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18. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Control оf Plant Diseases

Plant diseases establish in such a manner that they are often well developed before they can be detected. By the time the disease is evident it is rarely possible to cure it.

The plant pathologists, therefore, concentrate their efforts on the prevention of disease rather than its cure.

The use of disease-resistant varieties is one of the most effective means of reducing disease in cultivated plants. It is also very important to destroy the sources of infection. Fire is the most effective way in this case.

The elimination of host plants plays an important part in the control of some diseases caused by rust fungi.

Efficient drainage of the soil helps in checking diseases which attack the tissues at ground level.

Fungicides now play a very important part in the control of plant diseases.

They are often applied in liquid or powder form. Spray mixtures are used for the control of some diseases especially those that attack orchards. Copper sulphate, lime, sulphur and Bordeaux mixture are used to control some of the rots, blights and mildew diseases. Carbon disulphide and chloropicrin are used for treating soil against nematodes. By planting at a particular time some crops can be grown and mature before the disease germs

become active.


concentrate their efforts on the prevention of disease rather than its cure – делают всё возможное, чтобы предотвратить болезнь вместо того, чтобы лечить её (дословно: сосредоточивают все усилия на том,

чтобы …); the elimination of host plants – уничтожение растений-

хозяев; rust fungi – грибки ржавчины

19. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1.By the time the disease is evident …

2.The plant pathologists concentrate their efforts on …

3.Fire is the most effective way in …

4.Efficient drainage of the soil helps in …

5.Fungicides play an important part in …

6.Spray mixtures are used for …

7.Copper sulphate, lime, sulphur and Bordeaux mixture are used to …

20. Say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Plant diseases establish in such a manner that they are often well developed before they can be detected.


2.It is always possible to cure a disease.

3.The use of disease-resistant varieties isn’t an effective means of reducing disease in cultivated plants.

4.It is also very important to destroy the sources of infection.

5.Fungicides are applied only in liquid form.

6.Copper sulphate is used for treating soil against nematodes.

7.Some crops can be grown and mature before the disease germs become active provided (при условии) they are planted at a particular time.

21. Answer the questions to the text.

1.What do the plant pathologists concentrate their efforts on?

2.What is the most effective means of reducing disease in cultivated plants?

3.What is the best way of destroying the sources of infection?

4.What plays an important part in the control of some diseases caused by rust fungi?

5.What are spray mixtures used for?

6.What is used to control some of the rots, blights and mildew diseases?

22. Make up sentences.

1.Bacteria, as, insects, of, act, carriers.

2.Oxygen, want, why, living, things, do, all?

3.Influence, man, disease, of, health, domestic, the, animals, and, pathogens.

4.Plants, pests, cultivated, damage.

5.Is, size, microscopic, the, cells, the, of.

6.Fission, bacteria, by, multiply, simple.

23. Prove that

control of pests and disease pathogens must become the greatest task for all scientists, technical engineers and farmers responsible for the production of agricultural products;

disease pathogens influence the health of man and domestic animals;

bacteria destroy and kill plants;

cultivated plants are more liable to disease than wild plants;

it’s better to prevent a disease rather than to cure it.

24.Write 5-7 questions of all types to use them in the discussion on the topic ”Plant Diseases” with your groupmates.

25.Speak on the topic “Plant Protection” according to the plan.

1.The importance of plant protection in agriculture.

2.Disease pathogens.


3.Plant diseases.

4.Control of plant diseases.

Relax Yourselves

26. Fill in the blanks with the names of objects used in the laboratory. Use the words below.

microscope, barometer, test-tube, funnel, burner, stand, thermometer, scales

1.… is a device for supporting things during experiments.

2.… is an instrument for measuring temperature.

3.… is a device for supplying heat.

4.… are an instrument for weighing things.

5.… is a device for pouring liquids.

6.… is a device for holding chemicals during experiments.

7.… is an instrument for looking at very small things.

8.… is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.


test-tubeпробирка; funnel – воронка; burner – горелка; stand

подставка; scales – весы; device – прибор, устройство

27. Read the English proverbs and think of their Russian equivalents. Use the proverbs in situations.

1.The evil field will evil yield.

