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Яницкая Л. К. Английский в дипломатии и политике. Часть 1 (I)

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3.It was supposed that all participants had accepted the rules.

4.It is said that Frenchmen are puzzled by the vehemence of English political debates.

5.It is considered that the English are always preferring practical compromise to theoretical exactness.

6 It is claimed that the English were the first people in Europe who tried and executed their king.

7. It is assumed that the character of the British people has been

misjudged for many centuries.

К Now we may consider that the problem is settled.

9 К is expected that the conflicting nations will eventually come to a compromise.

10. Why is it considered that I should be responsible for it? I I They say that he is the best m the profession.

12.She didn't expect that he would write often.

13.They say the retirement was a tragedy for him. The company told him that he should leave (make).

14.It was reported that the troops had advanced to the border.

15.There is a letter I expect that you will translate.

16.He has not heard that she has ever mentioned his name.

17.Can he trust us? It is impossible, (make)

18.It is alleged that the minister has taken bribes.

Exercise 71

("hange the sentences so as to use Pattern 1 with appropriate Infinitive forms.

i This part of land was once under the sea. (believe)

2.Л number of famous writers of the past were doctors, (know)

3.This test was to be the final one. (suppose)

4.He is the best candidate to the post, (consider)

5.The negotiations are reaching a decisive stage, (say)

6. The laws are respected by the vast majority of people, (say)

7.A new epidemic of the flu has been sweeping Europe for the last two months, (report)

8.The differences between them have been growing lately, (seem)

9.The air was growing colder, (feel)


10. The conference was to have started before the New Year but it didn't, (expect)

11.The character of British people has been misjudged for many centuries, (assume)

12.The English as a nation have felt secure centuries, (know)

13.They have always looked down on other nations, (say)

14.England was invaded by many tribes, (know)

15.The newspaper wrote that the cabinet disagreed with the prime minister, (allege)

Exercise 72

Translate the sentences into English.

1.Говорят, что обсуждение проблемы уже началось.

2.Сообщается, что делегация прибудет на следующей неделе.

3.Его никогда не видели таким смущенным.

4.Полагают, что комитет уже принял решение.

5.Слышно было, как люди громко спорили.

6.Как известно, британский английский отличается от его американской разновидности.

7.Слышали, что новый проект закона долго обсуждался

8.Предполагалось, что мы встретимся после экзаменов

9.Казалось маловероятным, чтобы возникли какиб-либо трудности.

10.Говорят, что этот проект поможет сэкономить средства

11.Известно, что этот законопроект разрабатывается уже год.

12.Наконец-то, можно считать, что исследование закончено.

13.Никто не ожидал, что суд продлится так долго.

14.Считают, что английский язык будет продолжать меняться.

15.Считают, что с ним трудно найти общий язык.

16.Известно, что многие писатели были врачами.

17.Говорят, что он, якобы, занял у вас большую сумму денег.

18.Предполагается, что все условия договора будут приняты.

19.Известно, что язык меняется со временем.

20.Полагают, что такие привычки приобретаются в детстве.


It seems they have been considering the matter for 3 hours.
It appeared7 seemed that there was no way out There was apparently /seemingly no way out. There didn *t appear /seem to be a way out.
It seems / appears that English will not stop spreading. Apparently / seemingly English will not stop spreading. English doesn 4 seem / appear to stop spreading.
Follow the
Exercise 75
Rephrase ike sentences according to Pattern 2 (a). model
Exercise 74
Pitt the verbs in the brackets in the appmpriate Infinitive form.
1. English patriotism appears (base) on a deep sense of security 2. The English do not seem (keep) to any religious or social ideas
3. The monarchy appeared (be) strong and (grow) stronger at hom e and abroad.
4. By 950 England seemed (become) rich and peaceful again after the troubles of the Viking invasion.
5. The Norman conquest seemed (draw) nearer.
6. James I appeared (prefer) (rule) without Parliament.
7. Charles's authority appeared (accept) more completely than the authority of an English king for centuries.
8. He seems (be able) (balance) his budgets and (make) the administration efficient.
9. The first signs of trouble between Crown and Parliament seemed (come) in 1601.
10. Despite the differences between Anglo-Saxons and Celts, the Celtic bishops seem (accept) readily in Anglo-Saxon areas.
11. Most of these bishops appear (come) from churches and monasteries along Europe's vital trade routes
12. You only seem (read) the text, in (act you are dreaming 13. He seems (contribute) most to the common cause
14. The word appears (acquire) a n e w meaning in this contexi 15. The context does not seem (help) you (understand) the word

P a t t e r n 2

Noun /pronoun + active Verb -f to-Infinitive

a appear /seem + all Infinitive forms - по-видимому, по всей видимости, кажется . \.

e.g. He seems / appears to have been learning English long. - Кажется, on долго учит английский.

