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Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 14 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Customs tariff (to work out) in 1795 but it (to come) into effect only in 1800.

2. After the New Trade Statute (to sign), customs procedures (to establish).

3. Before he (to appoint) Head of St.Petersburg Customs House, A.N.Radishev (to work) for Commerce Board.

4. G.R.Derzhavin (to work) at the Customs tariff for two years when Paul I

(to decide) to abolish it.

5. He (to be sure) that protectionist policy (to stimulate) industrial production.

6. He (to work) for the Customs for 15 years. Then he (to retire).

7. While he (to collect) customs duties for 20 years, he (to attack) several times.

8. When he (to think over) the customs tariffs he (to come) to the conclusion that it (to serve) the development of the country.

9. It (to be) clear that he (not to be able) to pay the amount of duty, that the excise officer (to state) in the voucher.

Task 15 Translate from Russian into English.

1. Он работает посменно, не так ли?

2. Кто разрабатывал этот таможенный тариф?

3. Эта комиссия занимается вопросами внешней торговли и таможенного дела.

4. Когда он был назначен начальником таможни?

5. Он много сделал для развития таможенного законодательства.

6. Протекционистский тариф стимулирует развитие промышленного производства.

7. Новый торговый устав ввел новые правила провоза товаров через границу.

8. Акцизный чиновник выписал квитанцию с указанием суммы, подлежащей оплате.

9. Если ты станешь таможенником, то будешь иметь дело с таможенными платежами.


to levy the duty


customs procedure

foreign trade

to protect/protection/ protectionist

customs tariff

to be in charge of

to regulate

customs business

an excise/ excise collector

to issue


to seal / a seal

to purchase


a statute / law / act

to confiscate / confiscation

to require

to limit

взимать пошлину


таможенный режим

внешняя торговля


таможенный тариф

отвечать за что-либо


таможенное дело

акциз / акцизный чиновник

зд. выписывать, выдавать

алкогольные напитки

опечатывать, опломбировать / печать, пломба

приобретать, зд. выкупать



конфисковать / конфискация



Unit 3 customs areas Text 1

The customs areas include the following:

  1. Duty collection

The assessment and collection of duties and taxes have always been one of the main functions of the customs service. In fact, collection of the revenue is the responsibility with which the customs usually started. Throughout its history the customs has supplied the federal budget with the revenue necessary for investment in the economy and in the country’s basic infrastructure, i.e. new schools, roads, hospitals.

  1. Classification

Merchandise classification is the foundation on which duty collection occurs. All goods entering the country should be classified by use of the established numerical coding system. Most countries are now adopting the Harmonized System of Classification which, in case of uniform application, can help improve the classification of goods and prevent losses of duty collection.

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