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Task 4.19. Read the following complex sentences with different types of subordi­ nate clauses, translate them into Ukrainian, and put questions to the subordinate clauses, where possible:

Subject Clauses:

1.Whether you have sufficient computer skills is very important for your future employment. = It is very important for your future employment whether you have sufficient computer skills.

2.What you need is practical experience.

3.If he will work in the students translation bureau depends on his command of English.

Predicative Clauses:


4.The question is how we’ll solve this problem.

5.That is why she has chosen this speciality.

6.The matter was that he couldn’t submit his course project on time.

Object Clauses:

7.The dean has just told us who will make reports at the next seminar.

8.The lab assistant will explain how this installation works.

9.We didn’t know where he had studied programming before he entered our university.

Attributive Clauses:

10.The student whose presentation is the best will be awarded a certificate.

11.There are many reasons why students should participate in research work.

12.He is a member of the students scientific society where he perfects his qualification in the field he majors in.

Adverbial Clauses

of time: 13. He will work as a software engineer after he graduates from our university, of place: 14. They want to work where they can apply their theoretical knowledge to


of reason: 15. He hasn’t written the report because he couldn’t find some essential information on the subject,

of purpose: 16. They have arranged a very convenient time-table so that every student could come and carry out experiments in this lab,

of manner: 17. She completed her course project as fast as she could.

of condition: 18. If he had read scientific journals, he would have known about the latest achievements in this field of science.






Task 4. 20. Find examples of complex sentences in the text presented in the Reading

Section and the texts for extended reading. Translate them into Ukrainian.



Main Clause

(Tenses to be used)


Conditional I

Present, Future

(real for

Presentations are

present and

future) реальна

always successful,

умова, Real

Презентації завжди


мають успіх,


You will be a success


with your




Ви зробите успішну



Conditional II would, could, might +

(unreal for

Indefinite or Continu­

present and

ous Infinitive





умова, що

You could make a







Ви могли б зробити

часу, уявна





I would prepare well



for the next seminar,


Я б добре підготував­


ся до наступного




if, in case,


suppose, (якщо, за умови, що, у випадку, якщо), unless (якщо не)

Subordinate Clause

(Tenses to be used)

Present instead of Future

presenters put enough effort into their preparation. доповідачі докладають достатньо зусиль для їх підготовки.

you put enough effort into its preparation.

прикладете достатньо зусиль для її підготовки.

Past Simple, Past Continuous ( were for all persons is preferred, though was is also common in spoken English)

you prepared well.

якби добре


I were you.

на твоєму місці (якби був тобою).




Conditional III

would, could, might +

Past Perfect

(unreal for

Perfect Infinitive


ever) нереаль­



на умова на­

You could have made

you had prepared better.

завжди, вона

a successful


вже не відбу­

presentation yesterday

якби краще підготувалися


Ви могли б зробити

(але ви цього не зробили)


успішну презентацію



вчора (але цього не








Note: An ifclause can come at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. When it comesfirst, it is often separated by a comma.

Inversion in Conditional Sentences

Adverbial clauses of condition containing the verbs had, were, would, could are often introduced without any conjunction. In these cases we find inversion (інверсія, зміна прямого порядку слів в стверджувальному реченні).

Had you come on time, you would have listened to an interesting presentation.

(If you had come on time ...). Якби ти прийшов вчасно, то послухав би цікаву презентацію.

Were you more attentive, you would always notice all the peculiarities of the reports made.

(If you were more attentive ...). Якби ти був уважнішим, то завжди помічав би особливості проголошуваних доповідей.

Task 4.21, Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms (use Conditional I)

1.If students (participate) in research work, they (perfect) their qualification.

2.If the students (require) further information, the teacher (give) them detailed instructions.

3.Her scientific advisor (be) sorry if she (not make) a report in rime.

4.I (to catch) the train home if the meeting (not finish) late.

5.If he (enjoy) his new job, he (work) better.

6. If graduates (maintain) close contacts with leading research institutions, they (learn) modem methods of scientific research.

7.If you (enter) our University, you (be involved) in research work from the first year of studies.

8.We (be able) to carry out experiments at the laboratory if we (acquire) necessary fundamental knowledge.

