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2. Subjunctive II

Task 46. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to Present and Past Subjunctive II constructions:

1. Oh, that I were free now.

2. If only I had known what to do then.

3. If only life would change for the better.

4. It’s high time he stopped pretending to be healthy.

5. She stared at me as if I were a complete stranger to her.

6. Colin behaved as though he had given the keynote speech.

7. He became frustrated as if nobody were following his speech.

8. Even if you were selfish, you would compromise your principles.

9. Even if she had got her A levels, she wouldn’t have escaped problems finding a job.

10. He wished Sandra were with him.

11. I would rather we hadn’t met at all.

12. I would sooner fall asleep than listen to her squeaky voice.

13. You had better consult the general practitioner at once.

Task 47. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb from the brackets:

1. If only patients (take) their prescription medicines the way they are told.

2. If only I (buy) the dress we have seen today.

3. If only we (go) to Italy last year.

4. Oh, that I (can) breathe air into the subject!

5. If only all the drivers (follow) traffic regulations.

6. I can’t do that! If only he (help) me with the project.

7. If only I (not be) late for that appointment.

8. If only I (not be) so deadly tired.

9. If only he (call) later.

10. Oh, that I (not be) busy now.

Task 48. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs given:

Start eat finish stop pay speak realize get go be

1. It’s time we …………… home.

2. It’s about time you………… harder.

3. It’s time you……………..to your partner about the problem.

4. It’s about time you ………… staying out so late.

5. It’s time you ……………. your assignment.

6. It’s high time you ……….. more exercise.

7. It’s about time we …………. more sensibly.

8. It’s high time you ………….. more polite.

9. It’s time you …………… a visit to your friend.

10. It’s about time we …………….. we can’t finish the project on time.

Task 49. Look at the pictures. Describe them with the help of ‘it’s (high, about) time…’.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Task 50. Translate into English using ‘it’s time’ and ‘if only’:

1. Давно пора тобі приймати самостійні рішення.

2. Ми запізнюємося на вечерю. Час вертатися додому.

3. Вже давно пора виправити цю поломку.

4. Якби я тільки знав, скільки часу на це витрачу! – Тобі вже пора навчитися раціонально використовувати свій час.

5. Якби тільки лейкемію вміли лікувати. Давно пора знайти метод боротьби з цією невиліковною хворобою.

6. Якби тільки все трапилося не так несподівано. – Але ж тобі пора зрозуміти, що іноді проблеми можуть з’явитися зненацька.

7. Якби тільки батько допоміг мені зібрати цей велосипед. Сьогоднi увечері я міг би вже трохи покататись.

8. Час розпочати здорове життя без лінощів та шкідливих звичок.

9. Якби я тільки не був таким сліпим. Я б відразу викрив її підступність.

10. Якби я тільки не прийняв того поспішного рішення. Зараз все могло б бути інакше.

Task 51. Consider the following sentences taken from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Comment on the use of Subjunctive II after ‘as if’:

1. They (the bells) were succeeded by a clanking noise, deep down below; as if some person were dragging a heavy chain over the casks in the wine merchant’s cellar.

2. The fog and frost so hung about the black old gateway of the house, that it seemed as if the Genius of the Weather sat in mournful meditation on the threshold.

3. He did pause, with a moment’s irresolution, before he shut the door; and he did look cautiously behind it first, as if he half-expected to be terrified with the sight of Marley’s pigtail sticking out into the hall.

4. But how much greater was his horror, when the phantom took off the bandage round its head, as if it were too warm to wear indoors, its lower jaw dropped down upon its breast.

5. Every movable was packed off, as if it were dismissed from public life for evermore.

6. The crisps leaves of holly, mistletoe and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there…

7. The sky was gloomy, all the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist… as if all the chimneys in Great Britain, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear heart’s content.

Task 52. Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of Subjunctive II in clauses introduced byas if/though’:

1. Whenever I met them it looked as if they (be) on not very good terms with one another.

2. When I opened the door I suddenly heard a noise as if something (fall).

3. Her voice was clear and loud as if she (stand) next to me.

4. You behave as if you (get) engaged already.

5. You look as if you (have) neither food nor sleep the last two days.

6. He felt as if he (have) fever.

7. He looked as though he just (step) from the pages of a fashion magazine.

8. She clutched the letter to her heart as if it (be) the dearest thing of hers.

9. Sarah frowned as if she (not like) the idea.

10. She looked at me as if it (be) the end of the dinner and she wanted me to get up and vanish in the darkness of the night forever.

11. He was feeling better day by day as if he (recover).

12. It was as though somebody he knew (write) the story.

13. She looked fresh and clean as if she (not walk) 5 miles 5 minutes ago.

14. When he finally broke the unpleasant silence his voice sounded as if he never (speak).

15. She always smelled as though she always (carry) with her bunches of wild flowers.

Task 53. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ви так засмагли, наче все літо провели на півдні.