You don 4 seem / appear to be listening to me. ~ Кажется, ты меня не слушаешь.

bturn out/prove + to be - оказывается

g He turns out /proves to be a good friend. - Оказывается, он хороший


The task turned out /proved to be difficult. - Задача оказалась трудной.

с happen + all Infinitive forms - случайно, случилось так;

e.g. Do you happen to have heard anything about the incident? - Вы, случайно, не слышали что-нибудь об этом инциденте?

We happened to come to tenns. -Мы все-таки пришли к согласию.

Exercise 73

Translate the sentences containing the verbs seem /appear.

I The faci that English has become the most important language for the intcrnationaJ community seems to be irreversible.

2.English appears to have accepted a great number of words from other languages.

3.Most men and boys seem to enjoy looking for danger

4.r rhe man's mind appeared to be working with extraordinary freedom.

5.He doesn V seem to have been affected by the event in any way.

6.He appears to have been learning English since childhood.

7.The language barrier didn Y appear to prevent their communication.

8.You don ft seem to be following me.


2.It appears that any other language is more difficult to learn than English.

3.It doesn't seem that you will be able to acquire fluency in such a short period.

4. It appears there are a lot of people willing to learn English.

5.It appears that English has accepted a great number of words from other languages.

6.It seemed that an agreement was hard to come to.

7. It appeared that there weren't enough copies of the project.

8.It appeared that the resolution was not adopted.

9.It appeared that he was losing patience.

10, II seems they haven't heard all about it.

l i l t seems he didn't realize that he might lose the


12 It appears there was a mistake in the text of the


Exercise 76

Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the verbs in the brackets according to Pattern 2 (a).

1. Esperanto has lost competition with English in becoming an international language (appear).

2. Now English does not only belong to the English (seem).

3.The expansion of English will not be stopped by anyone, (appear).

4.The language of political correctness was invented in the U.S. (seem)

5 Idioms are difficult to learn, (seem).


There are different slang words m different communities,



There is a lot of difference between a public school in Britain and


a public school in the US (seem).

8.The Internet is changing (appear).

9.Lingua Franca has become a compromise language (appear).

10.Early contacts between settlers and natives led to the formation of pidgin languages (seem).

Exercise 77

Translate the sentences into English.

1.Мне кажется, я вас знаю. Похоже, мы какое-то время вместе работали.

2.Кажется, я никогда его не видел.

3.По-видимому, они договорились.

4.Похоже на то. что в доме кто-то есть.

5.Кажется, за мной кто-то шел. когда я возвращалась домой.

6.Вы как будто меня не слушаете.

7.Вам, кажется, не нравится наше предложение.

8.По всей видимости, вы просто не поняли друг друга.

9.Процесс глобализации кажется необратимым.

10.Очевидно, что компьютерные технологии способствовали расширенному использованию английского языка.

Exercise 78

Translate the sentences following Pattern 2 (b).

1. English has proved to be easier to learn than other languages.

2.The matter turns out to be gaining in importance with every day

3.Their program proved to be too reasonable to triumph

4. King Alfred turned out to be strong enough to make ;i !fe;il\ will» the Vikings.

5.The Stuarts proved to be true to their beliefs.

6.In the end the decisions proved to be short-sighted.

7.My fears have proved to be groundless.

Exercise 79

Rephrase the sentences according to Pattern 3 (b). Follow the


Model: It turned out that the two parties were of the same opinion on the problem.

The two parties turned out to be of the same opinion on the problem.

1.It turned out that he was a reliable person.

2.It turns out that he is right.




It turned out that the conflict was difficult to solve.


It turns out that the two parties are unprepared for taiks.


It turned out that there was no room for all

of us.



It turned out that the task was not difficult.




It turns out that we are incapable of finding

a way

out of the





It proved that the language of the article was quite



It proved that it was impossible to come to terms with the man.


It proves that it is difficult to learn English


Exercise 80

Translate the sentences into English,

1.Он оказался очень внимательным сыном.

2.Оказалось, достаточно легко выучить разговорный английский.

3.Оказывается, ты очень общительный.

4.Оказалось, что невозможно встретиться с ним наедине.

