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2. Read the interview about a Canadian family. Use the questions to speak about a typical Russian family.

Q: Hello.


Q: Could you say a few words about yourself?

My name is Caitlin Murphy. I'm from Toronto, Canada. I'm twenty five years old. I live in Toronto.

Q: Caitlin, could you describe a typical Canadian family?

The typical Canadian family consists of two parents and usually two children. The children are typically about 5 years apart in age, and parents are usually about thirty years old when they have their children.

Q: What age do people usually get married at?

These days people try to get education first, that's why they usually get married several years after they graduate from university. So if people finish university at the age of twenty two, usually they get married at about the age of twenty eight.

Q: Do the young take into account their parents' opinion, when they are going to get married?

Usually people choose their own spouse. Arranged marriage is very uncommon.

Q: Is it uncommon, when married children live with their parents?

It happens often after people first get married, but they live with their parents for some time, perhaps, they are waiting for their house to be built or something like this, and then they will live with their parents, but it's not common for people to live with their parents for a very long time.

Q: Is divorce a common thing nowadays?

Approximately, fifty percent of marriages end up in divorce.

Q: What age do young people usually move out of their parents' house?

Usually people move out of their parents' house in Canada, when they're in their late teenage years, or the early adult years. Usually a lot of people move away to go to school. It is not typical that somebody would be in their twenties and still living with their parents, because it is possible to find affordable accommodation, so people generally don't wish to live at their parents' at an older age.

Q: Do grandparents normally live together with their children and grandchildren?

It is not typical for grandparents to live with their children and grandchildren, except in case of recent immigrants, who come to Canada and they all live together as it's typical in their culture.

3. А) Read and translate the text. My Aunt Emily

Of all my relatives, I like my Aunt Emily the best. She’s my mother’s youngest sister. She has never married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She’s in her late fifties, but she’s quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun, and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

She likes reading and gardening, and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog, Buster. She’s a very active person. Either she’s making something, or mending something, or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her. I hope that I am as happy and contented as she is when I’m her age.

В) Speak about a member of your family. Include the following:

- your opinion of the person

- physical description

- his/her character, habits, likes and dislikes