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(to) plough [plau] (amer. plow) – пахать; плуг, пашня

Ploughing, plough-land, ploughman. A plough breaks up and turns the soil.

to reap [ri:p] – жать

Some machines reap wheat or other cereals.

to roll [rəul] – катить(ся), укатывать

A roller (каток). The tractor pulls many implements: cultivators, harrows and rollers.

seed-bed [΄si:dbəd ] – грядка, пашня

Long ago man prepared a seed-bed using a hoe only.

to shear [ʃIə] – стричь

To shear sheep, a sheep-shearing machine.

(to) silage [΄saIlIdZ] – силос, силосовать

Mowing machines cut grass for hay or silage.

to sow [səu] – сеять, засевать

Sowing. Farmers sowed the field with wheat.

stationary [΄stenərI] – неподвижный, закрепленный, стационарный

Stationary machinery (syn.barn machinery)

to thresh [θreʃ] – молотить

A threshing-machine (молотилка). A combine harvester cuts the crop and threshes the grain.

9. Read the text and make a list of agricultural devices mentioned in it.

Mechanization of Agriculture

At the beginning of the 20th century mechanization of such basic processes as ploughing, sowing, grain-harvesting was still by no means complete.

Now we can say that it is. The thing now is the full-scale mechanization of jobs requiring more intricate machinery, such as harvesting of sugar-beets, cotton, potatoes, mowing of hay crops, silaging and livestock care.

Today our farms are able to obtain high yields of crops and animal produce because they work in close contact with science.

At the dawn of history we find man practising the most elementary methods of modifying soil conditions. He


broke up the surface and prepared a seed-bed, using the most primitive of all cultivating devices, a digging implement like a hoe. In early times the principal crops were cereals and flax.

By the 19th century such a complexity of implements had been introduced as to justify the term ”agricultural machinery”. In agriculture, as in industry, the use of water power and steam had immensely stimulated the invention of machinery supplementing or replacing manual labour.

The threshing-machine was invented late in the 18th century and was gradually coming into use early in the 19th. It was driven by water or wind, sometimes by horse labour and later by steam. The mowing-machine, the self-binder and the potato-digger had all been developed in the first instance for horse labour.

Agricultural implements and machines are now very numerous and diversified and may be divided into five main groups:

1)prime movers, i.e. engines of all kinds, tractors, etc.

2)cultivating machinery, including ploughs of all kinds, harrows, rollers, manure-distributors, drills, etc.

3)harvesting machinery, including mowers, self-binders, threshingmachines, elevators, potato-diggers, etc.

4)stationary or barn machinery, including such food-preparing machines as chaff-cutters, grinding-mills, root-cutters, etc.

5)dairy machinery, including milking-machines, separators, steriliz- ing-machines, etc.

In addition there are some other machines, including sprayers and sheep-shearing machines.

10. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1.At the beginning of the 20th century mechanization of basic agricultural processes was … .

2.At the dawn of history man broke up the surface and prepared a seedbed using … .

3.In early times the principal crops were … .

4.The use first of water power and then of steam had immensely stimulated … .

5.The threshing-machine was invented … .

6.The mowing-machine, the self-binder and the potato-digger had all been developed in the first instance for … .

7.Today numerous agricultural machinery supplement or replace … .

11. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Why are farms able to obtain high yields of crops and animal produce today?


2.What agricultural processes are mechanized today?

3.Agricultural implements and machines are now very numerous and diversified,aren’t they?

4.What groups may they be divided into?

5.What cultivating machinery do you know?

6.What harvesting machinery can you name?

7.Is there any dairy machinery?

12. Read the text and answer the questions after it.


Tractors occupy an important place on the farm as a source of power. On many farms they, together with trucks or trailers, have entirely displaced horses for farm work. The advantage of tractors power over the horse is that tractors can be used continuously for heavy work. In addition to pulling implements like ploughs and cultivators, a tractor may be used with implements for bush-cleaning, ditch-filling (засыпка канав) and land-levelling (выравнивание). Small tractors from 1 to 10 horsepower, fitted with singleor twin cylinder petrol engines, may be used for garden and orchard work.