2. Ви маєте такий вигляд, наче Вам негарно.

3. Я пам’ятаю все так чітко, наче це трапилося вчора.

4. Він говорить так, наче йому не 18 років, а 80.

5. Вонa дихає так тяжко, наче бігла всю дорогу.

6. У мене таке почуття, наче мене ошукали.

7. В одну мить я побачив все, наче очі відкрилися на сувору дійсність.

8. Мені раптом стало холодно, наче злий вітер увірвався у кімнату й стиснув мене в своїх обіймах.

9. Він не подав виду, наче зовсім не помітив мого прибуття.

10. Вона жваво збирала речі, наче б то не пам’ятала свого горя.

11. Він стояв біля платформи, наче чекав, поки відправиться потяг.

Task 54. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form in the following clauses of concession and condition:

1. Even if we (meet) then, I wouldn’t have recognized him.

2. If you (be) me here and now, what would you do?

3. If he (agree), would anyone notice the difference?

4. Even if I (know) you were safe and sound, I wouldn’t have slept a wink.

5. If you (be) less occupied all the time, you would have noticed that he was so radiant that evening.

6. She looks quite young, and even if someone (tell) you her age, you wouldn’t be willing to believe.

7. If you (keep) getting promoted for a couple of years, you would be running the whole company now.

8. If the city (expand) the parking space, we wouldn’t have to park so far.

9. Even if Maya (calm) down, she wouldn’t have passed her driving test last week.

10. We would be lying on the beach in California now, if (be able) to get our visas on time.

Task 55. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the subordinate clauses of condition and concession:

1. Якщо я була б достатньо дорослою, я б зрозуміла серйозність тієї ситуації.

2. Навіть якщо б вони розпочали роботу відразу, вони не змогли б закінчити її вчасно.

3. Вам довелося б докладно обгрунтувати свої докази, навіть якщо деяки з них здалися б нам сами собою зрозумілими.

4. Навіть якщо за цей час і виникли якісь зміни, вони б не вплинули на наше рішення.

5. Ми всі були б раді, якщо б він мав успіх на завтрашньому вечорі.

6. Якщо би ви були уважнішими на останньому уроці, ви б володіли матеріалом краще.

7. Якщо б він не хворів тоді, він міг би опинитися в більш небезпечній ситуації.

8. Цей фільм сподобався б мені більше, якщо б він був односерійним.

9. Якщо б нас не проінформували про зміни у порядку денному, ми б не встигли підготувати доповідь.

10. Навіть якщо б ти пішов заради неї на поступки, вона б не відчула ані краплини вдячності.

Task 56. Study the table below and complete the sentences:

There are three distinct types of  I wish / If only  sentences:

1. REGRETS with the PAST PERFECT, e.g. I wish (If only) I hadn't got so angry.

2. WANTING CHANGE FOR THE PRESENT OR FUTURE with the PAST SIMPLE, e.g. I wish (If only) I had enough money to go to Miami this summer.

3. COMPLAINTS or POLITE IMPERATIVE with WOULD + INFINITIVE e.g. I wish (If only) you wouldn't arrive so late all the time. I wish you would be more attentive!



I wish I a) ___________________ drunk and kissed Sam. (not get)


I wish it b) ___________________ so much. The garden's turned to mud. (not rain)


I wish I c) ___________________ there, I wouldn't have to pay now. (not park)

Wanting change


I wish I d) ___________________ more time for my hobbies. (have)


I wish it e) ___________________ more often in Egypt. (rain)


I wish I f) ___________________  to go to your niece's wedding. (not have)



I wish you g) ___________________ so much. You're unbearable when you're arguing. (not argue)


I wish it h) ___________________. The garden's as dry as a bone. (rain)


I wish he i) __________________ so much work. (not give)



I wish George j) ___________________ so horrible to his brother. He's a really nice guy. (not be)


I wish the council k) ___________________  that beautiful old house. It was the symbol of the city. (not demolish)


I wish I l) ___________________ enough money to go to Jon's wedding in the United States. (have)


I wish I m) ___________________ her she'd put on weight. She hates me now. (not tell)


I wish you n) ___________________  to your mother like this. (not speak)


I wish we o) ___________________  this printer. The cartridges are so expensive. (not buy)


I wish you p) ___________________ so fast. It's only a matter of time before you kill someone. (not drive)

Task 57. Comment on the use of the Subjunctive II in object clauses after the verb to wish and translate the sentences:

1. He wished that when the director of his firm asked him he had answered differently.

2. I wish I knew how to reach reliable results.

3. I only wish that you could come with me, Margaret, but I’m afraid it won’t do. 4. She wished that it had been possible not to cause those people such immense distress.

