, v – 1. относиться, принадлежать, иметь отношение;

2.быть свойственным; 3. подходить, подобать pertaining to – относительно, в отношении pertinent, a – уместный, подходящий

22.pitfall, n – 1. трудность, опасность, ловушка; 2. заблужде ние, ошибка

23.prosecution, n – ведение, проведение, выполнение prosecute, v – 1. вести, выполнять, заниматься (чем л.);


24.rationality, n – 1. разумность, рациональность; 2. здравый рассудок

rational, a – 1. разумный, мяслящий; 2. благоразумный, рассудительный; 3. мыслительный; 4. рациональный