Farm tractors may be divided into two groups: wheeled and track-lay- ing. Wheeled tractors may be further subdivided into standard and row-crop (пропашнаякультура) types. Standard wheeled tractors are used for general farm work and do not have the special features associated with row-crop tractors. Row-crop tractors can be used for all ordinary purposes, but in addition they are specially designed for working on root and other row crops.

Track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be used for heavy loads (грузы) on almost any class of land. They are considerably more economical in fuel than are wheel machines, but their greater initial cost and their maintenance, particularly that of the tracks, may outweigh (перевесить) this advantage. The crawler is, however, the more efficient type of tractor and, moreover, can go on the land earlier after rain and so can work a greater number of days per year.

Answer the questions.

1.Tractors occupy an important place on the farm as a source of power, don’t they?

2.What is the advantage of tractors power over the horse?

3.What can tractors be used for on the farm?

4.Small tractors can be used for garden and orchard work, can’t they?

5.Are there two or three main groups of farm tractors?

6.What is the difference between a standard wheeled tractor and a rowcrop tractor?

7.What are the advantages and disadvantages of track-laying tractors?


13. Complete the text using the words given below.

Crops, threshes, combine harvester, reap, cut, dig, seed drill, plough, implements, sow, attached, harvesting.

Farm Machinery

The tractor is the most important machine on the modern farm. It pulls many kinds of farm..(1)..that cultivate the soil, and that plant and harvest..(2).. .

One of the most useful implements the tractor pulls is the ..(3).. , which breaks up and turns the soil. The tractor also pulls other implements: cultivators, har-

rows, and rollers. When farmers..(4)..seeds, they use a..(5).. . It is..(6)..to the tractor. Many kinds of machines have been developed for..(7)..different crops. Some..(8)..potatoes or sugar beet. Some..(9)..grass for hay or silage. Others..(10)..wheat or other cereals. A..(11)..is used to gather wheat, oats and other cereals. It cuts the crop and..(12)..the grain from it as well. Farm machines have made farming easier and helped to produce more food.

14. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct verb: push, rotate (вращать), turn, depress, press.

1. When you ... this wheel clockwise the tractor turns to the right. 2. When you ... the accelerator pedal the tractor goes slowly.

3. When you ... the horn the tractor makes a sound signal. 4. When you ... the brake (тормоз) pedal the tractor stops. 5. When you ... the key clockwise the engine switches on.

15. Put the stages of cooling by water into the right order.

A Car Cooling System

1.The cool water leaves the radiator through the bottom hose (шланг).

2.The water is pumped around the engine again.

3.The water flows around the engine. The engine is cooled and the water is heated.

4.The hot water flows down through the radiator, here it is cooled by air.

5.The hot water enters the radiator through the top hose.

16. Which of the following infinitives are missing in the sentences: to prepare, to be used, be used, to obtain, to replace, to produce, to raise.

Analyse the functions of the infinitives in the sentences. Translate the sentences.

1.… crop yields is the main task of agricultural specialists.

2.Modern farms are able … high yields of crops.

3.Man used a hoe … a seed-bed.


4.Agricultural machines were invented … manual labour.

5.Farm machines help … more food.

6.There are small tractors … for garden and orchard work.

7.Row-crop tractors can … for all ordinary purposes.

17. Add more information to the statements.

1.Long ago man used the most primitive of all cultivating devices to modify soil conditions.

2.By the 19th century some agricultural machines had been introduced.

3.Today all agricultural processes are mechanized.

4.The tractor is the most important machine on the modern farm.

5.Farm tractors may be divided into two groups: wheeled and tracklaying.

18. Work in pairs (groups). Discuss with your partner(s) what agricultural machinery is used on the experimental farm of your educational establishment. Talk about:

variety of agricultural machinery;

tractors as the main source of power;

pulling implements;

the importance of agricultural machinery on modern farms.

Relax Yourselves

19. Read the English proverbs and sayings and match them with their

Russian equivalents.


Баба с воза, коню легче.


He that would eat the fruit must


climb the tree.


Что посеешь, то


Necessity is the mother of invention.




Don’t count your chickens before


Живем да хлеб жуем.


they are hatched.


Кто не работает, тот не


All lay loads on a willing horse.




A good beginning makes a good


Любишь кататься, люби




и саночки возить.


No song, no supper.


Цыплят по осени


Life isn’t bad when you have bread.