2.There is no rose without a thorn.

3.As you sow, so shall you reap.

4.No garden without its weeds.

5.The rotten apple spoils its companions.

Unit 15

Fruits and Vegetables

Phonetics: Vowels in Unstressed Syllables.

Grammar: Subordinate Clauses. Conjunctions either...or, neither...nor. Conversational topic: “Fruits and Vegetables”.

Phonetic Exercises

Vowels in Unstressed Syllables (Гласные в неударных слогах)

В английском языке гласные под ударением произносятся отчетливо, а в безударных слогах часто редуцируются в нейтральный звук [ə].


1. Pronounce the following words with the neutral vowel [ə] in unstressed syllables formed by a) prefixes and b) suffixes.

Notice that the neutral vowel corresponds to various letters in spelling.






sub- (sur-, sup-, sus-)















a- (ab-, ad-, ob-)

















-er (or)































Суффиксы -al, -able (-ible), -ive, -ent (-ant) образуют прилагатель-

ные от существительных и глаголов и обозначают cпособность чтолибо сделать, состояние, качество.

to change (изменить) – changeable (изменчивый) access (доступ) – accessible ( доступный)

to talk (разговаривать) – talkative (разговорчивый) to insist (настаивать) – insistent (настойчивый)

to ramp (бушевать) – rampant (неистовый)

2. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the suffixes.

-al – agricultural, pastoral, practical, industrial, technological -able – arable, profitable, comfortable, suitable

-ible – possible, visible, flexible

-ive – effective, intensive, progressive, collective -ent – efficient, different, dependent, insistent -ant – important, constant, resistant, distant


3. Form adjectives from the given words with the help of the suffixes:

-al, -able(-ible), -ive, -ent(-ant).

Agriculture, difference, effect, progress, tradition, horticulture, importance, pasture, efficiency, collect, profit, technology, industry, consider, distance, practice.

Grammar Commentary

Subordinate Clauses (Придаточные предложения)

Придаточные предложения (Subordinate Clauses) могут играть в сложном предложении роль различных членов предложения, как второстепенных, так и главных. Следовательно, можно выделить

1)придаточное подлежащее (Subject Clause)

2)придаточное сказуемое (Predicative Clause)

3)придаточное дополнительное (Object Clause)

4)придаточное определительное (Attributive Clause)

5)придаточное обстоятельственное (Adverbial Clause)

1)Придаточное подлежащее (Subject Clause) в сложном предло-

жении играет роль подлежащего. Оно вводится союзами whether, if

исоюзными словами: соединительными местоимениями who, what, which или соединительными наречиями.

e.g. Whether we have met before or not doesn’t mean anything.

Встречались ли мы раньше или нет, не имеет значения.

What she told me yesterday was very important. То, что она сказала мне вчера, было очень важно.

2)Придаточное сказуемое (Predicative Clause) в сложном пред-

ложении играет роль именной части составного сказуемого. Оно вводится теми же союзами и союзными словами, что и Subject Clause.

e.g. This is what he told me. Вот что он мне сказал.

The problem was when he could finish his work. Проблема была в том, когда он смог бы закончить свою работу.

3)Придаточное дополнительное (Object Clause) в сложном пред-

ложении играет роль дополнения – прямого или предложного. Оно вводится теми же союзами и союзными словами, что и Subject и Predicative Clauses.

e.g. He said that it was cold. Он сказал, что холодно.

I don’t know where I should go now. Я не знаю, куда мне следует пойти сейчас.

Очень часто придаточное дополнительное, вводимое союзом that, может быть введено бессоюзным способом.


e.g. Do you know that there will be a meeting tomorrow? Ты знаешь,

что завтра будет собрание?

= Do you know there will be a meeting tomorrow?

4) Придаточное определительное (Attributive Clause) в сложном предложении играет роль определения. Оно вводится союзными словами – относительными местоимениями who, which, that и относи-

тельными наречиями when, where, how, why.

e.g. The woman who (that) lives next door is a doctor.

Женщина, которая живет по соседству, – врач. It is the same teacher whom (that) we saw last time.

