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Unit 1

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лечили зубы бесплатно? 29.Она надеялась, он заправит машину до отъезда. 30. А стоит ли красить такой старый дом?

Passive constructions can be used to make the statement impersonal.

It is believed that the government know what they are doing. This medicine is considered to be effective in treating such diseases.

*40. Complete the following sentences.

1. The president is reported ___ 2. Computers are thought ___ 3. The English are considered

___ 4. Students are expected ___ 5. Parrots are supposed ___ 6. Married life is said ___ 7. Black cats were believed ___ 8. Prices are announced ___ 9. English Grammar is said ___

10. Examiners are thought ___

*41. Translate and restore.

1.Видели, как полицейский … 2. Меня недавно заставили …

3.Считают, что Наполеон был … 4. Ожидается, что … 5. Известно, что … 6. До сих пор не видели, чтобы богатые … 7. Уже слышали, как … 8. Меня никогда не заставляли … 9. Детей силой не заставишь … 10. При поездке за границу не разрешается …

*42. Correct the mistakes, if any.

1. I’ll have cut my hair tomorrow. 2. Jain paints her nails at the nearest hairdresser’s. 3. I have usually cut my hair at the hairdresser’s. 4. I’ll complain if the furniture won’t be delivered by Saturday. 5. The pupil was said to fetch some chalk but he didn’t obey. 6. The firm is told to have gone bankrupt. 7. When will you fill your teeth? 8. By the time his wife came back, he had the house painted. 9. Susan is taking a picture of. How pretty she looks in her wedding dress! 10. Where can I service my car?

11. It’s worth to have the house painted. 12. Everything should to be done very fast.13. He was seen cross the street. 14. Coffee is spoken to originate from Kaffa. 15. Englishmen prefer to mow their lawns than to have them mown. 16. The room has never been lived. 17. He is thought to be handsome in his youth. 18. If you want to clean your carpets, take them to the cleaners. 19. This soup was made by fresh tomatoes. 20. Everybody must have questioned by that time, it was late.


*43. Translate and restore using passive forms.

Model: 17. перерыв … обычно

A break is usually waited for with impatience.

A 1. машину … недавно

B 11. последний тест … только что


наркоз … как раз сейчас


решение … на этой неделе


зубы … в последнее время


экзамен … на днях


лекарство … только что


меня … к настоящему времени


укол … на прошлой неделе


результаты … через неделю


все таблетки … к тому


цветы … дней пять




перерыв … обычно


ему пока не … аппендицит

18. сколько занятий … за семестр


диагноз … давным-давно

19. домашнюю работу … как раз

9. всех пациентов … скоро


сейчас в классе

10. травмы … за последний

20. стипендию … в конце этого








*C 21. мяч … как раз в тот момент



капитана команды ... ужé

22. спортивные новости по ТВ …



футбол … если будет дождь


за последнее время




победителя … сейчас, как и

23 судью … почти всегда




24. соревнования ... еще не




голы … тогда гораздо чаще

25. нарушение правил … рано или



новое спортивное оборудо-






вание … завтра или на днях

44. Translate into English.

1.Нас обманули. 2. Вас никогда не обманывали в детстве?

3.Когда-нибудь и вас обманут. 4. Мы были уверены, что нас там не обманут. 5. Меня все время обманывают и всегда обманывали.

6.Она купила старую шляпу, так как старую унесло ветром.

7.Мою шляпу только что унесло ветром. 8. Лужайку как раз подстригали в то время. 9. Что это передают по радио? 10. Когда ты в последний раз стригся?

11.Кому послали новогодние открытки? 12. Когда вызвали

полицию? 13. Нас несколько раз разъединяли в тот раз. 14. Телевизор только что починили. 15. Не все считают, что ядерное оружие обязательно надо запретить. 16. Только что сделано еще одно важное открытие. 17. Рану промыли? 18. Он был ранен во


время войны. 19. Нам сказали, что все доставят к нашему отъезду. 20. За полицией послали? А почему нам не сказали, что послали?

*21. Он получил серьезную травму во время матча. 22. Во время драки ему вывихнули руку. 23. С доктором вовремя не посоветовались. 24. Когда вызвали скорую? 25. Вас записали на прием к стоматологу? 26. Температуру тела легко измерить. 27. Повязку накладывают на такие раны? 28. Пострадавшего отнесли в скорую на носилках. 29. Как обычно пьют это лекарство? 30. Хотите взвеситься?


