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Module 6


Exercise 1. Write the transcription of the following words. Read and memorize the words. Make sentences with them.

to destroy руйнувати, знищувати

petal пелюстка

sepal чашолистик

calyx чашечка (квітки)

ovary зав’язь

stigma приймочка

to fertilize підживлювати, запилювати

fertilization добриво, запилення

tiny мізерний

kidney нирка

to harden тверднути

side-products побічні речовини

pain біль

annual щорічний, (тут)однорічна рослина

fibre волокно

resin смола

soft drink безалкогольний

nut горіх

to refresh освіжати

bush кущ

Exercise 2. Write the transcription and translation of the following words of Greek and Latin origin.

Gland; lacteal; latex; diameter; morphine; opium; codeine; narcotic; cultivate; mythology; marijuana; hashish; textile; capsule; exude; organism; alcohol; extract; stimulate; caffeine; insecticide; ornament.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.

Long ago people had already found out that some plants are extremely poisonous. However, in very small, correct doses, they can cure the ill. So, herbal poisons must be looked upon with the well-known saying in mind: “There is some god in everything”.

The Common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) is one of the strikingly ornamental plants of the country-side. It was brought to central Europe from the light forests of southern and western Europe by man, who discovered a splendid remedy in its handsome flower. It is a real queen among medicinal herbs because its toxic chemicals are effective in treating the heart and nerves. But care must be taken and the drug used only by physicians. An overdose means death.

The healing drug is obtained from the rosette of basal leaves which forms in the plants first year. In the second year, a 1m stem, or longer, grows from its centre with a spike of large, downward turned flowers along one side. The lower lip of the corolla is decorated with dark spots and a light rim. The common foxglove is not always purple in colour. Darker and lighter specimens and even white flowers are often found.

The foxglove is often grown in gardens as an ornamental flower, or in large quantities for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. More frequently grown for medicinal purpose is a relative Digitalis Lanata (наперстянка шерстиста), which comes from the Balkans. It is a warmth-loving plant and has a much higher content of the substances required. The quantity of such chemicals is directly dependent on the intensity of photosynthesis. Therefore, the effective substances are mostly in the leaves, and in the afternoon when the sun is at its hottest. At night, the chemicals are broken down and transferred to another part of the plant.

Digitalis folium is a biannual or perennial herb, which is very common in England and is naturalized in North America. The common wild form of the plant has a purple corolla about 4 сm long. The fruit is bilocular capsule which contains numerous seeds. Digitalis may be readily grown from seed. In the wild state it is usually found in semi-shady positions. It grows well in sandy soil provided that a certain amount of manganese is present, this element being apparently essential and always to be found in the ash. The chief constituents of the dried leaves and seeds are as follows:

Leaves: digitoxin 0.2 to 0.3 % gitoxin (bigitalin) and gitalin.

Seeds: digitalin (Digitalium verum), gitalin, digitonin (saponin), and gitonin.

Common foxglove has a long history as a medicinal herb. It was used in folk treatment in Ireland in the 5th century, in the rest of Europe from the 11th century, and it was introduced into orthodox medicine by William Withering around 1775.

Now digitalis preparations are mainly used for their action on cardiac muscle.

Exercise 4. Translate the words. Pay attention to the way they were built. Group the following words according to the parts of speech.

Structure, destructive, destruction, colour, colourless, grow, growth, ripe, unripe, ripen, hard, harden, poison, poisonous, painless, harmful, cultivate, cultivation, cultivated, toxic, intoxicate, intoxication, intoxicating, produce, production, productivity, stimulant, stimulation.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions to the text.

Can we use poisonous plants for curing? 2. From what part of foxglove is the healing drug obtained? 3. How is this plant decorated? 4. What are the colours of the foxglove flowers? 5. What is the quantity of chemicals in the plant dependent on? 6. What is the time of collecting foxglove? 7. What are the chief constituents of the leaves and flowers? 8. Is this plant cultivated in Ukraine? 9. What medicines on digitalis base can you name? 10. What other poisonous plants which grow in Ukraine do you know? Are they used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries?

Exercise 6. Insert the words from the brackets to fit each gap. Translate the sentences.

(healing, nerves, photosynthesis, poisons, remedy, drug, heart, leaves, overdose, medicinal)

1. Herbal … must be used with care. 2. The foxglove, a striking plant, provides a useful … 3. People discovered a splendid … in the handsome flowers of foxglove. 4. An … poisonous plants means death. 5. The quantity of chemicals depends on the intensity of … 6. Foxglove has a long history as a … herb. 7. Its toxic chemicals are effective in treating … and … 8. The … drug is obtained from the rosette of basal …

Exercise 7. Using the text translate the sentences into English.

1. Люди давно з’ясували, що деякі рослини отруйні. 2. Лікувальний препарат отримують з листя самої розетки, яке формується протягом першого року життя рослини. 3. Наперстянка проста не завжди має пурпуровий колір. 4. Це теплолюбна рослина. 5. Вночі хімічні речовини розпадаються і переходять в іншу частину рослини.

Exercise 8. Make up a plan to the text. Using the plan retell the text in writing.