Это тот же учитель, которого мы видели прошлый раз. The house where I once lived has been burned.

Дом, где я когда-то жил, сгорел.

Союзное слово в придаточном определительном предложении всегда выполняет функцию какого-либо члена предложения – подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения – и стоит непосредственно после определяемого слова в главном предложении. Если союзное слово в придаточном определительном является дополнением, то оно может быть опущено, и придаточное вводится бессоюзным способом.

e.g. It is the same teacher whom we saw last time.

Это тот же учитель, которого мы видели прошлый раз. = It is the same teacher we saw last time.

Обратите внимание на различные способы размещения предлогов (в зависимости от типа соединения с главным предложением) в придаточном определительном.

e.g. The house in which I live is very old The house that I live in is very old.

Дом, в котором я живу, очень старый. The house I live in is very old.

5) Придаточное обстоятельственное (Adverbial Clause) в слож-

ном предложении играет роль различных обстоятельств – времени, места, образа действия, условия, причины, цели, результата и т.д. Оно вводится различными союзами: when, where, while, after, before, until, since, as, because, that, as…as, not so…as, than, if, unless и т.д.

e.g. They stopped where the road turned to the river. –

Они остановились там, где дорога поворачивала к реке.

He was glad to talk to her because they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

Он был рад поговорить с ней, потому что они долго не виделись.

If we start off now, we’ll arrive there by dinnertime.

Если мы отправимся сейчас, мы приедем туда к обеду.


Помните, что в придаточных времени или условия, которые вво-

дятся союзами when, while, till, until, after, before, as soon as, if, in case, unless и т.д., глагол-сказуемое никогда не стоит ни в одном из будущих времен. Если в таком предложении надо выразить действие в будущем, употребляется одно из настоящих времен (см. тему Future Simple).

e.g. I won’t leave until you come. Я не уйду, пока ты не придёшь.

If it gets warmer tomorrow, we’ll go on a picnic.

Если завтра потеплеет, мы поедем на пикник.


Grammar Exercises


Define the types of Subordinate Clauses.Translate the sentences.


The place where we stopped to rest was really beautiful.


That is what I want to ask you.


I am sorry you can’t come.


What you don’t understand is that he’ll never agree to this plan.

5. You can take any seat you like.


When I woke up it was raining hard.


Add the missing link word.

1.I don’t know ___ to do.

2.He has forgotten ___ to go.

3.She can’t understand ___ to do the exercise.

4.Tell me ___ to be there, and I won’t be late.

5.Have you decided ___ to invite to the party?

6.Can you tell me ___ ___ this book costs?

6. Give a short definition of the following words, using “who”, “that” or “which”.

e.g. fruits

Fruits are plants that (which) are used as food.

1)a university; 2) a veterinary surgeon; 3) soil; 4) a student; 5) a root;

6)an agronomist; 7) beef; 8) tomatoes; 9) fertilizer; 10) a farmer.

Grammar Commentary

Either / neither

Neither означает “not one and not the other” (ни один, ни другой; ни один из).

Either означает “any one of the two” (любой).

Как either, так и neither могут употребляться самостоятельно, либопосле нихможет стоять of + the/these/those/, притяжательный падеж существительного или личные местоимения.


e.g. I tried both keys but neither (of them) worked. Neither of the boys (= neither boy) knew the way. Either of these papers would do.

Would you like either of these cakes?

Either + отрицательная форма глагола = neither + утвердительная форма глагола.

e.g. I’ve read neither of these books. = I haven’t read either of these books.

Neither … nor + утвердительная форма глагола = either … or + отрицательная форма глагола (ни…ни).

e.g. He neither wrote nor phoned. = He didn’t either write or phone.

Grammar Exercises

7.Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of either, neither.

1.Take either book. I don’t mind which. 2. Here are two dictionaries. You may take either of them. 3. Neither of the statements is true. 4.There were many fine houses on either bank of the river. 5.Neither my wife nor I liked the film. 6. He is either in Kiev or in Minsk now.

8.Complete the sentences with either/neither.

1.“Do you want tea or coffee?” “.... I really don’t mind.”

2.You can go ... way to the city centre: by the river or along the main


3.It wasn’t a very good football match. ... team played well.

