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Змістовий модуль 1. Basic clothes.

Змістовий модуль 2. Sewing your own clothes.

Теми для співбесіди:

Тема 1. The Early Development of Clothes. Your Clothes Package.

Тема 2. Fabric Information. The Sewing Machine.

Контрольна робота №1

TOPIC: The Early Development of Clothes. Your Clothes Package.

  1. Read and translate the following text:

Social scientists believe that people began to wear clothes when they lived in “hunting” and “gathering” societies. People lived in groups because this made the task of getting food easier. In groups such as these, the first clothes developed. They were probably made from animal skins.

Many years ago, ice age spread extremely cold weather over large parts of Europe. People discovered that the bear skin could be made into clothes. The people needed something to use to tie on the bear skin. They used sinew, a tough tendon from the leg of an animal.

The awl was the tool used to punch holes in skins. Gradually, a notch was carved in the blunt end of the awl to hold the sinew in place. The other end had been already sharpened to make punching holes easier. Now the sinew could be threaded through the hole. After many years, the eyed needle had been invented. The invention of the eyed needle led to the development of sewing.

A second important sewing tool, the sewing plate, appeared about this time. Made of bone, it was used to push the needle through the hide. This sewing plate was probably, used much as a thimble is used today.

The next development was yarn, a continuous strand of fibers. It is made by twisting and tightening the fibers. The process of making yarn is called spinning. People began to use the stems of plants, some kind of tree bark, horse hair. Gradually, they made the tools to spin fibers.

After people learned to spin, they mastered the art of weaving. Weaving is a process of interlacing yarns to create cloth of fabric. The first weaving was done by hand. Later, weaving was done on looms.

Many factors influence your choice of clothes. Personality, physical shape, lifestyle, and even the world around you play a part in your decisions about what to wear.

To dress successfully, you need to know about the kinds of clothes that are available to you. If you live in a cold area of the world, you need to wear special clothes to protect yourself from the cold and wind. In such areas people wear heavy jackets and boots, scarves, and mittens. People living in hot, tropical areas also need to protect themselves from the weather. In these climates, people wear white or light-coloured clothes to deflect the rays of the sun. They may wear loose-fitting clothes, such as shorts.

In most parts of the world the weather changes over the course of a year. Most people need a variety of clothes to suit the weather changes.

Uniforms identify a person with a group of occupation: servants in the restaurants, nurses in the hospitals, and the military. Some people need clothes that are primarily protective (engineers, agriculturalists and many factory employees).

Basic garments such as skirts, trousers, tops, jackets can be changed round to give totally different effects. Accessories such as bags, belts, glasses, gloves, scarves, jewelry, shoes, tights and stockings can be worn with basic garments to introduce other ideas.