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9. Read the article and decide which word or phrase below best fits each space. Circle the letter of the option you choose.


Mark Rawlings and his team are still in the Andes filming Penny, a puma. They have managed to get quite close to the big cat and gain her trust over the last summer. In this instalment of Mark’s video diary, he describes how Penny is currently spending a lot of time with a mate, so Mark and his team are sure that she (1) … cubs in the spring. If that is the case, they are unlikely to see much of her until the winter (2) … over anyway, as pumas, like most of the large cats, tend to hide away when the weather is bad. If Penny is pregnant, she (3) … the cubs by early March and they (4) … the den about three month later. Although Mark doubts whether she (5) … out to hunt much in the next few months, he (6) … until she (7) … . Once the team (8) filming Penny, they (9) … to North America to track down the grizzly bear, but Mark (10)… such a pleasant assignment!


A has

B is going to have

C will have had


A is

B will be

C is being


A is having

B will have had

C will be having


A are leaving

B will leave

C leave


A will come

B is coming

C will have come


A stays

B will have stayed

C is going to stay


A reappears

B will reappear

C is going to appear


A will finish

B have finished

C will have finished


A are going

B are going to go

C go


A thinks it is

B thinks that won’t be

C doesn’t think that will be

10. Complete the texts with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

Text A

I (1) ................................ (call) at the Sterns' house at nine-fifteen. I (2) ................................ (be) rather later than I (3) ................................ (plan) to be because I (4) ........................................................................ (visit) another patient. When Mrs Stern (5) ................................ (let) me into the house she (6) ................................ (seem) rather embarrassed and (7). ................................ (show) me into the sitting-room. I could hear Trevor Stern (8). ................................ (shout) at someone in his study. Mrs Stern said something about teenage girls and that they (9) ................................ (have) problems with Lucy. Well, the shouting (10) ................................ (stop) almost immediately, so I (11) ................................ (go) to his study. Lucy (70) .......................... ................................ already/leave) the room before I (12) ................................. (get) there. I tried (13) ................................ (explain) to Trevor why he needed (14) ................................ (have) these hospital tests, but he (15) ................................ (not/let) me. He said I (16) ................................ (be) an ignorant country doctor who (17) ................................ (not/know) what he (77) ................................ (talk) about. I (18) ................................ (realise) it was no use (19) ................................ (argue) with him so I (20) ................................ (leave) after only a few minutes. I was quite angry actually. I let myself out of the house without I (21)................................ (see) Lucy or Mrs Stern.

Text B

Yes, Trevor was my business partner. We (1)...........................................................

.....................(not/be) really friends. Yes, my house (2).............................................

(be) just round the corner from the Sterns'. I (3)........................................................

(live) here for two years now. I (4)...................................................................(have)

a little cottage in the village. But I (5)................................................................(buy)

this house when I started (6)......................................................................(earn) a lot

of money.

I can't really tell you very much about the night Trevor died. I took

my dog for a long walk that evening. I (7)..................................................................

(go) up on the hills, away from the village. Then the stupid dog (8).......................................................................(go) after a rabbit or something and I

(9)........................................... (lose) him in the dark. I (91)..........................................

(look) for him when I (10).....................................................................(meet) Lucy, as

a matter of fact. She (11)...........................................................................(walk) up the

road towards their house. She (12).......................................................................(seem)

rather upset. I asked her if she (13).........................................................................(see)

the dog, but she said she (14)..........................................................................(not/had).

She (15)......................................................................................(go) into her house and

I (16)........................................................................................(find) him a few minutes

afterwards. I was back home by just after quarter to ten.

Text C

Detective Inspector Blackledge showed the statements to her colleague, Sergeant Ross.

blackledge: Well, Ross. What do you think? Who killed Stern?

ROSS: I don't know. It (1) ..................................(not/be) his wife. She (2) .................................(not/even/go) into the study

blackledge: But she admits she didn't love him. Do you think she's in love with the doctor?

ROSS: It's possible. And perhaps Trevor Stern (3) .................................(find out). But we know the doctor was at the hospital by ten o'clock that night. And that's at least half an hour from the Sterns' house.

blackledge: But that (4) .................................(mean) he (5). .................................(leave) the Sterns' house before half past nine.

ROSS: Exactly.

blackledge: Anyway, Dorothy Stern told her sister she (6) ................................ (leave) her husband. She didn't need (7). .................................(murder) him.

ROSS: But what about Lucy?

blackledge: Yes, there's something about Lucy's story which doesn't quite fit. Let's see, what did Gerald Brook say?

ROSS: That's it! Lucy (8) .................................(not/walk) to the village and back, if he (9) ................................ (meet) her at twenty to ten. She (10) .................................(still/shout at) by her father at nine-fifteen.

blackledge: But look at all the statements. The times don't fit.

ROSS: Neither do the facts. Someone (11) ................................ (tell) lies.

blackledge: I think it's time we (12) ................................ (make) an arrest.

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