5.Ваши условия оказались неприемлемыми.

6.Переговоры оказались трудными.

7.Книга, которую мне дали, оказалась скучной.

8.Эта фирма оказалась надежным партнером.

Exercise 81

translate the sentences following Pattern 2 (c),

I ()ur ways never happened to cross.

2.I le happened to acquire an American accent when he stayed in the United States.

3.There happen to be a lot of mistakes m your test

4.Do you happen to remember this fact?

5. He happens to have gained the reputation of a fair man.

6.She happens to be living in London now

7.I don't happen to remember this fact.


Exercise 82

Rephrase the sentences according to Pattern 2 (c). Follow the model

Model: It so happened that the Celts were pushed by the Romans to the north.

The Celts happened to be pushed by the Romans to the north.

1.It happened that England was invaded from many sides.

2.It happens that the Celtic language has survived in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

3.It happens that there is no obvious solution to the problem.

4.It so happened that French became the language of diplomacy.

5.It so happened that we didn't know each other at the time.

6.It happens that we have known each other since childhood.

7.It happened that I was present at the opening session.

8.It happened that when I came he was still being questioned.

9.It happened that everybody had taken the problem seriously.

10.It happens that I don't know this man.

Exercise 83

Translate the sentences into English.

1.Случилось так, что меня не было дома, когда ОН ЗВОНИЛ

2.Мы, случайно, раньше не встречались?

3.Происходит так, многие языки заимствуют все больше ело» из английского.

4.Как произошло, что вы наконец смогли договориться4?

5.Так случилось, что обе стороны в это время вели переговоры


6.Может случится так, что срок президентства будет продлен.

7.Я как-то не припоминаю ваше лицо.

8.Получается, что мы так и не нашли общего языка.

9.Как получилось, что он одержал верх в споре?

10.Где ты приобрел этот акцент?


P a t t e rn 3

Noun /pronoun + be + adjective + to-Infinitive

The verb 6bey + certain /sure/likely /unlikely (несомненно, определенно, вероятно, маловероятно) is followed mostly by an Indefinite Infinitive and refers the activity to the future.

e.g. He is sure/certain to come late. - Он, несомненно, придет поздно. This is (un)likety to happen. (Мало)вероятно, что это произойдет.

Exercise #4

Translate the sentences according to Pattern 3.

1. We have not become one world, but we are likely to be on the way to acquiring one language.

2. The U.S. is certain to be the greatest contributor to the UN budget.

3. Idioms are certain to be difficult to leam.

4.These reforms are sure to have far-reaching consequences.

5.The truth is likely to come out sooner or later.

Exercise 85


the sentences following the model



It Is

*was (un) likely / certain /sure that we will / would never see


other again

We Ote / were (un) likely / certain / sure to never see each other again.

I His certain that English will be gaining more and more ground.

2.It was likely that Britain would never feel secure again.

3.I doubt that he will be looking for reasons.

4.It is more likely that the nuclear arms race will result in war than deter an attack.

5.It is sure that you will find idiomatic English difficult to leam.

6.It is unlikely that any other language except English can become a global language.

7.Judging by the course of the talks they will be successful.

8.We are sure that everything will turn out all right.

9.He has surely noticed the mistake.

10.I am certain the treatment will help you.

11.I don't think the answer will please him.

12.It was clear that the news would be much commented on.

Exercise 86

Put the verbs in the brackets in the appropriate Infinitive form.

1.The first visitors are sure (influence) by stereotypes.

2.Britons are unlikely (consider) retirement abroad.

3.Ask no questions and you are certain (tell) no lies.

4.For many years the Picts and the Scots were sure (come down) from the north on to their less hardy neighbours.

5.For his successes in war Alfred is certain (deserve) the title of "Great".

6.The invasion is certain (take) place in the sixth century.

7.Charles knew that his army was unlikely (win) against the Scots.

8.People acting separately are likely (fail), for strength lies in unity.

Exercise 87

Translate the sentences using the Complex Subject structure.

1.Такие вещи вряд ли происходят случайно

2.Весьма вероятно, что он вспомнит твои слова.

3.Маловероятно, что они смогут приехать на переговоры.

4.Это предложение, наверняка его заинтересует.

5.Вероятно, статья будет напечатана в следующем номере.

6.Несомненно, вам будет легко общаться.

7.Похоже на то, что мы не найдем общий язык.

8.Вы обязательно найдете новые слова в этом тексте.

9.Он наверняка смотрит сейчас телевизор.

