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Choose the correct verb given in the brackets.

1. The buildings on each campus (was, were) recently completed.

2. All applications for the job (has, have) been received.

3. Every student in all classes (has, have) been notified of the test date.

4. The chalkboards in the school (is, are) scratched.

5. Each year the winner from all the schools throughout the state (seems, seem) to be very much surprised

1. Some of the students (has, have) left the building.

2. Each of her students ( is, are) special.

3. Several on the team (hits, hit) the ball really hard.

4. Everything in the buildings (was, were) destroyed.

5. Neither of the men (meets, meet) his class every day.

1. Neither science nor math (gives, give) me a problem.

2. Either the cat or the dogs (greets, greet) me at the door.

3. Neither the men who are listen as administrators nor the woman who is also listed (has, have) been appointed to the board.

4. Either my cousin or my uncle (was, were) on the critical list.

5. Neither Ms. Jones nor a member of her staff (is, are) going to attend the meeting

Directions: Some of the verbs in the following sentences agree with their subject(s); some do not. If the verb does not agree with the subject, underline it and write the correct form above it.



Ex. Each of the students take the bus.

1. Dr. Jones and her mother teaches music.

2. Neither Dr. Jones nor her mother know how to boil water.

3. There is the list of courses that you were looking for.

4. Either you or your sister have to take notes on the lecture.

5. Both the instructors and the students has left for the day.

6. Spring classes was announced last week.

7. Here are the list of supplies which you ordered.

8. Everybody in this school have taken the shot that prevents measles.

9. Some of the students in her class enters the essay contest every year.

10. The women who registered early are going got get extra credit.

11. Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been attending that conference for many years.

12. The students and Dr. Lee prepares the bulletin each month.

13. There goes one of the men who will conduct the research.

14. Some of that paper are going to be presented at the workshop.

15. Each of the children was promised a part in the play.

16. Neither of the women has been late to class this semester.

17. The section of paper which I read most often were missing.

18. Several of the faculty takes roll everyday.

19. Everything in this room fit with the decor of the home.

20. All of the signs along the highway was removed.

1. Your friendship over the years and your support (has/have) meant a great deal to us.

2. Hamilton Family Center, a shelter for teenage runaways in San Francisco, (offers/offer) a wide variety of services.

3. The main source of income for Trinidad (is/are) oil and pitch.

4. The chances of your being promoted (is/are) excellent.

5. There (was/were) a Pokémon card stuck to the refrigerator.

6. Neither the professor nor his assistants (was/were) able to solve the mystery of the eerie glow in the laboratory.

7. Many hours at the driving range (has/have) led us to design golf balls with GPS locators in them.

8. Discovered in the soil of our city garden (was/were) a button dating from the Civil War dating from the turn of the century.

9. Every year, during the midsummer festival, the smoke of village bonfires (fills/fill) the sky.

10. The story performers (was/were) surrounded by children and adults eager to see magical tales.

Edit the following sentences to eliminate problems with subject-verb agreement and write the edited sentence. If a sentence is correct, write “correct.”

Jack’s first days in the infantry was gruelling

Jack’s first days in the infantry were gruelling

1. One of the main reasons for elephant poaching are the profits received from selling the ivory tusks.

2. Not until my interview with Dr. Chang were other possibilities opened to me.

3. Batik cloth from Bali, blue and white ceramics from Cambodia, and a bocce ball from Turin has made Hannah’s room the talk of the dorm.

4. The board of directors, ignoring the wishes of the neighbourhood, has voted to allow further development.

5. Measles is a contagious childhood disease.

6. The presence of certain bacteria in our bodies are one of the factors that determines our overall health.

7. Leah is the only one of the many applicants who has the ability to step into this job.

8. Neither the explorer nor his companions was ever seen again.

Directions: In the blank, use the correct present tense form of the infinitive given at the beginning of each sentence.

1. to have: The cracked windshield, in addition to the torn upholstery and rusted body, __________ made Ruth’s old car difficult to sell.

2. to be: This week's National Inquisitor claims that there __________ photographs of the Loch Ness Monster eating Elvis.

3. to work: At Tito’s Taco Palace __________ friends who will stuff double meat into our burritos for free.