If you run after two hares you will


Кто везет, на том и едут.


catch neither.


Нужда всему научит.


It’s easier for the horse to start when


За двумя зайцами


the woman gets off the cart.


погонишься, ни одного




не поймаешь.


20. Read the joke and answer the question: “What was in the picture?”

The Picture

Artist: In this picture, sir, you can see a cow. It is eating the grass.

Visitor: Where is the grass? Artist: The cow has eaten it. Visitor: But where is the cow?

Artist: You don’t suppose she’d be fool enough1 to stay there after she’d eaten all the grass, do you?

Unit 19

Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus

Phonetics: Intonation of General Questions. Grammar: Complex Object.

Conversational topic: “Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus”.

Phonetic Exercises

Intonation of General Questions (Интонация общих вопросов)

Общие вопросы, т.е. вопросы, начинающиеся со вспомогательного глагола, произносятся с восходящим тоном (обычно высоким). На общие вопросы, как правило, даются краткие ответы, которые произносятся обычно с падением тона.

|Are you a /student? – \Yes, I \am.

1. Read the following dialogues with correct intonation.

1.Do you speak English? – Yes, I do.

2.Is she a good student? – Yes, she is.

3.Can he do this work? – No, he can’t.

4.Are you ready to help me? – Yes, I am.

5.Have they solved the problem? – No, they haven’t.

2. Compose dialogues of your own using general questions. Mind your intonation.


Суффиксы -ary, -ory образуют прилагательные от различных частей речи и обозначают качество, свойство.

1 You don’t suppose she’d be fool enough. – Вы же не думаете, что она так глупа


element (элемент) – elementary (элементарный)

to explain (объяснять) – eхplanatory (объяснительный)

3. Translate the adjectives with the suffixes -ary, -ory into Russian.

Military, primary, literary, disciplinary, elementary, evolutionary, imaginary, illusory, reactionary, legendary, exploratory, honorary, reformatory, sensory.

4. Translate into Russian.

1. In England a secondary school is one for boys and girls who have left a primary or elementary school. 2. The ship was delayed by contrary winds.

3.It is customary for a man to give up his seat to woman in a crowded bus.

4.I can’t say that his progress is satisfactory. 5. The monetary unit in the United States is the dollar.

Grammar Commentary

Complex Object (The Objectivewiththe- Infinitive Construction)

Сложное дополнение (Объектный инфинитивный оборот)

Объектный инфинитивный оборот – это сочетание существительного в общем падеже (или личного местоимения в объектном падеже) с инфинитивом, выступающее как единый член предложения – сложное дополнение.

e.g. We expect them to arrive tomorrow.

Мы ожидаем, что они приедут завтра.

Вэтом предложении дополнением к сказуемому expect является оборот them to arrive, а не одно слово them, так как на вопрос What do you expect (что вы ожидаете?) ответ будет не them, а them to arrive, т.е., иначе говоря, всё сочетание them to arrive является неразрывным и относится к сказуемому как единое целое – сложное дополнение.

В«Объектном инфинитивном обороте» существительное в общем падеже (или личное местоимение в объектном падеже) обозначает лицо (или предмет), совершающее действие или подвергающееся действию, обозначенному инфинитивом.

Поэтому «Объектный инфинитивный оборот» переводится на русский язык придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами

что, чтобы, как.

e.g. Uncle Podger wanted us to help him.

Дядя Поджер хотел, чтобы мы помогли ему.

В«Объектном инфинитивном обороте» инфинитив может употребляться также в пассивной форме.

e.g. She did not want him to be laughed at.

Она не хотела, чтобы над ним смеялись.


«Объектный инфинитивный оборот» употребляется:

1. После глаголов to hear (слышать), to see (видеть), to feel (чувс-

твовать), to watch, to observe (наблюдать). После этих глаголов частица to перед инфинитивом не употребляется.

e.g. Eric watched him go from group to group.

Эрик наблюдал, как он ходил от группы к группе. Johnny saw the crowd break the line of policemen.

Джонни видел, как толпа прорвала строй полицейских.

Примечание. После глаголов to hear в значении узнать и to see в значении понимать «Объектный инфинитивный оборот» не употребляется.

e.g. I heard that your son entered the University.