10.Вряд ли такой перевод приемлем.

11.Уверен, вы знаете, что я имею в виду.

12.Английский язык, несомненно, будет распространяться.



III. 4 F o r - Infinitive9


Patter n 4


for +

noun /pronoun + 'to9 Infinitive

Pay attention to the translation of the For-Infinitive Complex.

1.It is important for you to learn English. - Вам важно выучить английский язык.

2.Us lime for the lecture to start. - Пора начинать лекцию,

* Its all very well for you to say thai, but I was frightened. Хорошо нам это говорить, а я испугался.

4.The best thing is for him to keep silent - Ему лучше всего помолчать.

5.The decision is for you to take. - Решение принимать вам.

6.We are waiting for you to say something on the subject

Мы ждем, когда вы скажете что-нибудь по этому вопросу.

7.I have said it for everybody to hear. - Я сказал это, чтобы все слышали.

8.They say there is no need for Americans to leara foreign languages. - Говорят, что американцам нет необходимости учить иностранные языки.

9.The text was too difficult for the students to understand. Студентам было слишком трудно понять этот текст.

Ю The text is easy enough for you to read it without a dictionary*. ! )IOI гекст достаточно легкий, чтобы вы перевели его

без словаря.

Exercise 88

Translate the sentences containing the For-Infimtive Complex.

1.The king arranged for his son to be crowned as his successor.

2.English is accepted as the most important language for the international community to learn.

3.It is important for people all over the world to have a common language to communicate easily.

4.It is difficult for even English speakers to read and understand Chaucer's poems.

5.The older a person grows, the more difficult it is for him or her to acquire new friends.

6.It's all very well for you to give advice, and it's for me to take a decision.

7r. There is nothing for you to do but leave at once.

8.Don't you find it strange for her to have kept it secret so long.

9.It's high time for all of us to leave.

10.It's all very well for him to judge. He was not there.

Exercise 89

Rephrase the underlined parts of sentences so that you may use the For-Infinitive structure.

1.The lecturer spoke loudly and clearly so that everyone in the hall could hear him.

2.The arrangements have been made so that the speeches might be interpreted in all the languages.

3.To communicate freely among themselves people need a common language,

4> In order that a language should become international it musl mccl certain requirements.

5.If you want to be accepted well when in Britain, don i trv to ipeak and behave like the English, be natural.

6.If they wish to settle the conflict, they will have to come to terms.

7.It is 10 o'clock in the evening. You must go to bed. (It's time ... ) 8- You are laughing, and I am hurt.

9.It is harder to ieam languages when you grow older.

10.There is nothing that he can do but to apologize for his mistake.

Exercise 90

Translate the sentences using the For-Infinitive Complex into English.

!. Решение принимать вам. 2. Хорошо ему судить других



3.Я повторяю это, чтобы ты понял мою мысль,

4.Чтобы выучить язык, ты должен много заниматься.

5.Вам пора идти домой.

6.Чтобы кампания была успешной, надо действовать активно.

7.Тебе ничего не остается, как извиниться.

8.Нельзя будет договориться, если мы не пойдем на уступки.

9.Мне трудно примириться со своим положением.

10.Ты легко справишься с этой задачей самостоятельно.

11 Легко тебе говорить, что все будет хорошо, а я волнуюсь. 12. Вам будет необходимо найти с ним общий язык.

I > Ему очень важно получить знания в этой области.

14.Гебе решать, что делать дальше.

15.Чтобы принять решение, необходимо прийти к согласию.

Exercise 91

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Infinitive form with or without 4o\

a. Writing a paragraph

A paragraph is known (1 be) a separate section of a larger piece of writing which we break into paragraphs (2 make) it easier (3 follow). Each paragraph is a collection of sentences about a single topic. The opening sentence is supposed (4 indicate) what the topic is going (5 be) and is known (6 call) topic sentence. The final sentence which happens (7 call) terminator is expected (8 return) to the general topic and (*> repeat) the first sentence in different words.

The topic sentence should not (10 express) in too general terms. Ideally it should challenge the reader's attention and make him (11 want) (12 read) on.

