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Аналитическое чтение 2 kurs zimni semestr / Заочное отделение. Зимний семестр / вопросы к экзамену по аналитическому чтению для зо 2012-2013

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2nd Year, 1st Term, 2012/2013

Correspondence Department

Examination Topics in Reading and Listening Comprehension

  1. Share your impressions of the book you read and discussed in class during the term. Describe the main characters of the book.

  2. There are sometimes events in a young boy’s or girl’s childhood that may influence their vision of the adult world. Prove or disprove this statement relying on the story “Snowdrops». Recall a similar experience from your or someone else’s childhood. Talk about the language devices which contribute to the emotional impression the text produces on the reader

  3. School years’ memories are not always pleasant, especially if they are spent in a boarding school. Give evidence for this statement from the story “My Memories of Boarding School”. Talk about the language features which contribute to the emotional impression the text produces on the reader.

  4. Talk about the frustrations and rewards of teaching as seen by an American university teacher and describe the specific expressiveness of the text (“Why I Teach”).

  5. Talk about the parents’ vision of their children’s happiness and their expectations of their children’s future (“Mrs.Garstin’s Hopes and Disappointments).What language devices are used by the author to achieve expressiveness when he describes the main characters and their relations with each other?

  6. What impressed you in the story “If Only They Could Talk”? Talk about the language devices the author uses to arouse the feeling of compassion to the old man’s grief. Share your own or someone else’s experience of treating a sick animal.

  7. Talk about vivisection as a method of medical research. (Tape-recording “Vivisection”)

  8. Compare the different attitudes to women’s employment in medicine in the 19th century and nowadays (“A letter”). Give linguistic evidence to prove that the story was written more than a hundred years ago.

  9. What do you know about different methods of combating infectious diseases in the past and at the present time? (“Smallpox – Epitaph for a Killer”, “AIDS Hysteria”) Give examples of the scientific vocabulary from the texts.

  10. Talk about different attitudes to sports in modern Western society. (“The Sporting Spirit”, “Americans’ Appreciation of Sports”) What language devices are used by either of the authors to render their negative/positive judgement about sports?

  11. What do you think of the competitive nature of sports and the feelings of rivalry involved? (“Where Have All the Fans Gone”, “The Sporting Spirit”) Talk about the language devices

which show that the authors are trying to impose their opinions on the reader.

  1. Pubs are known as a typically English institution. Supply evidence for this statement. (Tape-recording “Down the Pub”)

  2. Talk about the problem of maintaining discipline at a British school. Do schools have similar problems in this country? (Tape-recording “Problem Children”)

  3. What do you know about the business of teaching English to foreigners in England? (“An English Language Teacher in Bath”) Talk about the differences between the language features of the first, descriptive part and the second, conversational part of the text.

  4. Give an account of current views on smoking in modern society. (Tape-recording “To Smoke or not to Smoke”)

2nd Year, 1st Term, 2012/2013

Correspondence Department

Examination Topics in Reading and Listening Comprehension

  1. Share your impressions of the book you read and discussed in class during the term. Describe the main characters of the book.

  2. There are sometimes events in a young boy’s or girl’s childhood that may influence their vision of the adult world. Prove or disprove this statement relying on the story “Snowdrops». Recall a similar experience from your or someone else’s childhood. Talk about the language devices which contribute to the emotional impression the text produces on the reader

  3. School years’ memories are not always pleasant, especially if they are spent in a boarding school. Give evidence for this statement from the story “My Memories of Boarding School”. Talk about the language features which contribute to the emotional impression the text produces on the reader.

  4. Talk about the frustrations and rewards of teaching as seen by an American university teacher and describe the specific expressiveness of the text (“Why I Teach”).

  5. Talk about the parents’ vision of their children’s happiness and their expectations of their children’s future (“Mrs.Garstin’s Hopes and Disappointments).What language devices are used by the author to achieve expressiveness when he describes the main characters and their relations with each other?

  6. What impressed you in the story “If Only They Could Talk”? Talk about the language devices the author uses to arouse the feeling of compassion to the old man’s grief. Share your own or someone else’s experience of treating a sick animal.

  7. Talk about vivisection as a method of medical research. (Tape-recording “Vivisection”)

  8. Compare the different attitudes to women’s employment in medicine in the 19th century and nowadays (“A letter”). Give linguistic evidence to prove that the story was written more than a hundred years ago.

  9. What do you know about different methods of combating infectious diseases in the past and at the present time? (“Smallpox – Epitaph for a Killer”, “AIDS Hysteria”) Give examples of the scientific vocabulary from the texts.

  10. Talk about different attitudes to sports in modern Western society. (“The Sporting Spirit”, “Americans’ Appreciation of Sports”) What language devices are used by either of the authors to render their negative/positive judgement about sports?

  11. What do you think of the competitive nature of sports and the feelings of rivalry involved? (“Where Have All the Fans Gone”, “The Sporting Spirit”) Talk about the language devices

which show that the authors are trying to impose their opinions on the reader.

  1. Pubs are known as a typically English institution. Supply evidence for this statement. (Tape-recording “Down the Pub”)

  2. Talk about the problem of maintaining discipline at a British school. Do schools have similar problems in this country? (Tape-recording “Problem Children”)

  3. What do you know about the business of teaching English to foreigners in England? (“An English Language Teacher in Bath”) Talk about the differences between the language features of the first, descriptive part and the second, conversational part of the text.

  4. Give an account of current views on smoking in modern society. (Tape-recording “To Smoke or not to Smoke”)