Яслышал (узнал), что ваш сын поступил в университет. I see that you understand the rule.

Явижу (понимаю, знаю), что вы понимаете правило.

2.Послеглаголов, выражающихволеизъявление: to want (хотеть), to wish, to desire (желать) и др., а также после оборота I should like

(я хотел бы); после глаголов, обозначающих чувства: to like, to love, to hate (ненавидеть) и др.

e.g. I should like her to look through my report.

Яхотел, чтобы она просмотрела мой доклад.

3.После глаголов, выражающих мнение, суждение, предположе-

ние и т.п.: to believe (полагать, считать), to consider (считать), to think (думать, считать), to suppose (полагать), to know (знать), to prove (оказываться, доказывать), to understand (понимать); to expect (ожидать), to assume (предполагать, допускать) и др.

e.g. We believe him to be a good engineer.

Мы считаем, что он хороший инженер.

4.После глаголов, выражающих приказание, требование, принуждение, просьбу, разрешение: to order, to command (приказывать), to cause, to have, to get, to make (заставлять, принуждать), to ask

(просить), to allow, to let (разрешать, допускать). После глаголов to have, to let, to make инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. В обороте используется только неперфектный инфинитив.

e.g. Let him ring you up.

Пусть он вам позвонит.

It made the young man smile.

Это заставило молодого человека улыбнуться.

Grammar Еxercises

5. Find the Complex Object in each sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I expect you to come earlier.


2.We never saw him cry.

3.Mr. Smith thinks this place to be the best for his house.

4.The article points the ecological problems to be the most important today.

5.They didn’t want Jane to leave their home.

6.I’d like you to come to my party.

7.Do you want me to join you?

8.Did you really feel her touch your shoulder?

6. Use one of the verbs to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. Find the Complex Object in each sentence.























1.Listen to the birds … .

2.I didn’t hear you … in.

3.Did anybody see the accident … ?

4.We listened to the old man … his story from beginning to end.

5.Listen! Can you hear a baby … ?

6.I looked out of the window and saw Tom on his bike … along the


7.Why did you turn round suddenly? I thought I heard somebody … my name.

8.We watched the two men … across the garden, … a window and … through it into the house.

7. Make eight questions, write them down. Work in pairs. Let your partner answer some of your questions.




people feel happy?




a lot of parents


so many fans behave like hooli-





the police

their officers wear a uniform?


filling stations


their children watch TV so much?


life in the city


children buy alcoholic drinks at the








dogs come inside?




people smoke when they stop for








people often want to spend their




holidays in the country?


8. Fill in the gaps with a form of make or let and a suitable verb: use, play, cry, prepare, watch, do, feel.

e.g. The teacher let me go home early because I felt ill.

1.My children usually go to bed early but I … them … TV till 10 p.m. at the week end.

2.I don’t like the sight of blood. It … me … ill if I see it.

3.My parents weren’t strict with me at all. They … me … what I wanted.

4.But they thought that education was very important, so they … me

hard for my exams.

5.It was a very sad film. The ending … me … .

6.My parents … me … the piano for two hours every day. I hate it.

7.My brother … me … his car sometimes, but I have to pay for the petrol.

9. Make sentences of your own using the Complex Object.

Say what your parents let (or don’t let) you do, and what they make (or don’t make) you do. Here are a few ideas to start with:

watch TV, go out with girl-friends (boy-friends), tidy up your own room, help in the kitchen (garden), get up early (late) on holidays, work during the holidays, etc.

e.g. My parents let me watch TV till 12 p.m.

They make me help in the garden during the holidays.

10. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Object.

e.g. a) I dislike it when you miss your classes for no reason. I dislike you to miss your classes for no reason.

b) Nick’s mother expected her son would become a student of the Agricultural Academy.

Nick’s mother expected her son to become a student of the Agricultural Academy.

1.Our teacher dislikes it when students are not ready for her lesson.

2.People all over the world think Wimbledon is the centre of lawn tennis.

3.She hates it when people enter her room without knocking at the


4.I expect the experiment would give good results.

5.Grandmother dislikes it when children make so much noise.

6.We all believe the crop would be harvested in time.

11. Complete the sentences so that the meaning can be similar to the first sentence.

e.g. My father said I could use his car. My father allowed me to use his car.


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