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Контрольна робота №1

Варіант 4

1.Прочитайте надані тексти (1-6). Дайте письмову відповідь на наступні питання.

  1. What do the economists try to do?

They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live, and to explain how it works.

  1. What two things are greatly reduced in a communistic system?

In a communistic system private property and private enterprise are reduced to a minimum.

  1. What kind of economy might complete economic freedom create?

Capitalism might complete economic freedom create

  1. What countries are especially interested in control and planning?

Communistic countries are especially interested in control and planning.

  1. What is the Cuban system based on?

The Cuban system is based upon the principles of Karl Marx, the 19th century political economist.

2.Прочитайте надані тексти (1-6). Визначте, чи подані нижче висловлювання до текстів є вірними чи невірними. Якщо висловлювання невірне, запишіть правильний варіант.

  1. Paper is a non-agricultural commodity.

  2. The work which people do is called an economic system activity.

  3. Economics is a social science.

  4. Economics is concerned only with the production and consumption of goods and services.

Economics is concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services

  1. Microeconomics is a major part of macroeconomics.

Microeconomics is one of two major fields of standard economics.

3. Поясніть своїми словами на англійській мові значення наступних слів і виразів.

  1. services - that which is produced, then traded, bought or sold, then finally consumed and consists of an action or work.

  2. essential commodities - necessary things or services for life or some process.

  3. property - something that is owned

  4. shelter - A refuge, haven or other cover or protection from something

  5. means of production - the combination of the means of labour such as machines, tools, and equipment and the subject of labour used by workers to make product.

4. Заповніть пропуски відповідними словами з текстів (1-6) (подана перша літера слова та кількість літер в слові вказана в дужках).

  1. Communism is based on the idea of property (8) belonging to the state and all business being public rather than private.

  2. In Britain the citizens exercise (8) considerable amount of economic freedom.

  3. The American system is capitalistic (12), whereas the Cuban is communistic.

  4. Capital is essentially surplus (7) income used for new business activities.

  5. The economic ideologies of these two nations comprise (8) very strongly.

  6. Citizens must obey the law (3).

  7. If the man buys his car in that garage, the garage owner may produce (7) some extra services.

  8. Economic changes approve (6) our life.

  9. What two things is the British system based (5) on?

  10. That man owns (4) the house. The house is his.

5. Запишіть наступні речення. Поставте речення у пасивний стан. Перекладіть змінені речення українською мовою.

  1. Complete economic freedom can create many difficulties.

Many difficulties can be created by complete economic freedom.

  1. British Petroleum will produce more oil.

More oil will be produced by British Petroleum.

  1. Our family bought a car in this garage.

A car was bought in this garage by our family.

  1. Authorities in non-capitalistic systems do not permit private individuals to own property.

Private individuals aren’t permitted to own property by authorities in non-capitalistic systems

  1. These laws usually protect the interests of workers and not the employers.

The interests of workers and not the employers are usually protected by these laws.

  1. People satisfy their needs only if they earn money.

Needs are satisfied by people only if they earn money

6. Об’єднайте 2 речення за зразком так, щоб утворилося умовне речення 1, 2 або 3 типу. Речення запишіть.

Example: Citizens will be provided with essential services. The government introduces a new scheme.

Citizens will be provided with essential services if the government introduces a new scheme.

  1. Men study the economic system of a country scientifically. We call them economists.

When men study the economic system of a country scientifically we call them economists.

  1. We could satisfy our basic needs without working, we should still work.

If we could satisfy our basic needs without working, we shouldn’t still work.

  1. The people work regularly and well. They will earn more money.

If the people worked regularly and well they would earn more money.

  1. The government wanted to improve the general conditions of work. They might make new laws.

If the government wanted to improve the general conditions of work they might make new laws.

  1. Employers anticipated new and better working conditions. They might increase their productivity.

If employers anticipated new and better working conditions they might increase their productivity.

  1. He must study hard. He wants to become an economist.

He must study hard if he wanted to become an economist.

Дайте письмовий переклад поданого нижче тексту українською мовою.

Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Areas of economics may be divided or classified in various ways, including:

  • microeconomics and macroeconomics

  • positive economics ("what is") and normative economics ("what ought to be")

  • mainstream economics and heterodox economics fields and broader categories within economics.

One of the uses of economics is to explain how economies work and what the relations are between economic players (agents) in the larger society. Methods of economic analysis have been increasingly applied to fields that involve people (officials included) making choices in a social context, such as crime, education, the family, health, law, politics, religion, social institutions, and war.

Економіка - це соціальна наука, що вивчає виробництво, розподіл і споживання товарів і послуг.

Області економіки можуть бути розділені або класифікуватися різними способами, в тому числі:

• мікро-та макроекономіка

• позитивна економіка ("що є") і нормативна економіка («що має бути»)

• мейнстримна економіка і неортодоксальні поля економіки і широких категорій в економіці.

Одне із застосувань економіки є пояснення, як економіка працює і які відносини між економічними гравцями (агентами) у суспільстві в цілому. Методи економічного аналізу все частіше застосовується для областей, які включають в себе людей (посадові особи включно), які роблять вибір у соціальному контексті, такому як злочинність, освіта, сім'я, здоров'я, права, політика, релігія, соціальні інститути і війну.

8. Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою.

  1. Вони проаналізували постачання товарів першої необхідності.

They analyzed the supply of essential goods.

  1. Економісти описують як капітал використовується в бізнесі.

Economists describe as capital is used in the business.

  1. Якщо фермери будуть виробляти більше, вони зможуть мати товари як на продаж, так і користуватися ними самі.

If farmers produce more, they would have products for sale as well as use them themselves.

  1. Він мабуть був гарним економістом. (в минулому)

He probably was a good economist.

  1. Ми б змогли керувати власним бізнесом, якби в нас був відповідний досвід. (в минулому)

We would be able to manage our own business, if we had the experience

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