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Vocabulary practice


  1. Match the words with explanations in columns.



  1. doughnut

а. small pieces of raw potatoes fried crisp

  1. honey

b. vegetables served at table

  1. dressing

с. the sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees

  1. chips

d. small balls of dough cooked in boiling oil

  1. lean meat

e. substances we add to food to make it tastier

  1. (person with) sweet tooth

f. a person, who likes sweets

  1. vegetable salad

g. the process of preparing dinner / supper

  1. soup ladle

h. the meat which has no fat

  1. to cook

i. extra money that we give to a waiter in a restaurant

  1. tip

j. a large spoon we use to pour soup into a plate

  1. Сhoose one word in every line that doesn’t fit the given category.

  1. cake, pie, duck, bun, doughnut;

  2. bacon, ham, sausage, chop, cabbage;

  3. potato, rice, barley, corn, wheat;

  4. onion, carrot, cucumber, egg, tomato;

  5. grapes, mushrooms, cherry, apple, peach.

  1. Fill in the appropriate words from the right column.

What Does it Come Under?

If you __________ there are certain ___________ you really have to avoid: _________ and __________ are out for a start, but you can’t live forever on ____________ and ____________ . There are men and women who spend their entire lives counting ___________ they take in each day. Some national _________ make you fat. The Japanese have a high protein diet, while the Swiss eat a lot of __________ . Personally, I’m lucky not to have to diet, but my friend, John, can’t eat anything without looking it up in his Calorie Chart. This is carefully organized so that _____________ and _____________ are under ‘Fruit’; ___________ and _____________ come under ‘Starchy Foods’, and so on. I entertained John to a nice low calorie _____________ yesterday and at the end I offered him some _____________ . ‘What does ‘jelly’ come under?’ he asked looking at his chart. ‘Half a liter of double cream,’ I said, pouring the stuff over my plate!








are dieting

the calories




milk products



  1. Translate into English.

1. Я з дитинства люблю випічку, особливо ватрушки, які запиваю молоком. 2. Після обстеження лікар прописав мені сувору дієту і заборонив їсти важку їжу та жирне смажене м’ясо. 3. Людям, які страждають від шлункових захворювань, корисно їсти вівсянку для кращого травлення. 4. Землю в цій місцевості здали в оренду для вирощування гречки, ячменю, кукурудзи та жита. 5. На свято Нового року в нас прийнято запікати фаршировану качку з яблуками та чорносливом і подавати її з червоним вином. 6. Кожного разу, коли я печу млинці, я змащую їх плавленим сиром, начиняю їх відвареною курячою грудинкою, смаженими грибами або шинкою та роблю салат зі свіжих овочів, заправлених оливковою олією. 7. Сезон хурми в Україні припадає на зиму, в інші пори року можна їсти яблука, банани, виноград, сливи, дині та кавуни. 8. Червоне солодке вино краще подавати з корицею, вона надасть аромату та увиразнить його смак. 9. Ми веселилися та бурхливо обговорювали події, проте, коли нам принесли великий рахунок, ми відчули серйозність ситуації. 10. Моя сім’я ніколи не купує собаці ні консервів, ні корму для тварин, він їсть усе “зі столу”.


  1. Read the following dialogues.

A:The table is laid. Come along and let’s start. It’s high time to have dinner.

B: I’m ready. I feel quite hungry. I could eat a horse.

A: So am I. I haven’t got a horse for you but your favorite dishes will be served today.

B: What are they? I’ve got so many.

A: For the first course we’ll have chicken soup and cutlets with mashed potatoes for the main.

B: And for the dessert?

A: I’ve made cherry pie and stewed fruits.

B: Oh, that’s wonderful. Let’s sit at the table as soon as possible.

At the Restaurant

A: Shall we have our dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals here and the prices are reasonable.

B: Well, you lead. You should know better. (In the restaurant)

A: What shall we have? A three-course dinner, I suppose. I’m awfully hungry.

B: So am I. And I’m thirsty too.

A: Then let’s have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

B: I’d prefer orange juice with ice or iced tea.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please. Now let’s see the menu and here is the wine list too. How about some hard drinks?

B: I wouldn’t mind having a brandy.

A: So it’s one brandy. And whisky and soda for me. Would you like any starters?

B: A salad would do, I think.

A: And I’ll have shrimps. Would you like any soup? As for me I’ll have mushroom soup and smoked salmon for the main course.

B: I like your choice. I’d rather have the same.

  1. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

  1. Mother: Would you like some bread and ham, Tommy?

  2. Tommy: All right, pass me the brown bread, please.

  3. Mother: Better take some honey.

  4. Tommy: No, thanks. Two soft-boiled eggs would do for me.

  5. Mother: Another slice of bread, Tommy?

  6. Mother: I’m afraid these are hard-boiled. But you can have half of the omelet I've made. I am sure you’ll find it to your liking?

  1. Tommy: No, thank you. No more for me.

  2. Mother: Very well. Let me pour it out. Some more coffee, Tommy?

  3. Tommy: Thanks, the omelet is pretty good.

  4. Mother: Here you are.

  5. Tommy: May I trouble you for jam?

  6. Mother: A cup of coffee?

  7. Tommy: Yes, please.

  8. Tommy: Oh, no. I never have honey with coffee.

  1. Complete the dialogue, translating Ukrainian sentences into English.

(У ресторані)

- Ви не зголодніли?

- Oh, yes I am.

- А я дуже хочу пити.

- Would you like a glass of orange juice?

- Дякую. Охоче. Мені до смаку апельсиновий сік.

- And I prefer apple juice.

- Усі соки корисні для здоров’я: томатний, яблучний, абрикосовий, а також ананасовий.

- I like pineapple best of all.

- Що ми замовимо?

- The three course dinner, I suppose.

- Ну гаразд, вибирайте.

- Let’s start with salad, then chicken soup, fish and chips.

- Я, мабуть, замовлю овочі, фрукти та чашку чаю без цукру.

- Are you slimming?

- Так.

- What does your diet allow you?

- Трохи м’яса або риби, яйця, трохи сиру або молока і багато овочів: зелений салат, капуста, помідори, огірки, буряк і багато фруктів. Ніяких тістечок, морозива, шоколаду і дуже мало солі. Я живу не для того, щоб їсти, а їм для того, щоб жити.

- Так, смаки різні.


  1. Read the text and give a detailed description of cooking your favorite Ukrainian dish.

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