4. to crawl: On the tables in the library __________ the many germs that have escaped in the hot breath of hardworking students.

5. to be: None of this breakfast that Lilly Mae cooked __________ fit to eat.

6. to taste: None of these chocolate-broccoli muffins __________ good, either.

7. to have: The whole red ant colony, including the queen and all of her drones, __________ swarmed over Tommy's feet, stinging his ankles.

8. to make: Fifteen gallons of chocolate milk __________ Herbert the elephant a happy pachyderm.

9. to hope: Everyone on the roller coaster, including Martha and Angie, __________ that the hot dogs, onion rings, funnel cake, and cotton candy will stay down during the twisting ride to come.

10. to bother: Neither Fred's ratty clothes nor his sullen attitude __________ Esmeralda, who lets Fred pick up the check every time they dine out.

11. to hug: That pair of jeans __________ the curves of Hannah’s body as nicely as tinfoil on a baked potato.

12. to annoy: Neither the coughing muffler nor the squeaky brakes __________ Ruth as much as the broken radio in her old car.

13. to get: Florida alligators usually __________ severe indigestion after eating poodles.

14. to cling: Every cat hair, candy wrapper, and loose thread __________ to the super-charged polyester pants that Theodora loves to wear.

15. to know: Any one of Ms. Orsini's students __________ the rules that govern subject-verb agreement.

16. to take: The shine on my hardwood floors __________ abuse from the ragged toenails of Floyd, my dog.

17. to have: Neither of those students __________ a clue about the rules governing subject-verb agreement. Pity them both during the quiz.

18. to make: Patience and compassion, in addition to a wallet bulging with money, __________ everyone want Jordan as a friend.

19. to require: Statistics __________ so much homework that Michelle's poor fingers have permanent indentations from the calculator pads.

20. to come: The committee ___________ from all parts of the city, so we usually have to start late because so many members get stuck in traffic.

21. to believe: The committee ___________ that waiting until everyone arrives is more important than starting on time.

22. to be: When Dad is angry, there __________ fire flickering in his eyes as well as smoke escaping from his ears.

23. to brighten: When Matthew is having a bad day, old episodes of The X-Files always __________ his mood.

24. to hit: Each of those opera singers regularly ___________ notes high enough to break glass and rupture eardrums.

25. to be: Either the fried oyster sandwich or shrimp pizza __________ the best choice for lunch at Crusty's Seafood Restaurant.

Choose the correct verb given in brackets.

1. Your friend (talk-talks) too much.

2. The man with the roses (look-looks) like your brother.

3. The women in the pool (swim-swims) well.

4. Bill (drive-drives) a cab.

5. The football players (run-runs) five miles every day.

6. That red-haired lady in the fur hat (live-lives) across the street.

7. He (cook-cooks) dinner for his family.

8. The boys (walk-walks) to school every day.

9. The weather on the coast (appear-appears) to be good this weekend.

10. The center on the basketball team (bounce-bounces) the ball too high.

1. Each of the girls (look-looks) good on skis.

2. Everybody (was-were) asked to remain quiet.

3. Neither of the men (is-are) here yet.

4. (Is-Are) each of the girls ready to leave?

5. Several of the sheep (is-are) sick.

6. Some members of the faculty (is-are) present.

7. Nobody in the class (has-have) the answer.

8. Each of the girls (observe-observes) all the regulations.

9. All of the milk (is-are) gone.

10. Most of the seats (was-were) taken.

1. Margo and her parents (visit-visits) each other often.

2. Either the cups or the glasses (are-is) in the dishwasher.

3. Vern and Fred (need-needs) a ride to work.

4. There (is-are) a dog, a cat, and a bird in the garage.

5. Neither Matt nor his brothers (was-were) at the party.

6. Here into the main ring of the circus (come-comes) the trained elephants.

7. Either the workers or the boss (deliver-delivers) the merchandise.

8. The committee (work-works) hard for better schools.

9. There (is-are) many things to do before the holidays.

10. The jury (was-were) polled for their verdicts.

11. Here (is-are) the nails you need for the projects.

12. Either Joyce or Ellen (was-were) here.

13. The United States (is-are) a country of contrast.

14. A magazine and a book (was-were) lying on the floor.

15. The family (is-are) occupied with their individual problems

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