9.The students (defend) graduation projects successfully if they (work) hard during all years of studies.

S T U D E N T S ' R E S E A C H W O R K


■ - — ...


-----------------------------------------------------— --------- r - . -


10.If Peter (attend) lectures and seminars regularly, he (not fail) the exams.

11.If students (study) for 5 years at University, they (obtain) Master’s degree.

Task 4.22. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms (use Conditional II):

1.If there (be) any changes in the timetable, the Dean’s Office (inform) us about it.

2.If he (take) post-gradpate courses, he (know) the main methods of work on scientific literature.

3.We (buy) this new equipment if it (not / be) so expensive.

4.If I (be) you, I (look through) those figures once more.

5.If your report (deal) with urgent problems of engineering, you (be awarded) a diploma.

6.If you (work) in our students’ scientific society, you (learn) to design different devices.

7.If our postgraduates (know) a foreign language, they (make) reports in it.

8.If students (write) scientific papers, they (submit) them for professional journal publications.

9.If we (master) new approach to this phenomenon, we (confirm) our theory.

10.Engineers (obtain) precise data if they (not/lack) appropriate equipment.

11.It (be) better if they (use) computer-aided design (CAD) while working at their research papers.

12.If specialists (find) a suitable technique, they (not/have) difficulties with their experiments.

Task 4. 23. Rewrite these sentences as Conditionals II. Follow the pattern.

The reason they are a leading research institute is that they make fundamental investigations.

If they didn't make fundamental investigations, they wouldn't be a leading research institute.

1.The reason the most promising graduates take post-graduate courses is that they enjoy R&D.

2.The reason I can’t contact the organisers of the scientific meeting is that I haven’t got

their address.

3.The reason the results of his research are recommended for professional journal publication is that they are valuable enough.

4.The reason the audience understands his reports is that he speaks in a simple language.


U N I T 4

5. The reason they treat you like this is that they don’t understand your behaviour.

Task 4. 24. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate forms.

1.If he (to know) English well, he (to defend) his graduation project in a foreign language.

2.We (to move) to a bigger hall if the audience (to be) more numerous.

3.Her report (to be) better if she (to be) more prepared.

4.If your graduation paper (not contain) valuable information,

it (not to be recommended) for professional journal publication.

5. Our university (to receive) a letter of invitation, if there (to be) a scientific conference.

Task 4.25. Rewrite these sentences as Conditionals III. Follow the pattern.

Unfortunately he didn’t notice this advertisement, so he didn’t apply for the job.

If he had noticed this advertisement, he would have appliedfor the job.

1.Unfortunately he failed his exams and was expelled from the university.

2.It only happened because she didn’t follow the instructions of her scientific advisor.

3.My friend didn’t do much maths at school, so he found economics difficult at university.

4.We didn’t buy the equipment because it was so expensive.

5 .1 didn’t see him, so I couldn’t give him your message.

6.They tried a new approach and made fundamental investigations.

7.He was so interested in computer technology that he took it as his special field.

8.The researchers didn’t possess reliable information on the subject, that’s why they didn’t prove their hypothesis.

9.She acquired proper knowledge and practical skills, so she carried out independent investigation of this scientific problem.

Task 4.26. Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate forms:

Example: If Einstein (formulate) the relativity theory, somebody else (do) it.

If Einstein hadn’t formulated the relativity theory, somebody else would have done it.

1.If you (check) equipment before you started the experiment, you (not/have) any trouble with it.

2.If I (speak) more confidently at the interview, they (offer) me this job.

3. If our



sponsored) by important



(not/be) successful.





4.If students (do) significant research, they (can publish) the results in scientific journals.



5.If you (be interested) in computer technology, you (enter) the Polytechnic University.

6. You (pass) mathematics if you (look through) all the necessary material thoroughly.


i •

Task 4, 27. Complete the sentences:

1.I would participate in the work of this students’ scientific society...

2.She would have made a much more interesting report at a scientific seminar...

3.If the results of my research work were valuable enough for a professional journal publication...

4.Ihor would have become a student of the advanced group...

5.If I didn’t work under the guidance of my supervisor...

6.I would defend my graduation project in English...

7.If the students weren’t involved in research right from their first year of studies...

8.If I submitted my research project in time...

