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Контрольное задание № 2 Вариант № 5

Задание I. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое главного предложения и определите видо-временную форму и залог глагола. (Напри­мер, was going - Past Continuous Active от глагола to go ).

1. Botanical prospecting has been used in the search for deposits of ores.

2 Men have been curious about the mysterious underwater world for centu­ries.

3 Scientists began serious research in this field only in our time.

Задание 2. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните модальный глагол и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Biologists could not find an answer to this question.

2 You must know these rules.

3 He is to come very soon.

Задание З. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внима­ние на эмфатический оборот" it is (was)... who (that)...".

1. It was after the expedition that he began writing a new book. 2 . It is fire that can be useful in many ways.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внима­ние на перевод слов " it", "there".

1. It is unlikely that this continent will be thoroughly explored in the 20 century.

2 . There are about 3,000 different languages used in the world today.

3. It seems probable that language was fully developed by about 25.00C years ago.

Задание 5. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме и переведи1 те их.

1. Last May I stayed in London for a long time.

2 I can promise you to come in the evening.

3 He likes to go to the theatre on Sundays.

Задание 6. Составьте предложение из следующих слов и переведите егс на русский язык.

four main, at present, political parties, there are, in England.

Задание 7. Прочтите, перепишите и закончите предложение, использу) одно из слов в скобках.

Explaining chemical phenomena through the law of physics, Lomonosov founded a new science, namely .

(metallurgy, geology, astronomy, physical chemistry, psychology)

Задание 8. Прочтите текст, перепишите и переведите письменно 1, 3, 4, 5 абзацы. Используйте словарь для нахождения значений новых слов.

In search of the new continent

1. James Cook, the English explorer, wrote in 1775: "I can be bold enough to say that no man will ever venture farther than I have done; and that the lands which may lie to the south will never be explored". After repeated attempts to break through the floes beyond 71° South, has ship "Resolution" was forced to re­turn to the more hospitable northern latitudes.

2 Almost half a century later, in 1820 there appeared in the sinister waters of the Polar Atlantic two ships flying the Russian flag. The "Vostok" and the "Mirny" under the command of Captain Faddei Bellingshausen were ordered "to keep as far South as pos sible", "to exert every effort and do everything possible while discovering unknown lands and not to give up "this enterprise unless con­fronted by unsurmoutable obstacles".

3 The Russian vessels sailed from Kronstadt, visited Denmark, England, the Canary Islands and Brazil and then entered unknown re gions. According to the expeditions diary, the very first giant iceberg they met with "amazed everyone".

4 Even if one must discount the discovery of the new continent by Belling­shausen and Lazarev, since its existence was scientifically proved many years after them, they deserve credit for being the first after Cook to sail beyond the Antarctic Circle.

5. Nowadays the sixth continent has become a centre of science. Antarc­tica's main export item is the scientific information annually collected by the expe­ditions. The icebound continent, to the discovery of which our fellow - countrymen made such a big contribution 150 years ago, offers our planet a splendid example of international cooperation.

Задание 9. Ответьте на вопрос письменно на английском языке, ис­пользуя текст: " What was Faddei Bellingshausen's mission in the Polar Atlan­tic?"

Задание 10. Составьте 4 вопроса разного типа к предложению: "The icebound continent offers our planet a splendid example of international coopera­tion"

Задание 11 Переведите устно с 1-го по 3-й абзац на русский язык. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й и 2-й абзацы.


  1. During a year almost 200 million tons of metal objects are considered to be destroyed by corrosion. Considering that about 600 million tones of metal a year are produced in the world, it is easy to understand the losses of objects. Without which our life could not be imagined.

  2. The situation is very serious , because not only metal is destroyed but also a great amount of articles , instruments and tools whose cost exceeds many times the cost of the metal used for their manufacture.

  3. Combating the corrosion of metals has now becomes a key problem in all industrialized countries. The scientific and technical achievements in the field of raising the corrosion resistance of construction materials are the basis of technical progress in different branches of industry, an indicator of the country`s economic potential.

  4. A large number of “anti-corrosion” work is being carried out in the Russia. The result is evident:Russian-made inhibitors, varnishes, paint- covers are being well-known throughout the world. Gas pipelines, metal structures , the bodies of atomic reactor and ships,etc. have been reliably protected against corrosion.

  5. Russia also exports special equipment and some kinds of technology designed to weaken corrosion. Anti- corrosion varnishes , insulating materials and equipment are purchased abroad.

Задание 12 Прочтите 5-й абзац текста и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос:

What materials weakening corrosion does Russia sell?

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