Written Part

1. Translate into Russian.

1.Who was America discovered by? 2. Are you being served?

3.Who broke the cup? – It was broken by chance. 4. Few people like being asked questions. 5. Has the doctor been sent for? 6. The dinner was still being cooked, and we had to wait. 7. The fire is reported to have started by accident. 8. The floor will hardly be cleaned by tomorrow. 9. He is known to be making a lot of money. 10. You’ll get scolded if you’re late again.

2.Choose the correct variant.


Post ___ every day.




1) delivered

2) delivers


3) is to deliver

4) is delivered


The bed was tidied up and covered ___ a woolen blanket.

1) by

2) with


3) on

4) in


The parcel was wrapped ___ paper by the shop girl.

1) in

2) with


3) by

4) around


The post ___ delivered by noon yesterday.


1) must be

2) must have

3) must have been

4) must had been


So far nothing ___ here.



1) changed

2) was changed

3) have been changed

4) has been changed


Who was Australia ___ ?


1) discovered

2) was discovered 3) discovered by 4) was discovered by


___ the group would arrive soon.


1) They were expected

2) was expected


3) It is expected

4) It was expected



The group ___ to arrive soon that day.


1) is expected

2) they expected 3) it was expected

4) was expected



19. The telegram ___ , you needn’t worry.

1) was already delivered

2) is still delivered

3) is already being delivered

4) has already delivered

20. They ___ their house redecorated, it looked wonderful. 1) had had 2) had 3) have 4) have had

3. Transform into passive, if possible. If not, write „No passive‟.

1. Somebody will clean the carpets for me. 2. The Browns live on the ground floor. 3. Who built this house? 4. They sent me a postcard at Christmas. 5. Nobody contacted the police then. 6. We heard a child’s voice call for help. 7. My parents let me drive the car. 8. She opened the tin with a knife. 9. They didn’t explain anything to us. 10. Never make children lie.

*4. Restore, using passive forms.

1. matches/ men 2. the final test/ yet 3. last year/ to college 4. more computers/ next year 5. laws must/ not only/ lawyers

*5. Translate into English.

1.Первые британские колледжи были основаны в 12-13 веках.

2.Парки в Лондоне спланированы так, чтобы выглядеть естественно. 3. В центре этого парка летом разыгрываются комедии Шекспира. 4. Хэрродз был первым магазином, в котором был установлен эскалатор. 5. В этом здании обсуждаются и принимаются британские законы. 6. Палата Общин была полностью разрушена во время войны. 7. Королей и королев заключали в Тауэр и казнили там. 8. Букингемский дворец много раз перестраивался. 9. В футболе не разрешается касаться мяча руками. 10. Если серьезно нарушены правила, объявляют пенальти.

Oral Part 6. Correct the mistakes, if any.

1. This soup was made by fresh tomatoes. 2. The room has never been lived. 3. I have usually cut my hair at the hairdresser’s. 4. He is thought to be handsome in his youth. 5. If you want to clean your carpets, take them to the cleaners’. 6. My watch was still mended when I called again. 7. The firm is told to have gone bankrupt. 8. By the time his wife came back, he had the house painted. 9. I don’t like to be stared. 10. Jane paints her nails at the nearest hairdresser’s.


*11. I’ll complain if the furniture won’t be delivered by Saturday. 12. The tank has been filled the other day. 13. Everybody must have questioned by that time, it was late. 14. He was seen cross the street. 15. The pupil was said to fetch some chalk but he didn’t obey. 16. Were you described all the details? 17. William VIII is said to have lots of wives. 18. The test is to hand in by Monday, isn’t it? 19. They were sure they’ll be informed in time. 20. The table was layed with a white cotton cloth before dinner.

*7. Complete using passive forms.

1. Mistakes can’t ___ 2. In old times houses ___ 3.The last week our flat ___ 4. I hope next week I ___ 5. By the 1st of January all the debts are sure to ___

*8. Paraphrase the sentences, using the words given after them. Make sure the meaning of the sentence is preserved.


People believe that he has left her.



I have to hand in the paper by Monday.



The noise made me stop the lesson.



It is known that the crisis was caused by the war.

to have


I prefer when people tell me the truth.



My mother doesn’t let me come home late.



They don’t allow anybody to smoke here.



We hired a man to redecorate the house last month.



He broke his leg last week.


10. It’s absolutely necessary to mend the roof before winter comes.

has to

*9. Say something about the picture using passive forms.

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