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7. Materials of activization of students during teaching lecture.

Problems(Tasks) for self-checking:

1. Patient А., 23 years, has addressed to the doctor to the surgeon - stomatologist with complaints to absence of contact between face-to-face group of a teeth. Objectively: contact is kept on the first premolar.

Specify experts for optimization of planning of treatment?

(the answer: the multidisciplinary approach is necessary for optimization of the patient with the given pathology.)

2. On reception at the doctor of the stomatologist the patient of 21 years. Мezial cheek knob the first molar the top jaw settles down in fissure on lateral (cheek) surfaces of the first molar the bottom jaw.

Specify a class of a bite according to classification by Engle.

(the answer: the first class)

3. The increase in corner ANB is more 4 ° corresponds(meets) to what class of anomalies of a bite according to classification by Engl?

The answer: (skeletal anomaly of a bite ІІ a class)

4. What corners are rather simple for definition and are the basic source of the information at the analysis of mutual relations of the top and bottom jaw?

(the Answer: corners SNA, SNB, ANB)

5. On reception to the doctor to the stomatologist the patient of 19 years has addressed. Objectively: expressed выступание the bottom jaw forward, the top jaw in position ретрузии. Мezial cheek knob the first molar the top jaw it is located distal, than in norm. Specify the most probable diagnosis.

(the answer: mazial a bite ІІІ a class, the skeletal form)

Educational problems(tasks) of 3-rd level (atypical problems(tasks)):

1. Patient of 41 year old, has addressed to the doctor of the surgeon - stomatologist with complaints aesthetic defect, храп which has arisen over 10 years to that. At objective research reduction of the bottom jaw, a face-to-face segment of the top jaw in a position protrusion is revealed. At carrying out chefalometric the analysis corner ANB which has been calculated made 5 °.

Specify the preliminary diagnosis. What should be tactics of the doctor?

What additional methods of inspection should be applied?

(the answer: skeletal anomaly of a bite ІІ a class, the multidisciplinary approach to processes of diagnostics and planning of treatment.

2. To the maxillofacial surgeon have directed the patient with the preliminary diagnosis: open mazial a bite (ІІІ a class) the skeletal form. The decision of the combined treatment is accepted. What projections should be made for the high-grade photodocumentary analysis?

(the answer: It is necessary to make not less than five pictures: in front, on the right, at the left and two slanting projections. Besides it is necessary to make pictures in submental -top (bottom view) of a projection and a photo of a bite close up sideways and in front.

3. Patient 42 years old, has addressed to the surgeon - stomatologist in connection with that at him(it) after lead(carried out) оrtognatic operations has arisen night snore. From the anamnesis: operation on the bottom jaw on method Obwegeser has been lead(has been carried out). The diagnosis before operation мezial a bite (ІІІ a class) the skeletal form.

Specify a possible(probable) mistake in carrying out of surgical treatment.

(the Answer: for avoiding the above mentioned complaints it was necessary to carry out(spend) bimaxillary operation).

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