One must (13 arrange) the ideas in a logical sequence. (14 achieve) a smooth flow of ideas within the paragraph one can (15 repeat) the key words and phrases, use a pronoun (16 refer) to a word in the previous sentence, and use connectives and transitional phrases, such as first, second, etc, after a while, meanwhile, however, soon, at last, at the same time, moreover, then, finally, on the one hand, yet, later, as a result, on the other hand, but.


b. The Pilgrims

The pilgrims were puritans, that is to say, people of England who objected to the form of religious services used in the Church of Eng land. King James punished all who refused (1 follow) laws and traditions of the Church and (2 contribute) money (3 support) it. Tho people had (4 leave) their country and went to Holland trying (5 find) religious freedom there. But they were not allowed (6 own) land ill Holland and. besides, they did not wantr their children (7 grow) up and (8 become) Dutch-speaking people. They wanted (9 remain) English; so they soon returned to England with the idea of leaving for Amm< fl There they hoped (10 build) homes and start a new life based 0П thdl own ideals of religious and civil rights. Pilgrim Fathers decided (I I form) a colony that should (12govern) by just and equal laws eitab lished by common agreement.

с Made in the USA

The American style of life is known (I influence) people in COUIIIIICN as far apart as Russia and Brazil for quite a time This influeni в l HI ( ! see) in all kinds of ways, from the clothes we wcai to the food \\«' Ш When you switch on the TV (3 watch) a feature film, it is likely

(4 be) an American movie, at least chances are nine oul Oi ten Пи most obvious influence of American culture is (5 follow) through the use of English as the international language of communication. If h were not for the importance of American economic influence on the world, many people would not (6 bother) (7 learn) English at all. English appears (8 acquire) the advantage over other languages by offering a complete package: it is known (9 accept) as the language of international science for a long way now; it has proved (10 be) the language of computers, pop music and many international organizations. Above all, English appears (1 Ibe) the first and second language in many countries in the world.


dL Old Latin still alive

Latin is known (1 be) the language of ancient Rome. With the spread of Roman pow7er Latin seems (2 cany) to every part of the known ancient world and became the dominant tongue of Western Europe. The colloquial speech of cultured Romans is certain (3 find) in the comedies of Plautus, the letters of Cicero, the Satires of Horace, etc. It is characterized by freedom of syntax, by the presence of numerous interjections, and by the frequent use of Greek words.

The colloquial speech of polite society is not (4 confuse) with the language of the poor and uneducated classes, which shows a greater

disregard for

syntax, a love of new words, and a striving for simplic-

ity, especially

in word order.

Latin is also known (5 be) the language of letters in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Even for the people in general, Latin continued (6 be) a living language, because the church was likely (7 provide) a huge mass of ecclesiastical literature both in prose and poetry. The language, however, underwent many essential changes, but it happened (8 change) far less during this period than did either French or English.

In the 15th andl6th centuries N e w Latin, also called modem Latin,

came into being.

Almost all books of importance were written in Latin

at this time, and

Latin used (9 be) the medium of diplomatic inter-

course among European nations


Not until the end of the 17th century did

Latin stop being used as

an international tongue. During the 18th and

19th centuries, however,

it remained the language of classical school The Roman Catholic Church is known still (10 use) Latin as the language of its official documents.

e. Feed in English, print out French

Once upon a time, according to a much-told story, a computer was set

a task. It was supposed (1 translate) 'traffic j a m ' into French and


back into

English. The machine

was heard (2 buzz) and (3 click), it

was seen (4 blink) its lights and eventually it came up with

v car-


marmalade'. Machine

translation is sure (5 come) a






way since then. Computer translation systems seem (6 appear and 7 use) in many parts of the world. Not surprisingly the E.U. happens (8 involve). With so many official languages, translating and interpreting are reported (9 take) up more than fifty percent of the Community's administrative budget. But although the efficiency of machine translation is improving rapidly, human translators are unlikely (10 make) redundant. On the contrary, people and machines work together in harmony. Today's computers are considered (11 be) of little value in translating literary works, where subtlety is vital, or the spoken word, which tends (12 be) ungrammatical, or important texts, where absolute accuracy is essential. But for routine technical reports, working papers and the like, which are known (13 take) up so much of the translation workload of international organizations, computers are likely (14 play) an increasing role. The method of operation will probably (15 be) for the machine (16 make) a rough version, which the translator is supposed (17 edit) then, correcting obvious errors, and where necessary referring back to the original.

If machines can (18 translate) languages, could they ever (19 teach) languages? Yes, say enthusiasts, although they doubt that the teacher could ever (20 replace) totally by a machine in the classroom Good old teachers know best!


I I .




The topical vocabulary to be remembered


to authorize v.


наделять властью, поручать,


syn. to approve




санкционировать, одобрять


authority n.