9.I would produce visual aids like other students...

10.If Olena defended her research work successfully ...

11.1would have been a member of the research team...

12.If I weren’t given a special course of lectures on methods of work on scientific literature...

13.Taras would have become a postgraduate...

14.If I wrote a graduation paper...

15.If I were a graduate...

16.If I were you...

17.Had I more free time...

18.If they had had more money...

19.Provided you were a chemist (an economist, a manager, an engineer, a program­ mer) ...

20.If he had been invited to the conference...

21.Were you more attentive...

22.If our students carried out their experiment...

23.If she displayed her initiative...

24.Were she a promising undergraduate...

25.Provided she had known English better...

Task 4.28. Translate the following sentences into English using Conditionals:

1. Якщо ти вчасно заплатиш за користування Інтернетом, не будеш мати проблем зі зв’язком. 2. Якби я мав достатньо грошей, то придбав би потужний комп’ютер. 3. Якби я знав Java Script, то міг би одержати цю роботу. (2 варіанти). 4. Якби ти добре знав закони ринкової економіки, то тобі вдалося б уникнути невдачі. 5. Шкода, що ти не мав часу прийти вчора на лекцію професора Коваля. Якби ти був присутній на лекції, то дізнався б багато цікавого про сучасний стан техноло­ гії виготовлення комп’ютерних чіпів. 6. Якби менеджери не використовували



сучасні інформаційні технології, то їм було б набагато складніше приймати ефек­ тивні рішення. 7. Якщо ви братимете активну участь у студентській науковій роботі, вам вдасться досягти більшого успіху у своїй професійній кар’єрі. 8. Якби ми скористалися іншим методом, проводячи експеримент вчора, то безумовно одержали б точніші результати. 9. Якщо ви не здасте вчасно свою курсову роботу, то оцінка буде знижена. 10. Було б етично правильним, якби всі студенти не забували вказувати джерела інформації, використаної в своїх рефератах. 11. Якщо вищий навчальний заклад не буде проводити достатньої науково-дослідної роботи, він не матиме права одержати найвищий рівень акредитації. 12. Студенти були б краще підготовлені до професійної роботи, якби вони користувалися сучасним обладнанням при виконанні лабораторних робіт під час навчання. ІЗ. Якщо студентів всіх спеціальностей будуть знайомити з законами розвитку ринко­ вої економіки, то багато з них захочуть почати свій власний бізнес у майбутньому. 14. Якби до участі у студентських наукових конференціях залучалося більше сту­ дентів, то всі вони мали б кращі навики підготовки презентацій та спілкування з аудиторією. 15. У вас були б кращі можливості одержати цікаву роботу, якби ви брали активну участь у позааудиторній науково-дослідній роботі. 16. Я*сби в програмі не було так багато логічних помилок, то її можна було б використати для вирішення цієї проблеми. 17. Якби ви добре сформатували текст, то він мав би набагато кращий вигляд. 18. Якби ви взяли участь у вчорашньому тренінгу для користувачів, то у вас не виникало б питань щодо використання цієї програми. 19. Якщо у програмі не буде системних помилок, то вам не доведеться знов запускати комп’ютер. 20. Якби не існувало мов програмування, то було б немож­ ливо спілкуватись з комп’ютером. 21. Якщо ви знатимете лише частину поля, яке ви шукаєте, то вам слід буде скористатися джокером (a wildcard). 22. Якщо вам потрібно буде виконувати велику кількість обчислень, то доведеться скористатись електронними таблицями. 23. Якби я не забув пароль вчора, то не витратив би стільки зайвого часу. 24. Якщо в мене буде вільний час влітку, то я використаю його на вивчення ще однієї мови програмування. 25. Якби при навчанні в школі майбутні студенти приділяли більше уваги вивченню інформатики, то не мали б проблем з цим предметом в університеті. 26. Якщо студенти знатимуть досконало хоча б одну іноземну мову, то матимуть набагато кращі можливості професійного розвитку у майбутньому. 27. Якби не використовувались мультимедійні програми, то комп’ютерні ігри не були б такими захоплюючими. 28. Якби мені вдалося добре відлагодити програму вчора, то я б ще вчора мав можливість скористатися нею.