5. I wish you hadn’t got such shrewd eyes.

6. I wished I hadn’t wasted so much money.

7. I wish I appreciated your compliment but I don’t.

8. He had nothing against snowboarding – he wished he had taken it up when he was a young man.

9. He wished he felt more conviction on the matter.

10. Oh, I wish I hadn’t sent him that congratulatory letter.

11. I know this is none of my business. But I wish I knew what it’s all about.

12. I almost wish we’d left old Miss Braver alone.

13. I wish you could stay and then we could talk over my work.

14. I only wish it had lasted thrice as long.

15. I always remember everything but I wish I didn’t.

16. I wish you didn’t have to go. Why should you?

Task 58. Complete the sentences using the proper verb. Sometimes you’ll need negative. Keep in mind that more than one variant may be possible.

1. I wish you …………….. with us to the aquapark last Sunday.

2. I wish Pam ……………. to work. I’d ask her for a ride home.

3. I wish I ………………… so I would feel safe in a boat.

4. I wish you …………… arguing and try to work things out.

5. I wish we ……………… the game last night.

6. I wish Bill …………….. the promotion.

7. I wish I ………………. my job until I’d got another one.

8. I wish it ……………… winter so that I could go sledging.

9. I wish Andrew ……………. a couple of songs. He has a good voice.

10. I wish Natalie ……………… her children with her tomorrow. They would be good company for Steve.

11. I wish someone ………….. to help us when we got lost in the middle of this city.

12. Clare’s in trouble with the teacher. Now she wishes she …………… class three times this week.

13. Henry doesn’t like his job. He wishes he ……………. to art school when he was younger. He wishes he ………….. canvasses instead of houses.

14. I wish I ……………….. to this town. I seem to have made no friends, and everything is so congested.

15. I know I should quit smoking. I wish you ………… nagging me about it.

16. I wish my husband …………..the neighbors over for lunch when he talked to them this morning. I don’t feel like cooking at all.

17. A: Do you like the new head of our association?

B: I wish he ……………. . I shouldn’t have voted for him.

A: Then you probably wish I …………… for him. If you remember, he won by only two votes. You and I could have changed the result of the election.

18. A: I wish we always ……………..everything we want.

B: Well, probably, you wish money …………..on trees.

19. My twelve-year-old daughter wishes she …………. taller and that her hair ………….. blond, long and curly.

20. I wish you …………. to see a doctor today. You had better find out what’s wrong with you.

Task 59. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the Subjunctive Mood after the verb to wish:

1. He was sorry he couldn't accept the invitation to join us.

2. It’s a pity you were absent yesterday.

3. I'd like him to be more undemanding.

4. They are sorry they didn't invite her.

5. He was disappointed that he would not be able to see the film.

6. I regret now not having told her all the truth.

7. What a pity you can't swim.

8. I'm awfully sorry I kept you waiting so long.

9. It's a pity I couldn't go to the theatre with you.

10. I'm very sorry that I have disturbed you.

11. It's a pity you are leaving so soon.

12. I'd like to see the film again.

13. It was a pity we could not see the stage well.

14. They were sorry they hadn't taken a taxi and had missed their train.

Task 60. Translate into English using the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses:

1. Шкода, що ви були так необережні. Цього б не трапилось, якщо б ви дотримувалися правил безпеки.

2. Шкода, що ми були вимушені вирішити це питання без тебе.

3. Шкода, що ви не цікавитесь мистецтвом.

4. Зараз я шкодую, що не захопив з собою таблетки від головної болі.

5. Ти пошкодуєш, що не пішов зі мною.

6. Шкода, що ви не зберегли лист .

7. Хоча б ти їй сказав, що це неввічливо.

8. Їй дуже хотілося, щоб хтось помітив її і запитав, що вона тут робить.

9. Гарно було б, якщо би ви завжди приходили вчасно.

10. Прикро, що викладач не звертає жодної уваги на мою вимову.

11. Шкода, що я не можу у подробицях описати вам сцену, яка сталася після цього.

12. Шкода, що лікар вже пішов. Я не запитала його, як приймати ліки.

13. Прикро, що ми не знаємо його адреси. Ми могли б піти до нього зараз.

14. Шкода, що у дитинстві мене не вчили жодній іноземній мові.

15. Вона шкодувала, що їй не було чутно, про що вони говорили.

16. Я б хотіла, щоб ти дотримувався порядку.

17. Даремно він не присвятив своє життя музиці. Він міг би стати музичним генієм.

18. Шкода, що я вимушений працювати в свято.

Task 61. Complete the sentences with ‘had better’, ‘would rather’, ‘would sooner’ and an appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Sometimes more than one variant may be possible.

