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Winter exam_oral speech.docx
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Talk about the daily chores of a British housewife

To begin with, I’d like to mention a proverb saying “Men make houses, women make homes”, and I fully agree with it. It’s a well-known fact that almost all the work about the house is done by women, because men think that their work is to earn money and from time to time repair smth if it is broken or out of order, and that is enough. But men forget that women instead of doing household duties also go to work and earn money too and they didn’t refuse to do her daily chores about the house.

I find daily women work rather difficult, because they can’t get out of doing this work (ex. how that do their husbands) and have to do it headache and tiredness.

British housewives as well as other housewives all over the world take main responsibilities for the house, doing mountains of the exhausting work every day. A day of a British housewife starts in the early morning, because she has to cook breakfast for her husband and children, dress the kids and take them to the school or kindergarten. After that she starts doing her daily housework, such as, hovering, washing, ironing and such kind of things. Then the housewife spend hours choosing healthy food because she worries about her children’s nutrition. When her children come home she have to feed them and then helps them to do the homework, listen to the tall tales of their children about their school day. Then she makes dinner and again spends hours at the kitchen, feeds kids and store the husband’s evening meal in the oven to keep it warm. And only at bath time she can fell a little relaxed and watch her children splash water . But when her better half comes home to his shining clean offsprings, sodden bathroom carpet and his evening meal she completely exhausted, bad-tempered and drained of emotions. But it isn’t the end of the day. While her darling having supper and enjoy himself the woman has to put the naughty children to bed, and then wash a mountain of dirty plates and cups. In addition, she has to listen to her husband’s complaints of what a difficult working day he had. I think, it’s natural that after such a tiresome day any housewife loathes, abhors and hates housework.

In the end I should say that I admire housewives for their strong character, but in my future I try to mix my job and family life because I think that I can’t do only household chores.

Talk about the attitude of a housewife to the hardships of life

To begin with, I’d like to mention a proverb saying “Men make houses, women make homes”, and I fully agree with it. It’s a well-known fact that almost all the work about the house is done by women, and besides, they take the main part in raising the children they because men think that their work is to earn money and from time to time repair smth if it is broken or out of order, and that is enough. It’s not a secret then men think that housewives don’t do anything at all, but just relax. But men forget that women instead of doing household duties also go to work and earn money too.

So, what housewives think about their life? It’s evidently that most of them dissatisfied with their life. For example, Diana Harpwood said she hated, loathed and abhorred housework. Nevetheless she has to do it every day. Frankly speaking, a typical day of an ordinary housewife starts early in the morning and finishes late at night. It goes without saying, that from day to day she has a lot of work such as washing-up, washing, cleaning, hovering, cooking meals, doing shopping, helping the children to do their homework and that sort of thing. That is why housewife drained of emotions and exhausted at the end of the day. As a rule, a housewife almost has no time for herself, because she always takes care of her relatives only. I can say that Diana Harpwood told us about her life with a sense of humour and I think that she is a woman of strong character. Because in my opinion much depends on the person’s character. If a woman is active and energetic she will be able to cope with the most boring daily work. And on the contrary, if she is calm and pessimistic, prefer peaceful life, she will never be able to change her life and continue putting up with it.

As for me, I admire housewives for their strong character, but in my future I try to mix my job and family life because I think that I can’t do only household chores and I also want to be happy and satisfied with my family life and to make a good career.

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