Task 4. 29. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1.I would make a report at a scientific seminar, if I (to be) you.

2.If these students (to be involved) in research, it will perfect their qualification.

3.If your graduation paper (to contain) valuable results, it would have been recommended for publication.



4.If you were an active member of scientific societies, it (to help) you in your research work.

5.If he (to know) English better, he could have defended his graduation paper in this foreign language.

6.If they had been more careful, they (not to have) any trouble with this device.

7. Had I more free time, I (to investigate) this problem

more deeply.

8.If I were you, I (to study) two foreign languages.

9.You would carry out these experiments more quickly if you (to be) more experienced.

10.He could have published his paper in professional journals, if he (to do) some interesting research.

Task 4. 30. Open the brackets.using the appropriate verb forms:

1. I (to finish) this work next week, if I (to get) reasonable results.

2. It (to be) much better to work in the lab, if it (to be equipped better).

3. They (to test) their hypothesis if they (to carry out) this experiment yesterday.

4. You (to finish) your work in time, if you (to find) the right approach to solving this problem.

5. Unless he (to take part) in this experiment tomorrow, we (not to get) reliable results. 6. If he (not to come) in time yesterday, they (to finish) their research without his help. 7. Provided they (to prepare) for their exams better, they (to get) only excellent marks


8. If we (to know) the exact time of carrying out the experiment, we (to call) him immediately.

9. If I (to be) you, I (to investigate) these properties myself.

10. If he (to be) a student of the advanced group, he (to defend) his diloma project in English.



Task 4.31. Have a talk with someone. Make up dialogues using modifications:

This is how you may work:

1.Read the dialogue several times until you are quite fluent.

2.Learn the dialogues in pairs.

3.Ask and answer the questions given below some dialogues.


U N I T 4

4.Give your own variations, substituting the words in bold with the words from

Variations column.

5.Make up your own dialogues.



A.I’d like to do research.

B.What sort of research would you like to do?

A.I’d like to do research in materials science.

A.to carry on, to carry out; to conduct

B.type, kind

A.telecommunications; financial management; computer technology; ecology


A. What problem are you studying now? A. engaged in; interested in; investigating

B. I am studying semiconductor and metal films for a variety of practical applications.

B. electrical properties of semiconduc­ tors, the structure and physics of crystals; thermal design of ICs, decision support systems, information technologies, data compression

What problems deserve theoretical and experimental investigation in your field?



A. What is the aim of your research?

A. objective; purpose

B. To investigate optical properties of

B. to research; to study; to clarify;

solids. I do it alone and in collaboration


with professor Semkiv.

in co-operation; working together

What, do you think, are the advantages of team work?


A. What can you say about the experi­ ment you are going to start in January?

B. It is a very specific experiment. We

B. It’s a highly technical experiment,

are going to investigate various aspects of

It’s a reliable experiment,

electron behavior in matter and hope to

It’s a carefully designed experiment,

get important results.


What can you say about the experiment you took part in (for example, while doing your lab work)?



A.We’ll have to overcome a few obstac­ les before we start the experiment.

B.Yes. I’m afraid we are going to have some trouble with our apparatus.


B. to lack adequate equipment .(reliable machines, suitable techniques, high-pre­ cision instruments)

Have you ever had any difficulties with experiments in the physics laboratory?


A.We must learn the technique for our experiment.

B.The method we are planning to use is quite new.

A. look for a suitable technique; find the right approach; work out a new method; use a suitable procedure; try a new approach

Do you use conventional or new methods in your experiments?

A. What are research interests of Pro-

A. scientific, professional

fessor Hnatiuk?


B. His current research interests include

B. present, latest; focus on, concern;

microprocessors, he is very receptive to

responsive, quick to take;

new ideas. Besides he supervises stu-

guides; helps

dents in their research.


Are you receptive to new ideas?


A, In what field is Dr. Ivaniv most


A. area, sphere, branch



B, Training of young scientists and

B. science students, undergraduates,

popular science writing for the young.


What science books do you like to read? What is your attitude to science fiction?


A.Are you through with your research on the effects of air pollution on health?

B.Not yet.

A.Have you finished; completed; done

B.Not quite; No, I’m afraid not; No, I don’t think so.

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