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Урок 1 Шотландия

94.72 Кб

Тема: Scotland


Практическая: совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков.

Воспитательная: создание условий для воспитания чувства коллективизма; формирование навыков совместной работы в паре/группе, самостоятельной работы.

Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, умения анализировать, внимания, быстроты реакции.

Сопутствующая задача: контроль орфографических навыков.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал: таблицы и карточки, доска, учебник

Литература: English. Student’s book. 6 класс/ О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

План-конспект урока.


Задачи этапа


Режим работы

Способ контроля


Средства обучения


Организационный момент.

Речевая разминка

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

- Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you all. Му name is Veronica Anatol’evna and I’ll be your teacher for today’s lesson. So how are you? Are you in good mood? Is it a difficult or easy day today?

- Thank you for your answers.



1 м.

Активизация лексического материала

Совершенствование лексических навыков

- As you know today we should start a new topic “Scotland”? but also we should write a dictation on your previous one. So first of all let’s revise some vocabulary. Open your textbooks on page 176. We’ll do ex.1. There you can see words in a box and their definitions below. So your task is to match definition with a suitable word. Let’s do it in a chain.

Приложение 1.

- Well done. Close your books please and let’s do the following: I’ll give you a card with 4 columns find a box of adjectives. Work in pairs and write down into each column all adjectives which can be used with a given noun.

Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


- Ok. Let’s check your results. And if you can add something to your classmate’s answer just raise your hand.


P1 – P2






2 м.

2 м.

2 м.

Раздаточный материал: таблица

Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения

- Thank you for your answers. And now let’s work in small groups. I’ll give you a card with several words on it. Your task is to make a short story using the given words.

1) a thief, a criminal, to scream, wicked, at the top of his voice, stupid.

2) a company, poetry, exact (exactly), to act, to earn, a teenager, as you please, for a while.

3) the top of the hill, a bank of the river, exactly, a glove-maker, a twin.

4) a deer, pleased, for a while, to scream, at the top of his voice, to earn the girl’s love.

- Your time is over. Let’s listen to your stories.





Раздаточный материал: карточки

Контроль орфографических навыков

- Good job. But now it is a time to write a dictation. So close everything, open your copybooks, and write down today’s date. Be attentive and do the task yourself.

Приложение 2.




Активизация грамматического материала

Совершенствование грамма

тических навыков говорения

- Today also I’d like you to revise some grammar rules. So open your books on page 177. Let’s do ex.6. First of all look through this dialog and then you are to open the brackets. I think it won’t be difficult for you to do it on the spot.

Приложение 3.

- Which grammar pattern have you met in this dialog?

- You’re right. Complex object. Who can write the structure of it on the blackboard?

- I see you remember the structure, so let’s work in pairs and make your own dialogs where you are to find out points which are written on the blackboard (Приложение 4). And of course use the complex object.

Приложение 5(доп. задания)

- Ok. And now role play your dialogs.


P1 – P2






4 м.

5 м.

5 м.


Заключительный этап


Задание домашнего задания.

Оценивание деятельности учащихся на уроке

- Thank you for your work. Your home task will be ex.9 page 178. And in the end of the lesson I’d like you to complete 2 sentences which are written on the blackboard.

The most interesting task was…

I worked the best when…

- Tank you. And your marks for today. Buy.



3 м.


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


Wicked, strong, stupid, bad, young, terrible, old, big, high, calm, touching, classical, attractive, exciting, international, fast, slow, fat, ugly, famous, well-known

A deer

A thief

A bank


1) a thief, a criminal, to scream, wicked, at the top of his voice,


2) a company, poetry, exact (exactly), to act, to earn, a teenager, as you please, for a while.

3) the top of the hill, a bank of the river, exactly, a glove-maker, a twin.

4) a deer, pleased, for a while, to scream, at the top of his voice, to earn the girl’s love.

1) a thief, a criminal, to scream, wicked, at the top of his voice,


2) a company, poetry, exact (exactly), to act, to earn, a teenager, as you please, for a while.

3) the top of the hill, a bank of the river, exactly, a glove-maker, a twin.

4) a deer, pleased, for a while, to scream, at the top of his voice, to earn the girl’s love.