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Part II pre-text assignments

Exercise 1. Practice pronunciation:

heal [hi:l]

scrap away [skræp]

survive [sә'vaiv]

entire [in'taiә]

deficient [di'fi∫nt] stump [stΛmp]

escape [is'keip]

incision [in'siʒn]

surround [sә'raund]

suture ['sju:t∫ә]

raise off [reiz]

resemble [ri'zembl]

overlying [әuvә'laiiŋ]

flap [flæp]

seal [si:l]

saline ['seilain]

expose [ik'spәuz]

syringe [si'rindʒ]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

heal загоюватись

scrap away викидати

survive виживати

entire повний

deficient недостатній stump кукса escape врятовуватися

incision розріз

surround навколишній

suture шов raise off піднімати, pозтити resemble нагадувати

overlying підлеглий

flap шматок

seal закупорювати

saline розчин

expose оголювати, розкривати

syringe шприц

Exercise 3. Read and translate the words and word combinations.

heal [hi:l]: healed, healing, the wound healed up, healer, the progress and healing;

flap [flæp]: flap of the gum, to raise off a flap, the flap is sutured back;

suture ['sju:t∫ә]: absorbable suture, bone suture, catgut suture, sutureless

Exercise 4.Read the following text, translate it.

Pulpotomy and Apicectomy

In adults, conservative treatment of an exposed vital pulp is by root filling. But in children, growth of the root is not yet complete and an exposed tooth may still have a wide open apex, instead of the minute apical foramen. Root filling is unnecessary for these teeth as pulp death does not occur. Instead, only the infected part of the pulp in the pulp chamber is removed - a procedure known as pulpotomy. The very rich blood supply through an open apex allows healing to occur;1 the pulp survives and growth continues to its natural completion. In fully grown teeth such healing is impossible and that is why the entire pulp must be removed and a root filling inserted.

The procedure in pulpotomy is similar to root filling insofar as2 a sterile technique is necessary. The pulp chamber is opened and the pulp tissue is removed from the pulp chamber only. The amputated pulp stump at the entrance to the root canal is then covered with a calcium hydroxide dressing. This allows the pulp in the root canal to form a layer of new dentine over itself. The pulp is thereby completely sealed off again, as it was before the exposure occurred, and normal growth continues. Apicectomy is an operation for removal of an infected apex and the surrounding alveolar abscess. The purpose of apicectomy is to save the tooth in cases where root filling is unsuccessful or impossible. It is the final alternative to extraction and is done for the following reasons:

1. Root filling unsuccessful.

a)Incomplete filling of inaccessible canal.

b)Escape of irritant cement through apex.

2. Root filling impossible.

  1. Canal blocked by broken instrument.

  2. Alveolar abscess on tooth with post crown3.


1. An incision is made in the gum and a flap raised off the bone with a periosteal elevator

2. Using a straight handpiece and burs, a window is cut in the overlying bone to expose the infected apex.

3. The apex is cut off and infected tissue surrounding it is scraped away4 with a curette, which resembles a large excavator.

The cut end of the root is then examined to see if the remaining root filling is deficient. If so, a bit more filling is inserted in the cut end. Cement or amalgam is used and the procedure is known as retrograde root filling.

4. Debris is removed by syringing with sterile saline and the gum flap is sutured back into place.

5. Sutures are removed a few days later and an X-ray is taken for record purposes. By comparing5 this X-ray with future ones, the progress of healing can be observed.


1 allows healing to occur — способствует заживлению

2 insofar as — и так же как и там

3tooth with the post crown — зуб со штифтовой коронкой

4is scrapped away — соскабливается

5by comparing — сравнивая