4.“Which of the two films did you prefer ?” “Actually I didn’t like ...

of them.”

5.... of my parents is English. My father is Polish and my mother is Italian.

6.“Is today the 18th or the 19th ?” “.... It’s the 20th.”

9. Make sentences with either … or and neither … nor. Remember that in negative sentences two variants are possible.

e.g. Tom was busy at work, so he couldn’t come to the party. And Jane didn’t come because she had to visit her sick friend. – Neither Tom nor Jane came to the party.

1.I’m not sure where he is from. Maybe he is Spanish, and maybe he is Italian.

2.The hotel wasn’t clean and it wasn’t comfortable.

3.Is that man’s name Richard? Or is it Robert? It’s one of the two.

4.I don’t have the time to go on holiday, and I don’t have the money.

5.We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow – whichever you prefer.

6.George doesn’t smoke and he doesn’t drink.



vegetable [΄vedZ(I)tqb(q)l] овощ

We grow many varieties of vegetables in our garden.

edible [΄edIbl] съедобный

Don’t let sheep eat leaves of those trees, they are poisonous and not edible.

herb [hWb] трава, растение

herbaceous [hq:΄beI5qs] травяной, травянистый

There are many herbaceous plants in our kitchen garden.

root [΄ru:t] корень

This tree took root very deeply.

(to) fruit [fru:t] плод, собирать фрукты; pl. плоды, фрукты. There is a great variety of fruits and vegetables grown on the farm.

stem [stem] ствол, стебель

Some vegetables have two stems. Branches grow from the stem.

leaf [li:f] pl. leaves лист, листва

We could see many yellow leaves on the tree. fresh [fre5] свежий

beet [bi:t] свекла

carrot [΄kxrqt] морковь

If you store carrots and apples together in your fridge, carrots will become bitter.

radish [΄rxdI5] редиска

turnip [΄tq:nIp] репа

Radishes and turnips are root vegetables.

asparagus [qs΄pxrqgqs] спаржа

Do you like to eat garden asparagus? kohlrabi [kqul΄ra:bI] кольраби

tuber [΄tju:bq] клубень

Nematode worms cause serious diseases in roots, tubers, stems and leaves.

sprout [spraut] отросток, побег Brussels sprouts – брюссельская капуста

cabbage [΄kxbIdʒ] (кочанная) капуста

She liked to eat red and white cabbage.

cauliflower [΄k6lIflauə] цветная капуста

They went to the market to buy some cauliflower.


celery [΄selqrI] сельдерей rhubarb [΄ru:ba:b] ревень spinach, spinage [΄spInIdZ] шпинат

onion Anjən] лук

The onion is a round white vegetable which has a strong smell. bulb [bAlb] луковица

garlic [΄ga:lIk] чеснок

leek [li:k] лук-пoрей

The bulb vegetables include garlic, leek and onions.

lettuce [΄letIs] латук, салат

I also want this head of lettuce. How much do I owe you? artichoke [΄a:tIt5quk] артишок

broccoli – брокколи bean [bi:n] боб

My father liked three dishes: rice pudding, baked meat and beans. pod – стручок (бобовых)

egg-plant [΄egpla:nt] баклажан

corn [k6: n] зерно, хлеб амер. кукуруза, маис

We saw nothing but endless fields of corn. squash [skw65] кабачок, тыква

pepper [΄pepq] перец

Pass me the salt and pepper, please. tomato [tq΄ma:tqu] помидор

cucumber [΄kju:kqmbq] огурец

And how much are the tomatoes and cucumbers?

(to) seed [si:d] семя, зерно; сеять, засевать

seeding [΄si:dIŋ] посев

Farmers prepare a field before seeding plants. concern [kqn΄sq:n] забота, беспокойство

seedling [΄si:dlIŋ] сеянец, рассада

We brought many seedlings to our kitchen garden.

occasionally qkeIZnqlI] изредка, иногда, время от времени nursery [΄nə:srI] питомник

to transplant [trxns΄pla:nt] пересаживать

ripe [raIp] спелый

The cart was full of ripe fruit and vegetables.


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