1. авторитет, власть, руководство;





authorities n. (pi.)

2. документ


органы управления, руководители


authorization n.



санкция, разрешение



adj. (ly) adv.



авторитетный (но), властный (но)


authoritarian (rule) adj.



авторитарное (правление)






to maintain v. (at some level)


1. поддерживать; сохранять;


syn. to state, to assert


2. утверждать


maintenance n.


1. поддержание, сохранение;





2. утверждение;


economic adj.


3. ремонт, эксплуатация



Do not confuse with:




economical adj.



/ distinguish between the nouns:




e< onomics n.



1. экономика как наука;


economy n.



2. экономика отрасли




1. экономика как система,







economist n.



2. способ экономии средств






to economize





to relate v. / to link / to connect

1. связывать, соотноситься);





2. рассказывать, сообщать


relation n.



1. связь, отношение;

2. родственник; 3. рассказ


relations n.


отношения, родственники


to maintain / to conduct relations

поддерживать отношения


to break off relations



прервать отношения




отношение(я), зависимость


relative adj, (ly)adv.



относительный (но)


relative n.





to dominate v. / to rise above

преобладать, господствовать


dominance n.





(of a person or thing in a field) n.




domination (of) n.


(высшая) власть, господство


dominant adj.










policy n.


политика, политический курс,




метод(ы)управления, план


national / public /



государственная /


domestic / home /





foreign policy



внешняя политика


to conduct / to carry out a policy


проводить политику


policies n. (pi.)



программа, план,

Do not confuse with








politics n. (with a sing.verb)


политика, наука управления,


to get into / to engage in politics


политические дела



заняться политикой


to get out of/ to give up / to quit


бросить политику


big politics



большая политика


politics n. (with a pl.verb)






политические взгляды


politician n.




политик, политический деятель


political adj.










to negotiate v.

вести переговоры, договариваться


negotiations n. / talks





to conduct / to carry out / on /


вести переговоры


to hold negotiations





negotiator п.


переговорщик, посредник








to appoint v. (to a pest)


назначить (на должность)


appointment n.


назначение, пост, должность


appointee n.


назначенец, назначенный




на должность


to respond v. (to)


отвечать, реагировать


response n.


ответ5 отклик, реакция


responsive adj.




responsible (to sb. for st.) adj.

ответственный (за)


responsibility n.






обязанность, долг


to lay responsibility (on)


возложить ответственность


to handle / to take / assume /

взять / принять на себя


to accept responsibility




to share responsibility


разделить ответственность


to carry out / to fulfill /


исполнять обязанности


to execute responsibilities



to involve v. (sth, doing)


1) включать в себя;




2) вовлекать; 3) требовать


to be / get involved (In)


участвовать, быть замешанным


involved adj.


1) сложный, запутанный;


syn. considered


2) рассматриваемый, данный


involvement n.


участие, вовлечение,





II, to represeni (sb) v,


представлять (к-л),


syn. to act on behalf


выступать от имени


representative п., adj.








representation n.



Do not confuse with




to present sth to sb


представлять (ч-л), вручать


to present sb with sth




present n.


дар, подарок


present adj.


настоящий, присутствующий


presently adv.


в настоящее время


presentation n.

представление, вручение, презентация





Exercise 1

Study the use of the topical vocabulary in the context, translate the sentences into Russian.

authorize, authority, authorization, authoritative(Iy), authoritarian

1. The signing of the resolution is to be authorized by Parliament.

2.The Ambassador's authority dominates in the embassy.

3.An authority to handle such matters is to be established.

4.1 would like you to show me your authority to act on his behalf. 5. The authorities of the community refused to consider our needs.

6.His authoritative opinion was taken into consideration.

7.It was authoritatively claimed that the taxes would not be raised.

8.No arrest of an individual is possible without an authorization of the court.

9.No democracy is possible under an authoritarian rule.

appoint, appointment, appointee

1. British prime-minister is officially appointed by the Queen.

2.The appointments to the Cabinet are made by the Prime ministei

3.You can be received only by appointment

4.Any appointee to a diplomatic post must possess certain important qualifications.

dominate, dominance, domination, dominant

1.Britain dominated the world trade in the 19th century.

2.Churchill had a forceful character and his dominance in the House of Commons was clearly felt.

3.Napoleon's domination on the Continent encouraged him to prepare an invasion of the British Isles.

4.Domination of Britain in the sea was unchallenged at the time.

5.France grew more and more dominant in the field of diplomacy and imposed not only its rules but also the language.