1. The train is at 6. You ………….. (start) packing, hadn’t you?

2. Jack …………….. (sleep) than worked last night.

3. She ……………. (not come) yesterday.

4. You look terrible. You ………. (have) some hot milk with butter and honey.

5. The photographer………….. we …………… (stand) closer to each other.

6. I …………. (die) than apologize to Helen.

7. I ………… you …………(go out) alone tonight.

8. I ………….. (have) a quite evening in front of the TV.

9. The policeman …………….. the crowd ……………(leave) the scene of the crime.

10. I ………….. you (not go out) with the same crew.

11. She ……… his voice …………. (not dominate) throughout the conversation that night.

12. I ………….. they ………… (not have) domestics so frequently.

13. You ……….. (have) a little rest.

14. We …………… the jobs ………….. (advertise) internally and externally.

15. I ……….. (not go) to that school when I was a child.

16. They …………. (discuss) it man-to-man.

17. You ………… (not talk) with your mouth full.

18. I ………… (die) than marry you.

19. You ……….. (have) a massage.

20. I ……….. my phone bill ……… (not be) so massive last month.

Task 62. Paraphrase the following sentences using ‘would rather/sooner’, ‘had better’. You may give more than one variant.

1. I advise you not take out a loan. You won’t pay it back.

2. I’ll phone Sandra. – No, don’t, please.

3. I suppose it would be better if George studied harder tonight.

4. You should have asked my permission first.

5. It would be better for the government to do something about the homeless than cut taxes.

6. I’ll watch a thriller. I don’t like comedies.

7. You ask the policeman. I don’t want to speak to him.

8. I’d prefer Martha to stay in tonight.

9. Why doesn’t she want to work with Steven? I don’t want her to work with us.

10. You should see a public notary on this question.

11. I should have chosen the other option.

12. I’d like some fish, not meat.

13. You must do the job yourself.

14. I would prefer to live on the outskirts than in the city centre.

15. Can we talk about this over dinner? I have no time right now.

16. It would be better for us to have some advantage over the rivals.

17. Don’t pad out your speech with jokes to make it seem impressive.

18. I’d prefer the boss not to find out I was late or there’ll be hell to pay.

19. I don’t want you to wear so much jewelry.

20. Your essay is good, but you just need to polish it a bit.

Task 63. Answer the following questions using ‘I would rather … because…’:

1. You have a chance go to GB or Australia on an exchange. Where would you prefer to go?

2. You’ve won 40,000 pounds in a lottery. Would you rather spend the money on a new apartment or on studying abroad?

3. You terribly need extra money. Would you apply for a part-time job or ask your parents to give you some?

4. You have a chance to go on a trip around the world and take two people with you. Would you rather take your parents or friends?

5. Upon graduating from the university you’re offered two jobs: as an interpreter in a foreign company and as a teacher in a lyceum. Which one would you choose?

Task 64. You have the opportunity to choose the place to live in the rest of your life. Which place would you rather live in? Explain your choice in at least five sentences.

Task 65. Imagine you’re a form monitor at school. From time to time your students come to you to ask for help. Give them advice on the following problems:

1. It seems I have twisted my ankle. It hurts so much. What should I do?

2. I’ve got a memory like a sieve. Sometimes it plays tricks on me and I can’t remember anything. How can I improve it?

3. Dwain, a senior student, is always making me give him all my pocket money. He threatens to beat me if I don’t. What am I to do?

4. My parents are busy all the time. They often have me look after my three-year old sister and, as a result, I have little time for my homework. I’m not making much progress. Could you help me?

5. It’s time I made up my mind about what I’m going to do in the future. I’m good both at exact science and humanities. Moreover, I like them both. Will you help me in making my choice?

Task 66. Translate into English using ‘would rather/sooner’ and ‘had better’ where possible:

1. Я б хотів, щоб ти прийшов наступного тижня.

2. Краще б ми минулого року провели свою відпустку в горах, ніж на морі.

3. Краще б ти тут не палив. У мене алергія на тютюновий дим.

4. Краще я поїду на потязі – ненавиджу літати.

5. Він дуже хвилюється перед операцією. Краще б тобі завітати до нього після 15 січня, коли він повністю оговтається.

6. Краще їй нарешті зійти зі свого п’єдесталу. Вона б побачила, що окрім її точки зору, існує принаймні ще декілька.

7. Краще б тобі не псувати мені настрій з самого ранку. Це може привести до досить серйозних наслідків.

8. Гадаю, тобі треба докладніше описати у резюме свої вміння та досягнення.

9. Тобі не треба було так категорично висловлюватись з приводу існуючої ситуації. Пітер дуже засмутився.

10. Краще б Джек вклав гроші у антикварні меблі. Він витратив увесь свій спадок на акції того підприємства, але не заробив ані копійки.

11. Не поводься, як дитина. Краще б тобі звикати до дорослого життя.

12. Краще б я народився у XVIII столітті, повному геройства й особливої чарівності.

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